{-# OPTIONS #-}
module Language.Python.Common.LexerUtils where
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Language.Python.Common.Token as Token
import Language.Python.Common.ParserMonad hiding (location)
import Language.Python.Common.SrcLocation
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 (encode)
type Byte = Word8
data BO = BOF | BOL
type StartCode = Int
type Action = SrcSpan -> Int -> String -> P Token
lineJoin :: Action
lineJoin span _len _str =
return $ LineJoinToken $ spanStartPoint span
endOfLine :: P Token -> Action
endOfLine lexToken span _len _str = do
setLastEOL $ spanStartPoint span
bolEndOfLine :: P Token -> Int -> Action
bolEndOfLine lexToken bol span len inp = do
pushStartCode bol
endOfLine lexToken span len inp
dedentation :: P Token -> Action
dedentation lexToken span _len _str = do
topIndent <- getIndent
case compare (startCol span) topIndent of
EQ -> do popStartCode
LT -> do popIndent
return dedentToken
GT -> spanError span "indentation error"
indentation :: P Token -> Int -> BO -> Action
indentation lexToken _dedentCode bo _loc _len [] = do
case bo of
BOF -> lexToken
BOL -> newlineToken
indentation lexToken dedentCode bo span _len _str = do
parenDepth <- getParenStackDepth
if parenDepth > 0
then lexToken
else do
topIndent <- getIndent
case compare (startCol span) topIndent of
EQ -> case bo of
BOF -> lexToken
BOL -> newlineToken
LT -> do pushStartCode dedentCode
GT -> do pushIndent (startCol span)
return indentToken
indentToken = IndentToken span
symbolToken :: (SrcSpan -> Token) -> Action
symbolToken mkToken location _ _ = return (mkToken location)
token :: (SrcSpan -> String -> a -> Token) -> (String -> a) -> Action
token mkToken read location len str
= return $ mkToken location literal (read literal)
literal = take len str
endOfFileToken :: Token
endOfFileToken = EOFToken SpanEmpty
dedentToken = DedentToken SpanEmpty
newlineToken :: P Token
newlineToken = do
loc <- getLastEOL
return $ NewlineToken loc
atEOLorEOF :: a -> AlexInput -> Int -> AlexInput -> Bool
atEOLorEOF _user _inputBeforeToken _tokenLength (_loc, _bs, inputAfterToken)
= null inputAfterToken || nextChar == '\n' || nextChar == '\r'
nextChar = head inputAfterToken
notEOF :: a -> AlexInput -> Int -> AlexInput -> Bool
notEOF _user _inputBeforeToken _tokenLength (_loc, _bs, inputAfterToken)
= not (null inputAfterToken)
readBinary :: String -> Integer
= toBinary . drop 2
toBinary = foldl' acc 0
acc b '0' = 2 * b
acc b '1' = 2 * b + 1
readFloat :: String -> Double
readFloat str@('.':cs) = read ('0':readFloatRest str)
readFloat str = read (readFloatRest str)
readFloatRest :: String -> String
readFloatRest [] = []
readFloatRest ['.'] = ".0"
readFloatRest (c:cs) = c : readFloatRest cs
mkString :: (SrcSpan -> String -> Token) -> Action
mkString toToken loc len str = do
return $ toToken loc (take len str)
stringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
stringToken = StringToken
rawStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
rawStringToken = StringToken
byteStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
byteStringToken = ByteStringToken
formatStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
formatStringToken = StringToken
formatRawStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
formatRawStringToken = StringToken
unicodeStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
unicodeStringToken = UnicodeStringToken
rawByteStringToken :: SrcSpan -> String -> Token
rawByteStringToken = ByteStringToken
openParen :: (SrcSpan -> Token) -> Action
openParen mkToken loc _len _str = do
let token = mkToken loc
pushParen token
return token
closeParen :: (SrcSpan -> Token) -> Action
closeParen mkToken loc _len _str = do
let token = mkToken loc
topParen <- getParen
case topParen of
Nothing -> spanError loc err1
Just open -> if matchParen open token
then popParen >> return token
else spanError loc err2
err1 = "Lexical error ! unmatched closing paren"
err2 = "Lexical error ! unmatched closing paren"
matchParen :: Token -> Token -> Bool
matchParen (LeftRoundBracketToken {}) (RightRoundBracketToken {}) = True
matchParen (LeftBraceToken {}) (RightBraceToken {}) = True
matchParen (LeftSquareBracketToken {}) (RightSquareBracketToken {}) = True
matchParen _ _ = False
type AlexInput = (SrcLocation,
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar _ = error "alexInputPrevChar not used"
alexGetChar :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Char, AlexInput)
alexGetChar (loc, [], input)
| null input = Nothing
| otherwise = seq nextLoc (Just (nextChar, (nextLoc, [], rest)))
nextChar = head input
rest = tail input
nextLoc = moveChar nextChar loc
alexGetChar (loc, _:_, _) = error "alexGetChar called with non-empty byte buffer"
alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Byte, AlexInput)
alexGetByte (loc, b:bs, input) = Just (b, (loc, bs, input))
alexGetByte (loc, [], []) = Nothing
alexGetByte (loc, [], nextChar:rest) =
seq nextLoc (Just (byte, (nextLoc, restBytes, rest)))
nextLoc = moveChar nextChar loc
byte:restBytes = UTF8.encode [nextChar]
moveChar :: Char -> SrcLocation -> SrcLocation
moveChar '\n' = incLine 1
moveChar '\t' = incTab
moveChar '\r' = id
moveChar _ = incColumn 1
lexicalError :: P a
lexicalError = do
location <- getLocation
c <- liftM head getInput
throwError $ UnexpectedChar c location
readOctNoO :: String -> Integer
readOctNoO (zero:rest) = read (zero:'O':rest)