{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Imm.Options where

-- {{{ Imports
import           Imm.Dyre                       as Dyre (Mode (..))
import qualified Imm.Dyre                       as Dyre
import           Imm.Feed
import           Imm.Logger                     as Logger
import           Imm.Prelude
import           Imm.Pretty

import           Data.Set                       (Set)
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set
import qualified Data.Text                      as Text
import           Options.Applicative
import           Options.Applicative.Help.Core  as Help
import           Options.Applicative.Help.Types
import           URI.ByteString
-- }}}

-- | Available commands.
data Command = Check (Maybe FeedRef)
             | Import
             | Read (Maybe FeedRef)
             | Rebuild
             | Unread (Maybe FeedRef)
             | Run (Maybe FeedRef)
             | Show (Maybe FeedRef)
             | Help
             | ShowVersion
             | Subscribe URI (Set Text)
             | Unsubscribe (Maybe FeedRef)

deriving instance Eq Command
deriving instance Show Command

instance Pretty Command where
  pretty (Check f)       = "Check feed(s):" <+> pretty f
  pretty Import          = "Import feeds"
  pretty (Read f)        = "Mark feed(s) as read:" <+> pretty f
  pretty Rebuild         = "Rebuild configuration"
  pretty (Unread f)      = "Mark feed(s) as unread:" <+> pretty f
  pretty (Run f)         = "Download new entries from feed(s):" <+> pretty f
  pretty (Show f)        = "Show status for feed(s):" <+> pretty f
  pretty Help            = "Display help"
  pretty ShowVersion     = "Show program version"
  pretty (Subscribe f _) = "Subscribe to feed:" <+> prettyURI f
  pretty (Unsubscribe f) = "Unsubscribe from feed(s):" <+> pretty f

defaultCommand :: Command
defaultCommand = Show Nothing

-- | Available commandline options.
data CliOptions = CliOptions
  { optionCommand      :: Command
  , optionDyreMode     :: Dyre.Mode
  , optionLogLevel     :: LogLevel
  , optionColorizeLogs :: Bool

-- deriving instance Eq CliOptions
defaultOptions :: CliOptions
defaultOptions = CliOptions defaultCommand Dyre.defaultMode Info True

-- instance Pretty CliOptions where
--     pretty opts = text "ACTION" <> equals <>  $ opts^.command_
--         , ("RECONFIGURATION_MODE=" ++) . show $ opts^.dyreMode_
--         ]
--         ++ catMaybes [("CONFIG=" ++) <$> opts^.configurationLabel_]

helpString :: Text
helpString = Text.pack $ renderHelp 100 $ Help.parserHelp defaultPrefs optionsParser

parseOptions :: (MonadIO m) => m CliOptions
parseOptions = io $ customExecParser defaultPrefs (info optionsParser $ progDesc "Fetch elements from RSS/Atom feeds and execute arbitrary actions for each of them.")

optionsParser :: Parser CliOptions
optionsParser = optional dyreMasterBinary *> optional dyreDebug *> cliOptions

cliOptions :: Parser CliOptions
cliOptions = CliOptions
  <$> commands
  <*> (vanillaFlag <|> forceReconfFlag <|> denyReconfFlag <|> pure Dyre.defaultMode)
  <*> (verboseFlag <|> quietFlag <|> logLevel <|> pure Info)
  <*> (colorizeLogs <|> pure True)

commands :: Parser Command
commands = subparser $ mconcat
  [ command "add" $ info subscribeOptions $ progDesc "Alias for subscribe."
  , command "check" $ info (Check <$> optional feedRefOption) $ progDesc "Check availability and validity of all feed sources currently configured, without writing any mail."
  , command "help" $ info (pure Help) $ progDesc "Display help"
  , command "import" $ info (pure Import) $ progDesc "Import feeds list from an OPML descriptor (read from stdin)."
  , command "read" $ info (Read <$> optional feedRefOption) $ progDesc "Mark given feed as read."
  , command "rebuild" $ info (pure Rebuild) $ progDesc "Rebuild configuration file."
  , command "remove" $ info unsubscribeOptions $ progDesc "Alias for unsubscribe."
  , command "run" $ info (Run <$> optional feedRefOption) $ progDesc "Update list of feeds."
  , command "show" $ info (Show <$> optional feedRefOption) $ progDesc "List all feed sources currently configured, along with their status."
  , command "subscribe" $ info subscribeOptions $ progDesc "Subscribe to a feed."
  , command "unread" $ info (Unread <$> optional feedRefOption) $ progDesc "Mark given feed as unread."
  , command "unsubscribe" $ info unsubscribeOptions $ progDesc "Unsubscribe from a feed."
  , command "version" $ info (pure ShowVersion) $ progDesc "Print version."

-- {{{ Dynamic reconfiguration options
vanillaFlag, forceReconfFlag, denyReconfFlag :: Parser Dyre.Mode
vanillaFlag      = flag' Vanilla $ long "vanilla" <> short '1' <> help "Ignore custom configuration file."
forceReconfFlag  = flag' ForceReconfiguration $ long "force-reconf" <> help "Recompile configuration file before starting the application."
denyReconfFlag   = flag' IgnoreReconfiguration $ long "deny-reconf" <> help "Do not recompile configuration file even if it has changed."

dyreDebug :: Parser Bool
dyreDebug = switch $ long "dyre-debug" <> help "Use './cache/' as the cache directory and ./ as the configuration directory. Useful to debug the program."

dyreMasterBinary :: Parser String
dyreMasterBinary = strOption $ long "dyre-master-binary" <> metavar "PATH" <> hidden <> internal <> help "Internal flag used for dynamic reconfiguration."
-- }}}

-- {{{ Log options
verboseFlag, quietFlag, logLevel :: Parser LogLevel
verboseFlag = flag' Logger.Debug $ long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Set log level to DEBUG."
quietFlag   = flag' Logger.Error $ long "quiet" <> short 'q' <> help "Set log level to ERROR."
logLevel    = option auto $ long "log-level" <> short 'l' <> metavar "LOG-LEVEL" <> value Info <> completeWith ["Debug", "Info", "Warning", "Error"] <> help "Set log level. Available values: Debug, Info, Warning, Error."

colorizeLogs :: Parser Bool
colorizeLogs = flag' False $ long "nocolor" <> help "Disable log colorisation."
-- }}}

-- {{{ Other options
tagOption :: Parser Text
tagOption = option auto $ long "tag" <> short 't' <> metavar "TAG" <> help "Set the given tag."

subscribeOptions, unsubscribeOptions :: Parser Command
subscribeOptions    = Subscribe <$> uriArgument "URI to subscribe to." <*> (Set.fromList <$> many tagOption)
unsubscribeOptions  = Unsubscribe <$> optional feedRefOption
-- }}}

-- {{{ Util
uriReader :: ReadM URI
uriReader = eitherReader $ first show . parseURI laxURIParserOptions . encodeUtf8 . fromString

feedRefOption :: Parser FeedRef
feedRefOption = argument ((ByUID <$> auto) <|> (ByURI <$> uriReader)) $ metavar "TARGET"

uriArgument :: String -> Parser URI
uriArgument helpText = argument uriReader $ metavar "URI" <> help helpText
-- }}}