learning-hmm- Yet another library for hidden Markov models

Safe HaskellNone




data HMM s o Source

Parameter set of the hidden Markov model. Direct use of the constructor is not recommended. Instead, call new or init.




states :: [s]

Hidden states

outputs :: [o]


initialStateDist :: Categorical Double s

Categorical distribution of initial states

transitionDist :: s -> Categorical Double s

Categorical distribution of next states conditioned by the previous states

emissionDist :: s -> Categorical Double o

Categorical distribution of outputs conditioned by the hidden states


(Show s, Show o) => Show (HMM s o) 

new :: (Ord s, Ord o) => [s] -> [o] -> HMM s o Source

new states outputs returns a model from the states and outputs. The initialStateDist and emissionDist are set to be uniform distributions. The transitionDist is specified as follows: with probability 1/2, move to the same state, otherwise, move to a random state (which might be the same state).

>>> new [1, 2 :: Int] ['C', 'D']
HMM {states = [1,2], outputs = "CD", initialStateDist = fromList [(0.5,1),(0.5,2)], transitionDist = [(fromList [(0.75,1),(0.25,2)],1),(fromList [(0.25,1),(0.75,2)],2)], emissionDist = [(fromList [(0.5,'C'),(0.5,'D')],1),(fromList [(0.5,'C'),(0.5,'D')],2)]}

init :: (Ord s, Ord o) => [s] -> [o] -> RVar (HMM s o) Source

init states outputs returns a random variable of the model with states and outputs, wherein parameters are sampled from uniform distributions.

withEmission :: (Ord s, Ord o) => HMM s o -> [o] -> HMM s o Source

model `withEmission` xs returns a model in which the emissionDist is updated by using the observed outputs xs. The emissionDist is set to be normalized histograms each of which is calculated from a partial set of xs for each state. The partition is based on the most likely state path obtained by the Viterbi algorithm.

viterbi :: (Eq s, Eq o) => HMM s o -> [o] -> ([s], LogLikelihood) Source

viterbi model xs performs the Viterbi algorithm using the observed outputs xs, and returns the most likely state path and its log likelihood.

baumWelch :: (Eq s, Eq o) => HMM s o -> [o] -> [(HMM s o, LogLikelihood)] Source

baumWelch model xs performs the Baum-Welch algorithm using the observed outputs xs, and iteratively returns a list of updated models and their corresponding log likelihoods.

simulate :: HMM s o -> Int -> RVar ([s], [o]) Source

simulate model t generates a Markov process of length t using the model, and returns its state path and observed outputs.