module Puppet.Language.NativeTypes.Exec (nativeExec) where

import qualified Data.Text                  as Text

import Puppet.Language.NativeTypes.Helpers

nativeExec :: (NativeTypeName, NativeTypeMethods)
nativeExec = ("exec", nativetypemethods parameterfunctions fullyQualifiedOrPath)

-- Autorequires: If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them.
parameterfunctions :: [(Text, [Text -> NativeTypeValidate])]
parameterfunctions =
    [("command"     , [nameval])
    ,("creates"     , [rarray, strings, fullyQualifieds])
    ,("cwd"         , [string, fullyQualified])
    ,("environment" , [rarray, strings])
    ,("group"       , [string])
    ,("logoutput"   , [defaultvalue "false", string, values ["true","false","on_failure"]])
    ,("onlyif"      , [string])
    ,("path"        , [rarray, strings, fullyQualifieds])
    ,("provider"    , [string, values ["posix","shell","windows"]])
    ,("refresh"     , [string])
    ,("refreshonly" , [defaultvalue "false", string, values ["true","false"]])
    ,("returns"     , [defaultvalue "0", rarray, integers])
    ,("timeout"     , [defaultvalue "300", integer])
    ,("tries"       , [defaultvalue "1", integer])
    ,("try_sleep"   , [defaultvalue "0", integer])
    ,("unless"      , [string])
    ,("user"        , [string])

fullyQualifiedOrPath :: NativeTypeValidate
fullyQualifiedOrPath res =
  case (res ^. rattributes . at "path", res ^. rattributes . at "command") of
    (Nothing, Just (PString x)) -> if Text.head x == '/'
                                     then Right res
                                     else Left "Command must be fully qualified if path is not defined"
    _ -> Right res