jsonextfilter: Filter select values in JSON objects to unix programs

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Filter select values in JSON objects to unix programs

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Dependencies aeson, attoparsec, base (<5), bytestring, containers, monads-tf, optparse-applicative, process, scientific, string-qq, text, unordered-containers, vector [details]
License MIT
Author Daniel Choi
Maintainer MackeyRMS
Category Web
Home page https://github.com/mackeyrms/jsonextfilter#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/mackeyrms/jsonextfilter/issues
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Uploaded by mackeyrms at 2017-03-21T03:03:31Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables jsonextfilter
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Readme for jsonextfilter-

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Applies external unix filters to specified key paths of a JSON object stream.



  "title": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
  "year": 1991,
  "stars": [
    {"name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger"},
    {"name": "Linda Hamilton"}
  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.5
  "description":"<p>Some <strong>HTML</strong></p>"

  "title": "Interstellar",
  "year": 2014,
  "stars": [
    {"name":"Matthew McConaughey"},
    {"name":"Anne Hathaway"}
  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.9
  "description":"<p>Some <strong>more HTML</strong></p>"

We want to transform the "description" fields from HTML to plain text:

jsonextfilter 'elinks -dump'  'description' < example.json  | jq -M '.' 


  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.5
  "stars": [
      "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger"
      "name": "Linda Hamilton"
  "year": 1991,
  "title": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
  "description": "   Some HTML\n"
  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.9
  "stars": [
      "name": "Matthew McConaughey"
      "name": "Anne Hathaway"
  "year": 2014,
  "title": "Interstellar",
  "description": "   Some more HTML\n"

More than one keypath can be specified in the keypaths argument string. Separate keypaths with spaces. The external filter will be applied to all of them, e.g.

jsonextfilter 'elinks -dump'  'description review' < example.json  | jq -M '.' 

Currently only ONE external filter command can be given. If you want to apply a pipeline of commands, wrap it in a bash script.

The external filter will only be applied to STRING values. Number and boolean values are untouched.


You can designate a pre-filter to determine whether the main filter should run depending on the exit code of the pre-filter:

jsonextfilter -p 'grep -q more' 'elinks -dump' description  < example.json   | jq '.' -M

This causes elinks -dump to be applied only to "description" values that contain the string "more":

  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.5
  "stars": [
      "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger"
      "name": "Linda Hamilton"
  "year": 1991,
  "title": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
  "description": "<p>Some <strong>HTML</strong></p>"
  "ratings": {
    "imdb": 8.9
  "stars": [
      "name": "Matthew McConaughey"
      "name": "Anne Hathaway"
  "year": 2014,
  "title": "Interstellar",
  "description": "   Some more HTML\n"