{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, MagicHash #-}
module Control.Effect.BaseControl
  ( -- * Effects

    -- * Actions
  , withLowerToBase
  , gainBaseControl

   -- * Interpretations
  , runBaseControl
  , baseControlToFinal

    -- * MonadBaseControl
  , MonadBaseControl(..)
  , control

   -- * Threading utilities
  , threadBaseControlViaClass

    -- * Combinators for 'Algebra's
    -- Intended to be used for custom 'Carrier' instances when
    -- defining 'algPrims'.
  , powerAlgBaseControl
  , powerAlgBaseControlFinal

    -- * Carriers
  , GainBaseControlC(..)

  , BaseControlC
  , BaseControlToFinalC
  ) where

import Data.Coerce

import Control.Monad
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Carrier

import Control.Effect.Type.Internal.BaseControl
import Control.Effect.Internal.BaseControl
import Control.Effect.Internal.Itself

import Control.Effect.Internal.Utils

import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import GHC.Exts (Proxy#, proxy#)

newtype GainBaseControlC b z m a = GainBaseControlC {
    unGainBaseControlC :: m a
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , Alternative, MonadPlus
           , MonadFix, MonadFail, MonadIO
           , MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask
           , Carrier
  deriving (MonadTrans, MonadTransControl) via IdentityT

instance (Monad m, MonadBase b z, Coercible z m)
      => MonadBase b (GainBaseControlC b z m) where
  liftBase = coerce #. liftBase @_ @z
  {-# INLINE liftBase #-}

instance (Monad m, MonadBaseControl b z, Coercible z m)
      => MonadBaseControl b (GainBaseControlC b z m) where
  type StM (GainBaseControlC b z m) a = StM z a

  liftBaseWith m = coerce $ liftBaseWith @_ @z $ \lower -> m (coerceTrans lower)
  {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}

  restoreM =
    coerce (restoreM @_ @z @a) :: forall a. StM z a -> GainBaseControlC b z m a
  {-# INLINE restoreM #-}

newtype Stateful m a = Stateful { getStateful :: StM m a }

-- | Gain access to a function that allows for lowering @m@ to the
-- base monad @b@.
-- This is less versatile, but easier to use than 'gainBaseControl'.
withLowerToBase :: forall b m a
                 . Eff (BaseControl b) m
                => (forall f. (forall x. m x -> b (f x)) -> b (f a))
                -> m a
withLowerToBase main = join $ send $
  GainBaseControl @b $ \(_ :: Proxy# z) -> coerceM $ control @_ @z $ \lower ->
    getStateful @z @a <$> main (fmap (Stateful @z) . coerceTrans lower)
{-# INLINE withLowerToBase #-}

-- | Locally gain access to a @'MonadBaseControl' b@ instance
-- within a region.
-- You'll need to use 'lift' if you want to use the 'MonadBaseControl' instance
-- with computations outside of the region.
-- This is common with effect handlers. For example:
-- @
-- import System.IO (FilePath, IOMode, Handle)
-- import qualified System.IO as SysIO
-- data WithFile m a where
--   WithFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m a) -> WithFile m a
-- runWithFile :: 'Eff' ('BaseControl' IO) m => 'SimpleInterpreterFor' WithFile m
-- runWithFile = 'interpretSimple' $ \case
--   WithFile fp mode c -> 'gainBaseControl' $ 'control' $ \lower ->
--     SysIO.withFile fp mode (\hdl -> lower (lift (c hdl)))
-- @
  :: forall b m a
   . Eff (BaseControl b) m
  => (  forall z
      . (MonadBaseControl b z, Coercible z m)
     => GainBaseControlC b z m a
  -> m a
gainBaseControl main = join $ send $
  GainBaseControl @b (\(_ :: Proxy# z) -> unGainBaseControlC (main @z))
{-# INLINE gainBaseControl #-}

-- | Run a @'BaseControl' m@ effect, where the base @m@ is the current monad.
-- @'Derivs' ('BaseControlC' m) = 'BaseControl' m ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('BaseControlC' m) = 'BaseControl' m ': 'Prims' m@
runBaseControl :: Carrier m => BaseControlC m a -> m a
runBaseControl = unBaseControlC
{-# INLINE runBaseControl #-}

data BaseControlToFinalH
type BaseControlToFinalC b = InterpretPrimC BaseControlToFinalH (BaseControl b)

instance ( MonadBaseControl b m
         , Carrier m
      => PrimHandler BaseControlToFinalH (BaseControl b) m where
  effPrimHandler (GainBaseControl main) = return $ main (proxy# :: Proxy# m)
  {-# INLINEABLE effPrimHandler #-}

-- | Run a @'BaseControl' b@ effect, where the base @b@ is the final base monad.
-- @'Derivs' ('BaseControlToFinalC' b m) = 'BaseControl' b ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('BaseControlToFinalC' b m) = 'BaseControl' b ': 'Prims' m@
baseControlToFinal :: (MonadBaseControl b m, Carrier m)
                   => BaseControlToFinalC b m a -> m a
baseControlToFinal = interpretPrimViaHandler
{-# INLINE baseControlToFinal #-}

-- | Strengthen an @'Algebra' p m@ by adding a @'BaseControl' m@ handler
powerAlgBaseControl :: forall m p a
                     . Monad m
                    => Algebra' p m a
                    -> Algebra' (BaseControl m ': p) m a
powerAlgBaseControl alg = powerAlg alg $ \case
  GainBaseControl main -> return $ main (proxy# :: Proxy# (Itself m))
{-# INLINEABLE powerAlgBaseControl #-}

-- | Strengthen an @'Algebra' p m@ by adding a @'BaseControl' b@ handler,
-- where @b@ is the final base monad.
powerAlgBaseControlFinal :: forall b m p a
                          . MonadBaseControl b m
                         => Algebra' p m a
                         -> Algebra' (BaseControl b ': p) m a
powerAlgBaseControlFinal alg = powerAlg alg $ \case
  GainBaseControl main -> return $ main (proxy# :: Proxy# m)
{-# INLINEABLE powerAlgBaseControlFinal #-}