language-docker-1.0.0: Dockerfile parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL

Safe HaskellNone




type EDockerfileM = Free EInstruction Source #

The type of Identity based EDSL blocks

type EDockerfileTM = FreeT EInstruction Source #

The type of free monad EDSL blocks

embed :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => [InstructionPos] -> m () Source #

healthcheck :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

comment :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

arg :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

env :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Pairs -> m () Source #

maintainer :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

volume :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

expose :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Ports -> m () Source #

workdir :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Directory -> m () Source #

shell :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Arguments -> m () Source #

cmdArgs :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Arguments -> m () Source #

runArgs :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Arguments -> m () Source #

copy :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Source -> Destination -> m () Source #

stopSignal :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

label :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Pairs -> m () Source #

user :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => String -> m () Source #

add :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => Source -> Destination -> m () Source #

from :: forall m. MonadFree EInstruction m => EBaseImage -> m () Source #

runDockerWriterIO :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m), MonadWriter [Instruction] (t m), MonadIO (t m)) => EDockerfileTM m a -> t m a Source #

runDef :: MonadWriter [t] m => (t1 -> t) -> t1 -> m b -> m b Source #

runDef2 :: MonadWriter [t] m => (t1 -> t2 -> t) -> t1 -> t2 -> m b -> m b Source #

toDockerfile :: EDockerfileM a -> Dockerfile Source #

Runs the Dockerfile EDSL and returns a Dockerfile you can pretty print or manipulate

toDockerfileStr :: EDockerfileM a -> String Source #

runs the Dockerfile EDSL and returns a String using PrettyPrint

import           Language.Docker

main :: IO ()
main = writeFile "something.dockerfile" $ toDockerfileStr $ do
    from (tagged "fpco/stack-build" "lts-6.9")
    add "." "applanguage-dockerfile"
    workdir "applanguage-dockerfile"
    run (words "stack build --test --only-dependencies")
    cmd (words "stack test")

onBuild :: MonadFree EInstruction m => EDockerfileM a -> m () Source #

ONBUILD Dockerfile instruction

Each nested instruction gets emitted as a separate ONBUILD block

toDockerfile $ do
    from "node"
    run "apt-get update"
    onBuild $ do
        run "echo more-stuff"
        run "echo here"

toDockerfileIO :: MonadIO m => EDockerfileTM m t -> m Dockerfile Source #

A version of toDockerfile which allows IO actions

toDockerfileStrIO :: MonadIO m => EDockerfileTM m t -> m String Source #

A version of toDockerfileStr which allows IO actions

runDockerfileIO :: MonadIO m => EDockerfileTM m t -> m (t, Dockerfile) Source #

Just runs the EDSL's writer monad

runDockerfileStrIO :: MonadIO m => EDockerfileTM m t -> m (t, String) Source #

Runs the EDSL's writer monad and pretty-prints the result