{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Data.JSON.Directory
    ( decodeDirectory
    , decodeDirectory'
    , Rule(..)
    , IResult(..)
    , defaultRules
    , jsonRule
    , textRule
    , idecodeStrict
    , ModifiedWhileReading
    , NoRuleFor
    ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Internal (IResult(..), formatError, ifromJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Parser.Internal (eitherDecodeStrictWith, jsonEOF)
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- Exception is thrown if the files changed while we were
-- reading them.
data ModifiedWhileReading = ModifiedWhileReading FilePath
    deriving (Show)

instance Exception ModifiedWhileReading

-- Exception thrown if no rule was specified for a given file.
data NoRuleFor = NoRuleFor FilePath
    deriving Show

instance Exception NoRuleFor

-- | How to interpret a file.
data Rule = Rule
    { predicate :: FilePath -> Bool
        -- ^ A predicate to see if this rule applies.
    , jsonKey   :: FilePath -> Text
        -- ^ A function to transform the filename into a JSON key value
    , parser    :: FilePath -> IO (IResult Value)
        -- ^ Turn a file into a Value.  The @JSONPath@ in the @IResult@ will be
        -- merged into the correct location.

-- | A rule that reads @.json@ files as JSON.
jsonRule :: Rule
jsonRule = Rule
    { predicate = isSuffixOf ".json"
    , jsonKey   = Text.pack . takeBaseName
    , parser    = idecodeFileStrict

-- | A rule that reads any file into a JSON string.
textRule :: Rule
textRule = Rule
    { predicate = const True
    , jsonKey   = Text.pack . takeFileName
    , parser    = fmap (ISuccess . String) . Text.readFile

-- | Some sane default rules. Attempts do do @`jsonRule`@ and falls back to
-- @`textRule`@
defaultRules :: [Rule]
defaultRules = [jsonRule, textRule]

data EntryType
    = Directory
    | File (FilePath -> IO (IResult Value))

pathType :: [Rule] -> FilePath -> IO (Text, EntryType)
pathType rules p = do
    doesDirectoryExist p >>= \case
        True -> pure (Text.pack $ takeFileName p, Directory)
        False -> case find (\r -> predicate r p) rules of
            Nothing   -> throwIO $ NoRuleFor p
            Just rule -> pure (jsonKey rule p, File (parser rule))

decodeDirectoryValue :: MonadIO io => [Rule] -> FilePath -> io (IResult Value)
decodeDirectoryValue rules path = liftIO $ do
    time <- getModificationTime path
    ents <- listDirectory path
    kvs <- catMaybes <$> forM ents \ent -> do
        if "." `isPrefixOf` ent
        then pure Nothing
        else Just <$> do
            let path' = path </> ent
            pathType rules path' >>= \case
                (n, Directory) -> (n,) . addContext n <$> decodeDirectoryValue rules path'
                (n, File parser) -> (n,) . addContext n <$> parser path'
    time2 <- getModificationTime path
    unless (time == time2) $ throwIO (ModifiedWhileReading path)
    pure $ Object <$> sequence (Data.HashMap.Strict.fromList kvs)

addContext :: Text -> IResult a -> IResult a
addContext c (IError p s) = IError (Key c : p) s
addContext _ x = x

idecodeFileStrict :: (FromJSON a) => FilePath -> IO (IResult a)
idecodeFileStrict =
    fmap (toIResult . eitherDecodeStrictWith jsonEOF ifromJSON) . BS.readFile
    toIResult (Left (p, s)) = IError p s
    toIResult (Right a) = ISuccess a

idecodeStrict :: (FromJSON a) => BS.ByteString -> IResult a
idecodeStrict = toIResult . eitherDecodeStrictWith jsonEOF ifromJSON
    toIResult (Left (p, s)) = IError p s
    toIResult (Right a) = ISuccess a

resultToEither :: IResult a -> Either String a
resultToEither (ISuccess a) = Right a
resultToEither (IError p s) = Left $ formatError p s

-- | Takes a directory and decodes it using a @`FromJSON`@ instance.
-- Each entry in the directory becomes a key, and the contents become
-- the corresponding value.
-- * Directories are recursed into.
-- * Files ending in @.json@ are decoded as JSON values.
-- * Everything else is assumed to be a valid unicode string.
-- This function can throw IO exceptions as well as a @`ModifiedWhileReading`@
-- exception if the modification time changes during processing.
-- Uses @`defaultRules`@
decodeDirectory :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO io) => FilePath -> io (Either String a)
decodeDirectory = decodeDirectory' defaultRules

-- | Like @`decodeDirectory`@ but you get to specify the rules.
decodeDirectory' :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO io) => [Rule] -> FilePath -> io (Either String a)
decodeDirectory' rules p = do
    ev <- decodeDirectoryValue rules p
    pure . resultToEither $ do
        v <- ev
        ifromJSON v