{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

-- | Data definition for option keywords.
module Text.LambdaOptions.Keyword (
) where

import           Data.Data
                  ( Data, Typeable )
import           Data.String
                  ( IsString(fromString) )


-- | An option keyword, such as @"--help"@
data Keyword
  = Keyword
    { kwNames :: [String]
    -- ^ All the aliases for this keyword.
    -- If no names are supplied, this keyword is alway matched.
    , kwArgText :: String
    -- ^ Text to describe the arguments to the option given by this keyword.
    , kwText :: String
    -- ^ Text to describe the function of the option given by this keyword.
  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Eq, Ord)

instance IsString Keyword where
  fromString name = kw [name]

-- | Convenience 'Keyword' creation class.
class ToKeyword a where
  toKeyword :: a -> Keyword

-- | Identiy mapping.
instance ToKeyword Keyword where
  toKeyword = id

-- | Used to create a 'Keyword' with a single alias.
instance ToKeyword String where
  toKeyword name = toKeyword [name]

-- | Used to create a 'Keyword' with many (or no) aliases
instance ToKeyword [String] where
  toKeyword names = Keyword
    { kwNames = names
    , kwArgText = ""
    , kwText = ""

-- | Used to create an empty 'Keyword' with no aliases.
instance ToKeyword () where
  toKeyword () = toKeyword ([] :: [String])

-- | Shorthand for 'toKeyword'.
kw :: (ToKeyword a) => a -> Keyword
kw = toKeyword

-- | Sets the 'kwArgText' field in the keyword. Intended to be used infix:
-- > kw "--directory" `argText` "DIR" `text` "Write files to DIR."
argText :: Keyword -> String -> Keyword
argText k s = k
  { kwArgText = s

-- | Sets the 'kwText' field in the keyword. Intended to be used infix.
-- > kw "--quiet" `text` "Suppress message display."
text :: Keyword -> String -> Keyword
text k s = k
  { kwText = s