-- | 'Inj' instances for types from 'base'.


module Inj.Base () where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception hiding (TypeError)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Complex
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import GHC.Conc
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Real
import Numeric.Natural
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec

import Inj

-- Identity injections

instance p ~ () => Inj p ()
instance p ~ Bool => Inj p Bool
instance p ~ Ordering => Inj p Ordering

instance p ~ Proxy t' => Inj p (Proxy t) where
  inj Proxy = Proxy

-- Decision procedures for ambiguous injections

data Decision_Wrap

data Decision_Map

type family DecideMaybe p where
  DecideMaybe (Maybe p) = Decision_Map
  DecideMaybe p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideMaybe p => InjMaybe d p a where
  injMaybe :: p -> Maybe a

instance InjMaybe (DecideMaybe p) p a => Inj p (Maybe a) where
  inj = injMaybe

type family DecideList p where
  DecideList [p] = Decision_Map
  DecideList p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideList p => InjList d p a where
  injList :: p -> [a]

instance InjList (DecideList p) p a => Inj p [a] where
  inj = injList

type family DecideNonEmpty p where
  DecideNonEmpty (NonEmpty p) = Decision_Map
  DecideNonEmpty p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideNonEmpty p => InjNonEmpty d p a where
  injNonEmpty :: p -> NonEmpty a

instance InjNonEmpty (DecideNonEmpty p) p a => Inj p (NonEmpty a) where
  inj = injNonEmpty

type family DecideIO p where
  DecideIO (IO p) = Decision_Map
  DecideIO p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideIO p => InjIO d p a where
  injIO :: p -> IO a

instance InjIO (DecideIO p) p a => Inj p (IO a) where
  inj = injIO

type family DecideSTM p where
  DecideSTM (STM p) = Decision_Map
  DecideSTM p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideSTM p => InjSTM d p a where
  injSTM :: p -> STM a

instance InjSTM (DecideSTM p) p a => Inj p (STM a) where
  inj = injSTM

type family DecideIdentity p where
  DecideIdentity (Identity p) = Decision_Map
  DecideIdentity p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideIdentity p => InjIdentity d p a where
  injIdentity :: p -> Identity a

instance InjIdentity (DecideIdentity p) p a => Inj p (Identity a) where
  inj = injIdentity

type family DecideZipList p where
  DecideZipList (ZipList p) = Decision_Map
  DecideZipList p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideZipList p => InjZipList d p a where
  injZipList :: p -> ZipList a

instance InjZipList (DecideZipList p) p a => Inj p (ZipList a) where
  inj = injZipList

type family DecideOption p where
  DecideOption (Option p) = Decision_Map
  DecideOption p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideOption p => InjOption d p a where
  injOption :: p -> Option a

instance InjOption (DecideOption p) p a => Inj p (Option a) where
  inj = injOption

type family DecideST p where
  DecideST (ST s p) = Decision_Map
  DecideST p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideST p => InjST d p s a where
  injST :: p -> ST s a

instance InjST (DecideST p) p s a => Inj p (ST s a) where
  inj = injST

type family DecideFn p where
  DecideFn (r -> p) = Decision_Map
  DecideFn p = Decision_Wrap

class d ~ DecideFn p => InjFn d p r a where
  injFn :: p -> r -> a

instance InjFn (DecideFn p) p r a => Inj p (r -> a) where
  inj = injFn

-- 'fromIntegral' is an injection from any @Integral p@ to any @Num a@.

instance Integral p => Inj p Integer where
  inj = toInteger

-- | Throws 'Underflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Natural where
  inj = fromIntegral

fromIntegralBounded ::
  forall p a. (Integral a, Bounded a) => Integral p => p -> a
fromIntegralBounded p
  | p' < toInteger (minBound :: a) = throw Underflow
  | p' > toInteger (maxBound :: a) = throw Overflow
  | otherwise = fromInteger p'
    p' = toInteger p

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Int where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Int8 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Int16 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Int32 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Int64 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Word where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Word8 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Word16 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Word32 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p Word64 where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p IntPtr where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- | Throws 'Underflow' and 'Overflow'.
instance Integral p => Inj p WordPtr where
  inj = fromIntegralBounded

-- 'realToFrac' is an injection from any @Real p@ to any @Fractional a@.

instance (Inj Integer a, Real p) => Inj p (Ratio a) where
  inj p = inj n :% inj d
      n :% d = toRational p

-- | Throws 'LossOfPrecision'.
instance (HasResolution res, Real p) => Inj p (Fixed res) where
  inj p
    | denominator i == 1 = MkFixed (numerator i)
    | otherwise = throw LossOfPrecision
      i = toRational p * toRational res
      res = resolution (Proxy :: Proxy res)

-- | Injective only if the number is representable as 'Float'.
instance Real p => Inj p Float where
  inj = realToFrac

-- | Injective only if the number is representable as 'Double'.
instance Real p => Inj p Double where
  inj = realToFrac

instance (Num a, Inj p a) => Inj p (Complex a) where
  inj p = inj p :+ 0

-- 'pure' is often an injection into @Applicative f@.

    (DecideList p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjList Decision_Wrap p a
    injList = pure . inj

    (DecideMaybe p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjMaybe Decision_Wrap p a
    injMaybe = pure . inj

    (DecideNonEmpty p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjNonEmpty Decision_Wrap p a
    injNonEmpty = pure . inj

    (DecideIO p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjIO Decision_Wrap p a
    injIO = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (ReadP a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (ReadPrec a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Down a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Product a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Sum a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Dual a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Data.Monoid.Last a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Data.Monoid.First a) where
  inj = pure . inj

    (DecideSTM p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjSTM Decision_Wrap p a
    injSTM = pure . inj

    (DecideIdentity p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjIdentity Decision_Wrap p a
    injIdentity = pure . inj

    (DecideZipList p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjZipList Decision_Wrap p a
    injZipList = pure . inj

    (DecideOption p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjOption Decision_Wrap p a
    injOption = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Data.Semigroup.Last a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Data.Semigroup.First a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Max a) where
  inj = pure . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Min a) where
  inj = pure . inj

    (DecideST p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjST Decision_Wrap p s a
    injST = pure . inj

    (DecideFn p ~ Decision_Wrap, Inj p a) =>
    InjFn Decision_Wrap p s a
    injFn = pure . inj

instance Inj p (f (g a)) => Inj p (Compose f g a) where
  inj = Compose . inj

-- 'fmap', 'bimap', etc, can be used to map injections

    (DecideMaybe p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ Maybe p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjMaybe Decision_Map p a
    injMaybe = fmap inj

    (DecideList p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ [p'], Inj p' a) =>
    InjList Decision_Map p a
    injList = fmap inj

    (DecideNonEmpty p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ NonEmpty p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjNonEmpty Decision_Map p a
    injNonEmpty = fmap inj

    (DecideIO p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ IO p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjIO Decision_Map p a
    injIO = fmap inj

    (DecideSTM p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ STM p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjSTM Decision_Map p a
    injSTM = fmap inj

    (DecideIdentity p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ Identity p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjIdentity Decision_Map p a
    injIdentity = fmap inj

    (DecideZipList p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ ZipList p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjZipList Decision_Map p a
    injZipList = fmap inj

    (DecideOption p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ Option p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjOption Decision_Map p a
    injOption = fmap inj

    (DecideST p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ ST s p', Inj p' a) =>
    InjST Decision_Map p s a
    injST = fmap inj

    (DecideFn p ~ Decision_Map, p ~ (r -> p'), Inj p' a) =>
    InjFn Decision_Map p r a
    injFn = fmap inj

instance (t ~ (pa, pb), Inj pa a, Inj pb b) => Inj t (a, b) where
  inj = bimap inj inj

    (t ~ (pa, pb, pc), Inj pa a, Inj pb b, Inj pc c) =>
    Inj t (a, b, c)
    inj (pa, pb, pc) = (inj pa, inj pb, inj pc)

    (t ~ (pa, pb, pc, pd), Inj pa a, Inj pb b, Inj pc c, Inj pd d) =>
    Inj t (a, b, c, d)
    inj (pa, pb, pc, pd) = (inj pa, inj pb, inj pc, inj pd)

instance (t ~ Either pa pb, Inj pa a, Inj pb b) => Inj t (Either a b) where
  inj = bimap inj inj

instance (t ~ Const pa pb, Inj pa a) => Inj t (Const a b) where
  inj (Const pa) = Const (inj pa)

-- Generic

instance Inj p (f a) => Inj p (Rec1 f a) where
  inj = Rec1 . inj

instance Inj p (f a) => Inj p (M1 i c f a) where
  inj = M1 . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (Par1 a) where
  inj = Par1 . inj

instance Inj p a => Inj p (K1 i a x) where
  inj = K1 . inj

instance Inj p (f (g a)) => Inj p ((:.:) f g a) where
  inj = Comp1 . inj