lens-4.5: Lenses, Folds and Traversals

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



This module provides combinators for breadth-first searching within arbitrary traversals.



data Level i a Source

This data type represents a path-compressed copy of one level of a source data structure. We can safely use path-compression because we know the depth of the tree.

Path compression is performed by viewing a Level as a PATRICIA trie of the paths into the structure to leaves at a given depth, similar in many ways to a IntMap, but unlike a regular PATRICIA trie we do not need to store the mask bits merely the depth of the fork.

One invariant of this structure is that underneath a Two node you will not find any Zero nodes, so Zero can only occur at the root.


TraversableWithIndex i (Level i) 
FoldableWithIndex i (Level i) 
FunctorWithIndex i (Level i) 
Functor (Level i) 
Foldable (Level i) 
Traversable (Level i) 
(Eq i, Eq a) => Eq (Level i a) 
(Ord i, Ord a) => Ord (Level i a) 
(Read i, Read a) => Read (Level i a) 
(Show i, Show a) => Show (Level i a) 

levels :: ATraversal s t a b -> IndexedTraversal Int s t (Level () a) (Level () b)Source

This provides a breadth-first Traversal of the individual levels of any other Traversal via iterative deepening depth-first search. The levels are returned to you in a compressed format.

This can permit us to extract the levels directly:

>>> ["hello","world"]^..levels (traverse.traverse)
[Zero,Zero,One () 'h',Two 0 (One () 'e') (One () 'w'),Two 0 (One () 'l') (One () 'o'),Two 0 (One () 'l') (One () 'r'),Two 0 (One () 'o') (One () 'l'),One () 'd']

But we can also traverse them in turn:

>>> ["hello","world"]^..levels (traverse.traverse).traverse

We can use this to traverse to a fixed depth in the tree of (<*>) used in the Traversal:

>>> ["hello","world"] & taking 4 (levels (traverse.traverse)).traverse %~ toUpper

Or we can use it to traverse the first n elements in found in that Traversal regardless of the depth at which they were found.

>>> ["hello","world"] & taking 4 (levels (traverse.traverse).traverse) %~ toUpper

The resulting Traversal of the levels which is indexed by the depth of each Level.

>>> ["dog","cat"]^@..levels (traverse.traverse) <. traverse

Note: Internally this is implemented by using an illegal Applicative, as it extracts information in an order that violates the Applicative laws.

ilevels :: AnIndexedTraversal i s t a b -> IndexedTraversal Int s t (Level i a) (Level j b)Source

This provides a breadth-first Traversal of the individual levels of any other Traversal via iterative deepening depth-first search. The levels are returned to you in a compressed format.

This is similar to levels, but retains the index of the original IndexedTraversal, so you can access it when traversing the levels later on.

>>> ["dog","cat"]^@..ilevels (traversed<.>traversed).itraversed

The resulting Traversal of the levels which is indexed by the depth of each Level.

>>> ["dog","cat"]^@..ilevels (traversed<.>traversed)<.>itraversed

Note: Internally this is implemented by using an illegal Applicative, as it extracts information in an order that violates the Applicative laws.