lens-4.5: Lenses, Folds and Traversals

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Lenses for working with Data.List.Split


Splitting Folds

splitting :: Splitter a -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal according to the given splitting strategy.

 splitting :: Splitter a -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

splittingOn :: Eq a => [a] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal on the given delimiter.

Equivalent to splitting . dropDelims . onSublist.

 splittingOn :: Eq a => [a] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

splittingOneOf :: Eq a => [a] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal on any of the given elements.

Equivalent to splitting . dropDelims . oneOf.

 splittingOn :: Eq a => [a] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

splittingWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal on elements satisfying the given predicate.

Equivalent to splitting . dropDelims . whenElt.

 splittingWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

endingBy :: Eq a => [a] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into chunks terminated by the given delimiter.

Equivalent to splitting . dropDelims . onSublist.

 endingBy :: Eq a => [a] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

endingByOneOf :: Eq a => [a] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into chunks terminated by any of the given elements.

Equivalent to splitting . dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . oneOf.

 endingByOneOf :: Eq a => [a] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

wordingBy :: (a -> Bool) -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into words, with word boundaries indicated by the given predicate.

Equivalent to splitting . dropBlanks . dropDelims . whenElt.

 wordingBy :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

liningBy :: (a -> Bool) -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into lines, with line boundaries indicated by the given predicate.

Equivalent to splitting . dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . whenElt.

 liningBy :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]



:: Int
-> Getting (Endo [a]) s a 
-> Fold s [a] 

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into length-n pieces.

>>> "48656c6c6f20776f726c64"^..chunking 2 folded.hex.to chr
"Hello world"
 chunking :: Int -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

splittingPlaces :: Integral n => [n] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into chunks of the given lengths, .

 splittingPlaces :: Integral n => [n] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

splittingPlacesBlanks :: Integral n => [n] -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> Fold s [a]Source

Obtain a Fold by splitting another Fold, Lens, Getter or Traversal into chunks of the given lengths. Unlike splittingPlaces, the output Fold will always be the same length as the first input argument.

 splittingPlacesBlanks :: Integral n => [n] -> Fold s a -> Fold s [a]

Lenses for Splitter Internals

delimiters :: Lens (Splitter a) (Splitter b) [a -> Bool] [b -> Bool]Source

Modify or retrieve the list of delimiters for a Splitter.

delimiting :: Lens' (Splitter a) DelimPolicySource

Modify or retrieve the policy for what a Splitter to do with delimiters.

condensing :: Lens' (Splitter a) CondensePolicySource

Modify or retrieve the policy for what a Splitter should about consecutive delimiters.

keepInitialBlanks :: Lens' (Splitter a) BoolSource

Modify or retrieve the policy for whether a Splitter should drop an initial blank.

keepFinalBlanks :: Lens' (Splitter a) BoolSource

Modify or retrieve the policy for whether a Splitter should drop a final blank.