lazy-search- Finds values satisfying a lazy predicate

Safe HaskellNone




Efficient size-based search for values satisfying/falsifying a lazy boolean predicate. Predicates are typically of type a -> Bool, although an alternative boolean type called Cool is provided and using it may give faster searches.

See Control.Enumerable for defining default enumerations of data types (required for searching).



search :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO [a] Source #

Lazily finds all (non-isomorphic) values of or below a given size that satisfy a predicate.

sat :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Int -> (a -> cool) -> Bool Source #

Is there a value of or below a given size that satisfies this predicate?

ctrex :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a) => Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO (Either Integer a) Source #

Find a counterexample to the given predicate, of or below a given size. If no counterexample is found, the number of performed executions of the predicate is returned.

searchRaw :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO [(Bool, a)] Source #

Lazily finds all non-isomorphic (w.r.t. laziness) inputs to a predicate and returns them along with the result of the predicate.

usearch :: Enumerable a => Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] Source #

Unsafe version of search. Non-deterministic for some predicates.

Testing properties

test :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a, Show a) => (a -> cool) -> IO () Source #

SmallCheck-like test driver. Tests a property with gradually increasing sizes until a conunterexample is found. For each size, it shows the worst case number of tests required (if the predicate is fully eager).

testTime :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a, Show a) => Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO () Source #

Stop testing after a given number of seconds

Options for parallel conjunction

data Options Source #

Options for parallel conjunction strategies. Only matters for predicates using the Cool data type instead of Bool.





Optimal Short-circuiting


Parallel (fair)


Optimal Short-circuiting and fairness


Optimal Short-circuiting and choice-subset detection


Subset choice short-circuiting

sat' :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Options -> Int -> (a -> cool) -> Bool Source #

search' :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Options -> Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO [a] Source #

ctrex' :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a) => Options -> Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO (Either Integer a) Source #

searchRaw' :: (Enumerable a, Coolean cool) => Options -> Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO [(Bool, a)] Source #

test' :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a, Show a) => Options -> (a -> cool) -> IO () Source #

testTime' :: (Coolean cool, Enumerable a, Show a) => Options -> Int -> (a -> cool) -> IO () Source #

Deep embedded boolean type

(&&&) :: (Coolean a, Coolean b) => a -> b -> Cool infixr 3 Source #

Commutative conjunction

(|||) :: (Coolean a, Coolean b) => a -> b -> Cool infixr 2 Source #

Commutative disjunction

(==>) :: (Coolean a, Coolean b) => a -> b -> Cool Source #

Parallel implication

nott :: Coolean a => a -> Cool Source #


data Cool Source #

Concurrent booleans. Writing properties with the Cool data type often yields faster searches compared to Bool.


Atom Bool 
Not Cool 
And Cool Cool 
Seq Cool Cool

Sequential conjunction, the second operator is not evaluated unless the first is true.


class Coolean b Source #

Provides better interoperability between Bool and Cool by overloading operators.

Minimal complete definition

toCool, toBool, isCool

