lens-4.5: Lenses, Folds and Traversals

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy







data Magma i t b a whereSource

This provides a way to peek at the internal structure of a Traversal or IndexedTraversal


MagmaAp :: Magma i (x -> y) b a -> Magma i x b a -> Magma i y b a 
MagmaPure :: x -> Magma i x b a 
MagmaFmap :: (x -> y) -> Magma i x b a -> Magma i y b a 
Magma :: i -> a -> Magma i b b a 


TraversableWithIndex i (Magma i t b) 
FoldableWithIndex i (Magma i t b) 
FunctorWithIndex i (Magma i t b) 
Functor (Magma i t b) 
Foldable (Magma i t b) 
Traversable (Magma i t b) 
(Show i, Show a) => Show (Magma i t b a) 

runMagma :: Magma i t a a -> tSource

Run a Magma where all the individual leaves have been converted to the expected type


newtype Molten i a b t Source

This is a a non-reassociating initially encoded version of Bazaar.




runMolten :: Magma i t b a


IndexedComonad (Molten i) 
IndexedFunctor (Molten i) 
Sellable (Indexed i) (Molten i) 
Bizarre (Indexed i) (Molten i) 
Functor (Molten i a b) 
Applicative (Molten i a b) 
~ * a b => Comonad (Molten i a b) 
Apply (Molten i a b) 


data Mafic a b t Source

This is used to generate an indexed magma from an unindexed source

By constructing it this way we avoid infinite reassociations in sums where possible.


Mafic Int (Int -> Magma Int t b a) 


IndexedFunctor Mafic 
Sellable (->) Mafic 
Bizarre (Indexed Int) Mafic 
Functor (Mafic a b) 
Applicative (Mafic a b) 
Apply (Mafic a b) 

runMafic :: Mafic a b t -> Magma Int t b aSource

Generate a Magma using from a prefix sum.


data TakingWhile p g a b t Source

This is used to generate an indexed magma from an unindexed source

By constructing it this way we avoid infinite reassociations where possible.

In TakingWhile p g a b t, g has a nominal role to avoid exposing an illegal _|_ via Contravariant, while the remaining arguments are degraded to a nominal role by the invariants of Magma


TakingWhile Bool t (Bool -> Magma () t b (Corep p a)) 


Corepresentable p => Bizarre p (TakingWhile p g) 
IndexedFunctor (TakingWhile p f) 
Functor (TakingWhile p f a b) 
Applicative (TakingWhile p f a b) 
Contravariant f => Contravariant (TakingWhile p f a b) 
Apply (TakingWhile p f a b) 

runTakingWhile :: Corepresentable p => TakingWhile p f a b t -> Magma () t b (Corep p a)Source

Generate a Magma with leaves only while the predicate holds from left to right.