ihaskell-hvega- IHaskell display instance for hvega types.
Copyright(c) Douglas Burke 2018 2019 2020 2021
PortabilityCPP, OverloadedStrings
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Allow VegaLite visualizations to be displayed directly in Jupyter notebooks or Jupyter Lab. For the moment they are handled separately, in that the Jupyter Lab version requires use of the vlShow routine.

Jupyter Lab can be installed with nix using the jupyterWith setup.


If we have the following Vega-Lite definition:

{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}

import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite

vl1 = toVegaLite [description desc, background "white", dat [], mark Bar barOpts, enc []] where
    desc = "A very exciting bar chart"

    dat = dataFromRows [Parse [("start", FoDate "%Y-%m-%d")]]
          . dataRow [("start", Str "2011-03-25"), ("count", Number 23)]
          . dataRow [("start", Str "2011-04-02"), ("count", Number 45)]
          . dataRow [("start", Str "2011-04-12"), ("count", Number 3)]

    barOpts = [MOpacity 0.4, MColor "teal"]

    enc = encoding
          . position X [PName "start", PmType Temporal, PAxis [AxTitle "Inception date"]]
          . position Y [PName "count", PmType Quantitative]

then it can be displayed automatically in Jupyter Lab by

vlShow vl1

where vlShow should be imported automatically by IHaskell.



vlShow :: VegaLite -> VegaLiteLab Source #

Display Vega-Lite visualizations in an IHaskell notebook when using Jupyter Lab.

Use the IHaskell.Display.Hvega module when using IHaskell from a Jupyter notebook.

Note that local file access is not guaranteed to work - e.g. dataFromUrl where the file name refers to a local file - since the JavaScript fs module may not be loaded.

It would be nice to create a PNG version for non-browser viewers, but I am not sure how to get Jupyter to do this (and if it would even do what I hope it does).

Convert a VegaLite visualization so that it can be auto-displayed in Jupyter Lab.

data VegaLiteLab Source #

A wrapper around VegaLite so that we can write a Display instance for JupyterLab and not end up with "overlapping instances".

Is there a better way to do this (other than drop support for Jupyter notebook users)?


Instances details
IHaskellDisplay VegaLiteLab Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Display.Hvega

Orphan instances

IHaskellDisplay VegaLite Source #

View a Vega-Lite visualization in a Jupyter *notebook*. Use vlShow instead if you are using Jupyter *lab*.

There is currently no way to pass options to the vegaEmbed call.

Note that local file access is not guaranteed to work - e.g. dataFromUrl where the file name refers to a local file - since the JavaScript fs module may not be loaded.

Instance details


display :: VegaLite -> IO Display #