lambda-options- Declarative command line parser using type-driven pattern matching.

Safe HaskellNone




runOptions :: Monad m => Options m a () -> [String] -> Either OptionsError [m a] Source #

Tries to parse the supplied options against input arguments. If successful, parsed option callbacks are returned in Right. Otherwise an OptionsError is returned in Left.

Example program:

import System.Environment
import Text.LambdaOptions

options :: Options IO () ()
options = do
    addOption (kw ["--help", "-h"] `text` "Display this help text.") $ do
        putStrLn "Usage:"
        putStrLn $ getHelpDescription options
    addOption (kw "--user" `argText` "NAME" `text` "Prints name.") $ \name -> do
        putStrLn $ "Name:" ++ name
    addOption (kw "--user" `argText` "NAME AGE" `text` "Prints name and age.") $ \name age -> do
        putStrLn $ "Name:" ++ name ++ " Age:" ++ show (age :: Int)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    case runOptions options args of
        Left (e @ ParseFailed{})  -> do
            putStrLn $ parseFailedMessage e
            putStrLn $ getHelpDescription options
        Right actions -> sequence_ actions
>>> example.exe --user HaskellCurry 81 --user GraceHopper
Name:HaskellCurry Age:81
>>> example.exe -h
-h, --help                  Display this help text.
    --user NAME             Prints name.
    --user NAME AGE         Prints name and age.
>>> example.exe --user Pythagoras LXXV
Unknown option at index 2: `LXXV'
-h, --help                  Display this help text.
    --user NAME             Prints name.
    --user NAME AGE         Prints name and age.

data Options m a b Source #

A monad for parsing options.


Monad (Options m a) Source # 


(>>=) :: Options m a a -> (a -> Options m a b) -> Options m a b #

(>>) :: Options m a a -> Options m a b -> Options m a b #

return :: a -> Options m a a #

fail :: String -> Options m a a #

Functor (Options m a) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Options m a a -> Options m a b #

(<$) :: a -> Options m a b -> Options m a a #

Applicative (Options m a) Source # 


pure :: a -> Options m a a #

(<*>) :: Options m a (a -> b) -> Options m a a -> Options m a b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Options m a a -> Options m a b -> Options m a c #

(*>) :: Options m a a -> Options m a b -> Options m a b #

(<*) :: Options m a a -> Options m a b -> Options m a a #

data OptionsError Source #

Contains information about what went wrong during an unsuccessful options parse.

type OptionCallback m a f = (Monad m, GetOpaqueParsers a f, Wrap (m a) f) Source #

Describes the callback f to be called for a successfully parsed option.

The function (or value) f can have any arity and ultimately returns a value with type Monad m => m a

Each of the callback's arguments must have a type t which implements Parseable and Typeable.

Think of this as the following constraint synonym:

type OptionCallback m a f = (Monad m, f ~ (Parseable t*, Typeable t*) => t0 -> t1 -> ... -> tN -> m a)

Example callbacks:

f0 = putStrLn "Option parsed!" :: IO ()
f1 = put :: String -> State String ()
f2 n = liftIO (print n) :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> m ()
f3 name year ratio = lift (print (name, year, ratio)) :: (MonadTrans m) => String -> Int -> Float -> m IO ()
f4 = return 7 :: Identity Int

addOption :: OptionCallback m a f => Keyword -> f -> Options m a () Source #

Adds the supplied option to the Options m a () context.

If the keyword is matched and the types of the callback's parameters can successfully be parsed, the callback is called with the parsed arguments.

getHelpDescription :: Monad m => Options m a () -> String Source #

Produces the help description given by the input options.

getKeywords :: Monad m => Options m a () -> [Keyword] Source #

Produces the Keywords inserted into the input options.