language-python-0.1.1: Parsing and pretty printing of Python code.





A lexer and set of tokens for Python version 3 programs. See:


Lexical analysis



:: String

The input stream (python source code).

-> String

The name of the python source (filename or input device).

-> Either ParseError [Token]

An error or a list of tokens.

Parse a string into a list of Python Tokens, or return an error.



:: String

The input stream (python source code).

-> String

The name of the python source (filename or input device).

-> Either ParseError (Token, String)

An error or the next token and the rest of the input after the token.

Try to lex the first token in an input string. Return either a parse error or a pair containing the next token and the rest of the input after the token.


data Token Source

Lexical tokens.


Indent SrcLocation

Indentation: increase.

Dedent SrcLocation

Indentation: decrease.

Newline SrcLocation


Identifier SrcLocation !String


String SrcLocation !String

Literal: string.

ByteString SrcLocation !ByteString

Literal: byte string.

Integer SrcLocation !Integer

Literal: integer.

Float SrcLocation !Double

Literal: floating point.

Imaginary SrcLocation !Double

Literal: imaginary number.

Def SrcLocation

Keyword: 'def'.

While SrcLocation

Keyword: 'while'.

If SrcLocation

Keyword: 'if'.

True SrcLocation

Keyword: 'True'.

False SrcLocation

Keyword: 'False'.

Return SrcLocation

Keyword: 'Return'.

Try SrcLocation

Keyword: 'try'.

Except SrcLocation

Keyword: 'except'.

Raise SrcLocation

Keyword: 'raise'.

In SrcLocation

Keyword: 'in'.

Is SrcLocation

Keyword: 'is'.

Lambda SrcLocation

Keyword: 'lambda'.

Class SrcLocation

Keyword: 'class'.

Finally SrcLocation

Keyword: 'finally'.

None SrcLocation

Keyword: 'None'

For SrcLocation

Keyword: 'for'.

From SrcLocation

Keyword: 'from'.

NonLocal SrcLocation

Keyword: 'nonlocal'.

Global SrcLocation

Keyword: 'global'.

With SrcLocation

Keyword: 'with'.

As SrcLocation

Keyword: 'as'.

Elif SrcLocation

Keyword: 'elif'.

Yield SrcLocation

Keyword: 'yield'.

Assert SrcLocation

Keyword: 'assert'.

Import SrcLocation

Keyword: 'import'.

Pass SrcLocation

Keyword: 'pass'.

Break SrcLocation

Keyword: 'break'.

Continue SrcLocation

Keyword: 'continue'.

Delete SrcLocation

Keyword: 'del'.

Else SrcLocation

Keyword: 'else'.

Not SrcLocation

Keyword: 'not'.

And SrcLocation

Keyword: boolean conjunction 'and'.

Or SrcLocation

Keyword: boolean disjunction 'or'.

At SrcLocation

Delimiter: at sign '@'.

LeftRoundBracket SrcLocation

Delimiter: left round bracket '('.

RightRoundBracket SrcLocation

Delimiter: right round bracket ')'.

LeftSquareBracket SrcLocation

Delimiter: left square bracket '['.

RightSquareBracket SrcLocation

Delimiter: right square bracket ']'.

LeftBrace SrcLocation

Delimiter: left curly bracket '{'.

RightBrace SrcLocation

Delimiter: right curly bracket '}'.

Dot SrcLocation

Delimiter: dot (full stop) '.'.

Comma SrcLocation

Delimiter: comma ','.

SemiColon SrcLocation

Delimiter: semicolon ';'.

Colon SrcLocation

Delimiter: colon ':'.

Ellipsis SrcLocation

Delimiter: ellipses (three dots) '...'.

RightArrow SrcLocation

Delimiter: right facing arrow '->'.

Assign SrcLocation

Delimiter: assignment '='.

PlusAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: plus assignment '+='.

MinusAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: minus assignment '-='.

MultAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: multiply assignment '*='

DivAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: divide assignment '/='.

ModAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: modulus assignment '%='.

PowAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: power assignment '**='.

BinAndAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: binary-and assignment '&='.

BinOrAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: binary-or assignment '|='.

BinXorAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: binary-xor assignment '^='.

LeftShiftAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: binary-left-shift assignment '<<='.

RightShiftAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: binary-right-shift assignment '>>='.

FloorDivAssign SrcLocation

Delimiter: floor-divide assignment '='.

Plus SrcLocation

Operator: plus '+'.

Minus SrcLocation

Operator: minus: '-'.

Mult SrcLocation

Operator: multiply '*'.

Div SrcLocation

Operator: divide '/'.

GreaterThan SrcLocation

Operator: greater-than '>'.

LessThan SrcLocation

Operator: less-than '<'.

Equality SrcLocation

Operator: equals '=='.

GreaterThanEquals SrcLocation

Operator: greater-than-or-equals '>='.

LessThanEquals SrcLocation

Operator: less-than-or-equals '<='.

Exponent SrcLocation

Operator: exponential '**'.

BinaryOr SrcLocation

Operator: binary-or '|'.

Xor SrcLocation

Operator: binary-xor '^'.

BinaryAnd SrcLocation

Operator: binary-and '&'.

ShiftLeft SrcLocation

Operator: binary-shift-left '<<'.

ShiftRight SrcLocation

Operator: binary-shift-right '>>'.

Modulo SrcLocation

Operator: modulus '%'.

FloorDiv SrcLocation

Operator: floor-divide ''.

Tilde SrcLocation

Operator: tilde '~'.

NotEquals SrcLocation

Operator: not-equals '!='.


End of file (no source location).

Parse errors

newtype ParseError Source

Parse error. A list of error messages and a source location.


ParseError ([String], SrcLocation) 
