Copyright | (c) NoviSci Inc 2020 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- combineIntervals :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Foldable f) => f (i a) -> f (Interval a)
- combineIntervalsL :: (Intervallic i, Ord a) => [i a] -> [Interval a]
- combineIntervalsFromSorted :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Foldable f) => f (i a) -> f (Interval a)
- combineIntervalsFromSortedL :: forall a i. (Ord a, Intervallic i) => [i a] -> [Interval a]
- rangeInterval :: (Ord a, Foldable t) => t (Interval a) -> Maybe (Interval a)
- gaps :: (IntervalCombinable i a, Traversable f, Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative f) => f (i a) -> Maybe (f (Interval a))
- gapsL :: (IntervalCombinable i a, Applicative f, Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), Traversable f) => f (i a) -> [Interval a]
- gapsWithin :: (Applicative f, Witherable f, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> Maybe (f (Interval a))
- foldMeetingSafe :: (Eq b, Ord a, Show a) => [PairedInterval b a] -> [PairedInterval b a]
- formMeetingSequence :: (Eq b, Show a, Monoid b, IntervalSizeable a c) => [PairedInterval b a] -> [PairedInterval b a]
- nothingIf :: (Monoid (f (i a)), Filterable f) => ((i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Bool) -> (i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Maybe (f (i a))
- nothingIfNone :: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) => (i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Maybe (f (i a))
- nothingIfAny :: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) => (i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Maybe (f (i a))
- nothingIfAll :: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) => (i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Maybe (f (i a))
- filterBefore :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterMeets :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterOverlaps :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterFinishedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterContains :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterStarts :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterEquals :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterStartedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterDuring :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterFinishes :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterOverlappedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterMetBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterAfter :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterDisjoint :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterNotDisjoint :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterConcur :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterWithin :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterEncloses :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- filterEnclosedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a)
- lookback :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => b -> i a -> Interval a
- lookahead :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => b -> i a -> Interval a
- makeGapsWithinPredicate :: (Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t, IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a) => ((b -> Bool) -> t b -> Bool) -> (b -> b -> Bool) -> b -> i0 a -> t (i1 a) -> Bool
- pairGaps :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b, IntervalCombinable i a) => [i a] -> [Maybe b]
- anyGapsWithinAtLeastDuration :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a, Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t) => b -> i0 a -> t (i1 a) -> Bool
- allGapsWithinLessThanDuration :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a, Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t) => b -> i0 a -> t (i1 a) -> Bool
- relations :: (Foldable f, Applicative m, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (m IntervalRelation)) => f (i a) -> m IntervalRelation
- relationsL :: (Foldable f, Ord a, Intervallic i) => f (i a) -> [IntervalRelation]
- intersect :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => i a -> i a -> Maybe (Interval a)
- clip :: (Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1, IntervalSizeable a b) => i0 a -> i1 a -> Maybe (Interval a)
- durations :: (Functor f, Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => f (i a) -> f b
Fold over sequential intervals
combineIntervals :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Foldable f) => f (i a) -> f (Interval a) Source #
Returns a container of intervals where any intervals that meet or share
support are combined into one interval. This functions sorts the input intervals
first. See combineIntervalsL
for a version that works only on lists. If you
know the input intervals are sorted, use combineIntervalsFromSorted
x1 = bi 10 0
x2 = bi 5 2
x3 = bi 2 10
x4 = bi 2 13
ivs = [x1, x2, x3, x4]
[(0, 10),(2, 7),(10, 12),(13, 15)]>>>
xComb = combineIntervals ivs
[(0, 12),(13, 15)]>>>
pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"]) [(xComb, "xComb")] :} ---------- <- [x1] ----- <- [x2] -- <- [x3] -- <- [x4] ------------ -- <- [xComb] ===============
combineIntervalsL :: (Intervallic i, Ord a) => [i a] -> [Interval a] Source #
Returns a list of intervals where any intervals that meet or share support
are combined into one interval. This function sorts the input. If you know the
input intervals are sorted, use combineIntervalsLFromSorted
x1 = bi 10 0
x2 = bi 5 2
x3 = bi 2 10
x4 = bi 2 13
ivs = [x1, x2, x3, x4]
[(0, 10),(2, 7),(10, 12),(13, 15)]>>>
xComb = combineIntervalsL ivs
[(0, 12),(13, 15)]>>>
pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"]) [(xComb, "xComb")] :} ---------- <- [x1] ----- <- [x2] -- <- [x3] -- <- [x4] ------------ -- <- [xComb] ===============
combineIntervalsFromSorted :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Foldable f) => f (i a) -> f (Interval a) Source #
Returns a container of intervals where any intervals that meet or share
support are combined into one interval. The condition is applied cumulatively,
from left to right, so
to work properly, the input list should be sorted in increasing order. See
for a version that works only on lists.
combineIntervalsFromSorted [bi 10 0, bi 5 2, bi 2 10, bi 2 13]
[(0, 12),(13, 15)]
combineIntervalsFromSortedL :: forall a i. (Ord a, Intervallic i) => [i a] -> [Interval a] Source #
Returns a list of intervals where any intervals that meet or share support are combined into one interval. The operation is applied cumulatively, from left to right, so to work properly, the input list should be sorted in increasing order.
combineIntervalsFromSortedL [bi 10 0, bi 5 2, bi 2 10, bi 2 13]
[(0, 12),(13, 15)]
combineIntervalsFromSortedL [bi 10 0, bi 5 2, bi 0 8]
[(0, 10)]
rangeInterval :: (Ord a, Foldable t) => t (Interval a) -> Maybe (Interval a) Source #
form an Interval a
from Control.Foldl t => t (Interval a)
spanning the range of all intervals in the list, i.e. whose begin
is the
minimum of begin
across intervals in the list and whose end
is the maximum
of end
rangeInterval ([] :: [Interval Int])
x1 = bi 2 2
x2 = bi 3 6
x3 = bi 4 7
ivs = [x1, x2, x3] :: [Interval Int]
[(2, 4),(6, 9),(7, 11)]>>>
spanIv = rangeInterval ivs
Just (2, 11)>>>
case spanIv of Nothing -> pretty "" (Just x) -> pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip (ivs ++ [x]) ["x1", "x2", "x3", "spanIv"]) [] :} -- <- [x1] --- <- [x2] ---- <- [x3] --------- <- [spanIv] ===========
rangeInterval Nothing
rangeInterval (Just (bi 1 0))
Just (0, 1)
gaps :: (IntervalCombinable i a, Traversable f, Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative f) => f (i a) -> Maybe (f (Interval a)) Source #
Returns a Maybe
container of intervals consisting of the gaps between
intervals in the input. To work properly, the input should be sorted. See
for a version that always returns a list.
x1 = bi 4 1
x2 = bi 4 8
x3 = bi 3 11
ivs = [x1, x2, x3]
[(1, 5),(8, 12),(11, 14)]>>>
gaps ivs
pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3"]) []
---- <- [x1] ---- <- [x2] --- <- [x3] ==============
x1 = bi 4 1
x2 = bi 3 7
x3 = bi 2 13
ivs = [x1, x2, x3]
[(1, 5),(7, 10),(13, 15)]>>>
gapIvs = gaps ivs
Just [(5, 7),(10, 13)]>>>
case gapIvs of Nothing -> pretty "" (Just x) -> pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3"]) [(x, "gapIvs")] :} ---- <- [x1] --- <- [x2] -- <- [x3] -- --- <- [gapIvs] ===============
gapsL :: (IntervalCombinable i a, Applicative f, Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), Traversable f) => f (i a) -> [Interval a] Source #
Returns a (possibly empty) list of intervals consisting of the gaps between
intervals in the input container.
To work properly, the input should be sorted. This version outputs a list.
See gaps
for a version that lifts the result to same input structure f
x1 = bi 4 1
x2 = bi 4 8
x3 = bi 3 11
ivs = [x1, x2, x3]
[(1, 5),(8, 12),(11, 14)]>>>
gapIvs = gapsL ivs
pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3"]) [] :} ---- <- [x1] ---- <- [x2] --- <- [x3] ==============
x1 = bi 4 1
x2 = bi 3 7
x3 = bi 2 13
ivs = [x1, x2, x3]
[(1, 5),(7, 10),(13, 15)]>>>
gapIvs = gapsL ivs
[(5, 7),(10, 13)]>>>
pretty $ standardExampleDiagram (zip ivs ["x1", "x2", "x3"]) [(gapIvs, "gapIvs")] :} ---- <- [x1] --- <- [x2] -- <- [x3] -- --- <- [gapIvs] ===============
:: (Applicative f, Witherable f, Monoid (f (Interval a)), Monoid (f (Maybe (Interval a))), IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a) | |
=> i0 a | i |
-> f (i1 a) | x |
-> Maybe (f (Interval a)) |
Applies gaps
to all the non-disjoint intervals in x
that are not disjoint
from i
. Intervals that overlaps
or are overlappedBy
are clip
to i
, so that all the intervals are within
. If all of the input intervals
are disjoint from the focal interval or if the input is empty, then Nothing
is returned. When there are no gaps among the concurring intervals, then
Just mempty
(e.g. Just []
) is returned.
gapsWithin (bi 9 1) [bi 5 0, bi 2 7, bi 3 12]
Just [(5, 7),(9, 10)]
Operations on Meeting sequences of paired intervals
:: (Eq b, Ord a, Show a) | |
=> [PairedInterval b a] | Be sure this only contains intervals
that sequentially |
-> [PairedInterval b a] |
Folds over a list of Paired Intervals and in the case that the getPairData
is equal between two sequential meeting intervals, these two intervals are
combined into one. This function is "safe" in the sense that if the input is
invalid and contains any sequential pairs of intervals with an IntervalRelation
other than Meets
, then the function returns an empty list.
formMeetingSequence :: (Eq b, Show a, Monoid b, IntervalSizeable a c) => [PairedInterval b a] -> [PairedInterval b a] Source #
Convert an ordered sequence of PairedInterval b a
. that may have any interval relation
, starts
, etc) into a sequence of sequentially meeting PairedInterval b a
That is, a sequence where one the end of one interval meets the beginning of
the subsequent event. The getPairData
of the input PairedIntervals
combined using the Monoid <>
function, hence the pair data must be a
Withering functions
Clear containers based on predicate
:: (Monoid (f (i a)), Filterable f) | |
=> ((i a -> Bool) -> f (i a) -> Bool) | |
-> (i a -> Bool) | predicate to apply to each element of input list |
-> f (i a) | |
-> Maybe (f (i a)) |
Given a predicate combinator, a predicate, and list of intervals, returns
the input unchanged if the predicate combinator is True
. Otherwise, returns
an empty list. See nothingIfAny
and nothingIfNone
for examples.
:: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) | |
=> (i a -> Bool) | predicate to apply to each element of input list |
-> f (i a) | |
-> Maybe (f (i a)) |
Returns the Nothing
if *none* of the element of input satisfy
the predicate condition.
For example, the following returns Nothing
because none of the intervals
in the input list starts
(3, 5).
nothingIfNone (starts (bi 2 3)) [bi 1 3, bi 1 5]
In the following, (3, 5) starts
(3, 6), so Just
the input is returned.
nothingIfNone (starts (bi 2 3)) [bi 3 3, bi 1 5]
Just [(3, 6),(5, 6)]
:: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) | |
=> (i a -> Bool) | predicate to apply to each element of input list |
-> f (i a) | |
-> Maybe (f (i a)) |
Returns Nothing
if *any* of the element of input satisfy the predicate condition.
nothingIfAny (startedBy (bi 2 3)) [bi 3 3, bi 1 5]
Just [(3, 6),(5, 6)]
nothingIfAny (starts (bi 2 3)) [bi 3 3, bi 1 5]
:: (Monoid (f (i a)), Foldable f, Filterable f) | |
=> (i a -> Bool) | predicate to apply to each element of input list |
-> f (i a) | |
-> Maybe (f (i a)) |
Returns Nothing
if *all* of the element of input satisfy the predicate condition.
nothingIfAll (starts (bi 2 3)) [bi 3 3, bi 4 3]
Filter containers based on predicate
filterBefore :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterMeets :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterOverlaps :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterFinishedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterContains :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterStarts :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterEquals :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterStartedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterDuring :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterFinishes :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterOverlappedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterMetBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterAfter :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterDisjoint :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterNotDisjoint :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterConcur :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterWithin :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterEncloses :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
filterEnclosedBy :: (Filterable f, Ord a, Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1) => i0 a -> f (i1 a) -> f (i1 a) Source #
Filter Filterable
containers of one
type based by comparing to
a (potentially different) Intervallic
type using the corresponding interval
predicate function.
Functions for manipulating intervals
:: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) | |
=> b | lookback duration |
-> i a | |
-> Interval a |
Creates a new Interval
of a provided lookback duration ending at the
of the input interval.
lookback 4 (beginerval 10 (1 :: Int))
(-3, 1)
:: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) | |
=> b | lookahead duration |
-> i a | |
-> Interval a |
Creates a new Interval
of a provided lookahead duration beginning at the
of the input interval.
lookahead 4 (beginerval 1 (1 :: Int))
(2, 6)
makeGapsWithinPredicate :: (Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t, IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a) => ((b -> Bool) -> t b -> Bool) -> (b -> b -> Bool) -> b -> i0 a -> t (i1 a) -> Bool Source #
Create a predicate function that checks whether within a provided spanning interval, are there (e.g. any, all) gaps of (e.g. <=,=, >) a specified duration among the input intervals?
pairGaps :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b, IntervalCombinable i a) => [i a] -> [Maybe b] Source #
Gets the durations of gaps (via 'IntervalAlgebra.(><)') between all pairs of the input.
anyGapsWithinAtLeastDuration Source #
:: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a, Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t) | |
=> b | duration of gap |
-> i0 a | within this interval |
-> t (i1 a) | |
-> Bool |
Within a provided spanning interval, are there any gaps of at least the specified duration among the input intervals?
allGapsWithinLessThanDuration Source #
:: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i0, IntervalCombinable i1 a, Monoid (t (Interval a)), Monoid (t (Maybe (Interval a))), Applicative t, Witherable t) | |
=> b | duration of gap |
-> i0 a | within this interval |
-> t (i1 a) | |
-> Bool |
Within a provided spanning interval, are all gaps less than the specified duration among the input intervals?
allGapsWithinLessThanDuration 30 (beginerval 100 (0::Int)) [beginerval 5 (-1), beginerval 99 10]
Misc utilities
relations :: (Foldable f, Applicative m, Ord a, Intervallic i, Monoid (m IntervalRelation)) => f (i a) -> m IntervalRelation Source #
A generic form of relations
which can output any Applicative
(relations [bi 1 0,bi 1 1]) :: [IntervalRelation]
relationsL :: (Foldable f, Ord a, Intervallic i) => f (i a) -> [IntervalRelation] Source #
Returns a list of the IntervalRelation
between each consecutive pair
of intervals. This is just a specialized relations
which returns a list.
relationsL [bi 1 0, bi 1 1]
intersect :: (Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => i a -> i a -> Maybe (Interval a) Source #
Forms a Just
new interval from the intersection of two intervals,
provided the intervals are not disjoint.
intersect (bi 5 0) (bi 2 3)
Just (3, 5)
clip :: (Intervallic i0, Intervallic i1, IntervalSizeable a b) => i0 a -> i1 a -> Maybe (Interval a) Source #
In the case that x y are not disjoint, clips y to the extent of x.
clip (bi 5 0) ((bi 3 3) :: Interval Int)
Just (3, 5)
clip (bi 3 0) ((bi 2 4) :: Interval Int)
durations :: (Functor f, Intervallic i, IntervalSizeable a b) => f (i a) -> f b Source #