module Iri.Parsing.ByteString

import Iri.Prelude
import Iri.Data
import qualified Iri.Parsing.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString

parser parser =
  either (Left . fromString) Right .
  B.parseOnly (parser <* B.endOfInput)

Parser of a well-formed URI conforming to the RFC3986 standard into IRI.
Performs URL- and Punycode-decoding.
uri :: ByteString -> Either Text Iri
uri =
  parser A.uri

Same as 'uri', but optimized specifially for the case of HTTP URIs.
httpUri :: ByteString -> Either Text HttpIri
httpUri =
  parser A.httpUri

Domain name parser.
regName :: ByteString -> Either Text RegName
regName =
  parser A.regName

Assuming we have a valid URI as input, extract the query part from it.
uriQuery :: ByteString -> Query
uriQuery x =
  case ByteString.break (== 63) x of
    (beforeQuestion, questionAndAfterQuestion) -> case ByteString.uncons questionAndAfterQuestion of
      Just (_, afterQuestion) -> case ByteString.break (== 35) afterQuestion of
        (beforeHash, hashAndAfterHash) -> Query beforeHash

Assuming we have a valid URI as input, extract the fragment part from it.
uriFragment :: ByteString -> Fragment
uriFragment = ByteString.break (== 35) >>> snd >>> ByteString.drop 1 >>> Fragment