learn-physics-0.6.5: Haskell code for learning physics

Copyright(c) Scott N. Walck 2011-2019
LicenseBSD3 (see LICENSE)
MaintainerScott N. Walck <walck@lvc.edu>
Safe HaskellSafe




This module defines some basic vector functionality. It uses the same internal data representation as SimpleVec, but declares Vec to be an instance of VectorSpace. We import zeroV, negateV, sumV, ^+^, ^-^ from AdditiveGroup, and *^, ^*, ^/, <.>, magnitude from VectorSpace.

CarrotVec exports exactly the same symbols as SimpleVec; they are just defined differently.



data Vec Source #

A type for vectors.

Eq Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CommonVec


(==) :: Vec -> Vec -> Bool #

(/=) :: Vec -> Vec -> Bool #

Show Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CommonVec


showsPrec :: Int -> Vec -> ShowS #

show :: Vec -> String #

showList :: [Vec] -> ShowS #

VectorSpace Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CarrotVec

Associated Types

type Scalar Vec :: Type #


(*^) :: Scalar Vec -> Vec -> Vec #

InnerSpace Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CarrotVec


(<.>) :: Vec -> Vec -> Scalar Vec #

AdditiveGroup Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CarrotVec


zeroV :: Vec #

(^+^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec #

negateV :: Vec -> Vec #

(^-^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec #

StateSpace Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.StateSpace

Associated Types

type Diff Vec :: Type Source #


(.-.) :: Vec -> Vec -> Diff Vec Source #

(.+^) :: Vec -> Diff Vec -> Vec Source #

type Scalar Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.CarrotVec

type Scalar Vec = R
type Diff Vec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Physics.Learn.StateSpace

type Diff Vec = Vec

type R = Double Source #

xComp :: Vec -> R Source #

x component

yComp :: Vec -> R Source #

y component

zComp :: Vec -> R Source #

z component

vec Source #


:: R

x component

-> R

y component

-> R

z component

-> Vec 

Form a vector by giving its x, y, and z components.

(^+^) :: AdditiveGroup v => v -> v -> v infixl 6 #

Add vectors

(^-^) :: AdditiveGroup v => v -> v -> v infixl 6 #

Group subtraction

(*^) :: VectorSpace v => Scalar v -> v -> v infixr 7 #

Scale a vector

(^*) :: (VectorSpace v, s ~ Scalar v) => v -> s -> v infixl 7 #

Vector multiplied by scalar

(^/) :: (VectorSpace v, s ~ Scalar v, Fractional s) => v -> s -> v infixr 7 #

Vector divided by scalar

(<.>) :: InnerSpace v => v -> v -> Scalar v infixr 7 #

Inner/dot product

(><) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec infixl 7 Source #

Cross product.

magnitude :: (InnerSpace v, s ~ Scalar v, Floating s) => v -> s #

Length of a vector. See also magnitudeSq.

zeroV :: AdditiveGroup v => v #

The zero element: identity for '(^+^)'

negateV :: AdditiveGroup v => v -> v #

Additive inverse

sumV :: (Foldable f, AdditiveGroup v) => f v -> v #

Sum over several vectors

iHat :: Vec Source #

Unit vector in the x direction.

jHat :: Vec Source #

Unit vector in the y direction.

kHat :: Vec Source #

Unit vector in the z direction.

Orphan instances

VectorSpace Vec Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Scalar Vec :: Type #


(*^) :: Scalar Vec -> Vec -> Vec #

InnerSpace Vec Source # 
Instance details


(<.>) :: Vec -> Vec -> Scalar Vec #

AdditiveGroup Vec Source # 
Instance details


zeroV :: Vec #

(^+^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec #

negateV :: Vec -> Vec #

(^-^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec #