{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, MultiWayIf, NamedFieldPuns, PatternGuards,
TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module IRTS.Compiler(compile, generate) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ASTUtils
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Erasure
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Options
import Idris.Output
import IRTS.CodegenC
import IRTS.CodegenCommon
import IRTS.Defunctionalise
import IRTS.DumpBC
import IRTS.Exports
import IRTS.Inliner
import IRTS.LangOpts
import IRTS.Portable
import IRTS.Simplified
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
compile :: Codegen -> FilePath -> Maybe Term -> Idris CodegenInfo
compile codegen f mtm = do
logCodeGen 1 "Compiling Output."
iReport 2 "Compiling Output."
exports <- findExports
let rootNames = case mtm of
Nothing -> []
Just t -> freeNames t
logCodeGen 1 "Running Erasure Analysis"
iReport 3 "Running Erasure Analysis"
reachableNames <- performUsageAnalysis
(rootNames ++ getExpNames exports)
maindef <- case mtm of
Nothing -> return []
Just tm -> do md <- irMain tm
logCodeGen 1 $ "MAIN: " ++ show md
return [(sMN 0 "runMain", md)]
objs <- getObjectFiles codegen
libs <- getLibs codegen
flags <- getFlags codegen
hdrs <- getHdrs codegen
impdirs <- rankedImportDirs f
ttDeclarations <- getDeclarations reachableNames
defsIn <- mkDecls reachableNames
let iface = case mtm of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> False
let defs = defsIn ++ maindef
let defsInlined = inlineAll defs
let defsUniq = map (allocUnique (addAlist defsInlined emptyContext))
logCodeGen 1 "Inlining"
dumpCases <- getDumpCases
case dumpCases of
Nothing -> return ()
Just f -> runIO $ writeFile f (showCaseTrees defsUniq)
let (nexttag, tagged) = addTags 65536 (liftAll defsInlined)
let ctxtIn = addAlist tagged emptyContext
logCodeGen 1 "Defunctionalising"
iReport 3 "Defunctionalising"
let defuns_in = defunctionalise nexttag ctxtIn
logCodeGen 5 $ show defuns_in
logCodeGen 1 "Inlining"
iReport 3 "Inlining"
let defuns = inline defuns_in
logCodeGen 5 $ show defuns
logCodeGen 1 "Resolving variables for CG"
let checked = simplifyDefs defuns (toAlist defuns)
outty <- outputTy
dumpDefun <- getDumpDefun
case dumpDefun of
Nothing -> return ()
Just f -> runIO $ writeFile f (dumpDefuns defuns)
triple <- Idris.AbsSyntax.targetTriple
cpu <- Idris.AbsSyntax.targetCPU
logCodeGen 1 "Generating Code."
iReport 2 "Generating Code."
case checked of
OK c -> do return $ CodegenInfo f outty triple cpu
hdrs impdirs objs libs flags
NONE c (toAlist defuns)
tagged iface exports
Error e -> ierror e
where checkMVs = do i <- getIState
case map fst (idris_metavars i) \\ primDefs of
[] -> return ()
ms -> do iputStrLn $ "WARNING: There are incomplete holes:\n " ++ show ms
iputStrLn "\nEvaluation of any of these will crash at run time."
return ()
checkTotality = do i <- getIState
case idris_totcheckfail i of
[] -> return ()
((fc, msg):fs) -> ierror . At fc . Msg $ "Cannot compile:\n " ++ msg
generate :: Codegen -> FilePath -> CodegenInfo -> IO ()
generate codegen mainmod ir
= case codegen of
Via _ "c" -> codegenC ir
Via fm cg -> do input <- case fm of
IBCFormat -> return mainmod
JSONFormat -> do
tempdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
(fn, h) <- openTempFile tempdir "idris-cg.json"
writePortable h ir
hClose h
return fn
let cmd = "idris-codegen-" ++ cg
args = [input, "-o", outputFile ir] ++ compilerFlags ir
exit <- rawSystem cmd (if interfaces ir then "--interface" : args else args)
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $
putStrLn ("FAILURE: " ++ show cmd ++ " " ++ show args)
Bytecode -> dumpBC (simpleDecls ir) (outputFile ir)
irMain :: TT Name -> Idris LDecl
irMain tm = do
i <- irTerm (sMN 0 "runMain") M.empty [] tm
return $ LFun [] (sMN 0 "runMain") [] (LForce i)
mkDecls :: [Name] -> Idris [(Name, LDecl)]
mkDecls used
= do i <- getIState
let ds = filter (\(n, d) -> n `elem` used || isCon d) $ ctxtAlist (tt_ctxt i)
decls <- mapM build ds
return decls
getDeclarations :: [Name] -> Idris ([(Name, TTDecl)])
getDeclarations used
= do i <- getIState
let ds = filter (\(n, (d,_,_,_,_,_)) -> n `elem` used || isCon d) $ ((toAlist . definitions . tt_ctxt) i)
return ds
showCaseTrees :: [(Name, LDecl)] -> String
showCaseTrees = showSep "\n\n" . map showCT . sortBy (comparing defnRank)
showCT (n, LFun opts f args lexp)
= showOpts ++
show n ++ " " ++ showSep " " (map show args) ++ " =\n\t"
++ show lexp
showOpts | Inline `elem` opts = "%inline "
| otherwise = ""
showCT (n, LConstructor c t a) = "data " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show a
defnRank :: (Name, LDecl) -> String
defnRank (n, LFun _ _ _ _) = "1" ++ nameRank n
defnRank (n, LConstructor _ _ _) = "2" ++ nameRank n
nameRank :: Name -> String
nameRank (UN s) = "1" ++ show s
nameRank (MN i s) = "2" ++ show s ++ show i
nameRank (NS n ns) = "3" ++ concatMap show (reverse ns) ++ nameRank n
nameRank (SN sn) = "4" ++ snRank sn
nameRank n = "5" ++ show n
snRank :: SpecialName -> String
snRank (WhereN i n n') = "1" ++ nameRank n' ++ nameRank n ++ show i
snRank (ImplementationN n args) = "2" ++ nameRank n ++ concatMap show args
snRank (ParentN n s) = "3" ++ nameRank n ++ show s
snRank (MethodN n) = "4" ++ nameRank n
snRank (CaseN _ n) = "5" ++ nameRank n
snRank (ImplementationCtorN n) = "7" ++ nameRank n
snRank (WithN i n) = "8" ++ nameRank n ++ show i
isCon (TyDecl _ _) = True
isCon _ = False
build :: (Name, Def) -> Idris (Name, LDecl)
build (n, d)
= do i <- getIState
case getPrim n i of
Just (ar, op) ->
let args = map (\x -> sMN x "op") [0..] in
return (n, (LFun [] n (take ar args)
(LOp op (map LV (take ar args)))))
_ -> do def <- mkLDecl n d
logCodeGen 3 $ "Compiled " ++ show n ++ " =\n\t" ++ show def
return (n, def)
where getPrim n i
| Just (ar, op) <- lookup n (idris_scprims i)
= Just (ar, op)
| Just ar <- lookup n (S.toList (idris_externs i))
= Just (ar, LExternal n)
getPrim n i = Nothing
declArgs args inl n (LLam xs x) = declArgs (args ++ xs) inl n x
declArgs args inl n x = LFun (if inl then [Inline] else []) n args x
mkLDecl n (Function tm _)
= declArgs [] True n <$> irTerm n M.empty [] tm
mkLDecl n (CaseOp ci _ _ _ pats cd)
= declArgs [] (case_inlinable ci || caseName n) n <$> irTree n args sc
(args, sc) = cases_runtime cd
caseName (SN (CaseN _ _)) = True
caseName (SN (WithN _ _)) = True
caseName (NS n _) = caseName n
caseName _ = False
mkLDecl n (TyDecl (DCon tag arity _) _) =
LConstructor n tag . length <$> fgetState (cg_usedpos . ist_callgraph n)
mkLDecl n (TyDecl (TCon t a) _) = return $ LConstructor n (-1) a
mkLDecl n _ = return $ (declArgs [] True n LNothing)
data VarInfo = VI
{ viMethod :: Maybe Name
deriving Show
type Vars = M.Map Name VarInfo
irTerm :: Name -> Vars -> [Name] -> Term -> Idris LExp
irTerm top vs env tm@(App _ f a) = do
ist <- getIState
case unApply tm of
(P _ n _, args)
| n `elem` map fst (idris_metavars ist) \\ primDefs
-> return $ LError $ "ABORT: Attempt to evaluate hole " ++ show n
(P _ (UN m) _, args)
| m == txt "mkForeignPrim"
-> doForeign vs env (reverse (drop 4 args))
(P _ (UN u) _, [_, arg])
| u == txt "unsafePerformPrimIO"
-> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN u) _, _)
| u == txt "assert_unreachable"
-> return $ LError $ "ABORT: Reached an unreachable case in " ++ show top
(P _ (UN u) _, [_, msg])
| u == txt "idris_crash"
-> do msg' <- irTerm top vs env msg
return $ LOp LCrash [msg']
(P _ (UN r) _, [_, _, _, _, _, arg])
| r == txt "replace"
-> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN r) _, _)
| r == txt "void"
-> return LNothing
(P _ (UN l) _, [_, arg])
| l == txt "lazy"
-> error "lazy has crept in somehow"
(P _ (UN l) _, [_, arg])
| l == txt "force"
-> LForce <$> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN l) _, [_, _, arg])
| l == txt "Delay"
-> LLazyExp <$> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN l) _, [_, _, arg])
| l == txt "Force"
-> LForce <$> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN a) _, [_, _, _, arg])
| a == txt "assert_smaller"
-> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN a) _, [_, arg])
| a == txt "assert_total"
-> irTerm top vs env arg
(P _ (UN p) _, [_, arg])
| p == txt "par"
-> do arg' <- irTerm top vs env arg
return $ LOp LPar [LLazyExp arg']
(P _ (UN pf) _, [arg])
| pf == txt "prim_fork"
-> do arg' <- irTerm top vs env arg
return $ LOp LFork [LLazyExp arg']
(P _ (UN m) _, [_,size,t])
| m == txt "malloc"
-> irTerm top vs env t
(P _ (UN tm) _, [_,t])
| tm == txt "trace_malloc"
-> irTerm top vs env t
(P _ (NS (UN be) [b,p]) _, [_,x,(App _ (App _ (App _ (P _ (UN d) _) _) _) t),
(App _ (App _ (App _ (P _ (UN d') _) _) _) e)])
| be == txt "ifThenElse"
, d == txt "Delay"
, d' == txt "Delay"
, b == txt "Bool"
, p == txt "Prelude"
-> do
x' <- irTerm top vs env x
t' <- irTerm top vs env t
e' <- irTerm top vs env e
return (LCase Shared x'
[LConCase 0 (sNS (sUN "False") ["Bool","Prelude"]) [] e'
,LConCase 1 (sNS (sUN "True" ) ["Bool","Prelude"]) [] t'
(P (DCon t arity _) n _, args) -> do
detag <- fgetState (opt_detaggable . ist_optimisation n)
used <- map fst <$> fgetState (cg_usedpos . ist_callgraph n)
let isNewtype = length used == 1 && detag
let argsPruned = [a | (i,a) <- zip [0..] args, i `elem` used]
let padLams = padLambdas used (length args) arity
case compare (length args) arity of
GT -> ifail ("overapplied data constructor: " ++ show tm ++
"\nDEBUG INFO:\n" ++
"Arity: " ++ show arity ++ "\n" ++
"Arguments: " ++ show args ++ "\n" ++
"Pruned arguments: " ++ show argsPruned)
EQ | isNewtype
-> irTerm top vs env (head argsPruned)
| Just LikeZ <- isLikeNat ist n
-> irTerm top vs env $ Constant (BI 0)
| Just LikeS <- isLikeNat ist n
-> irTerm top vs env $ mkApp
(P Ref (sUN "prim__addBigInt") Erased)
(Constant (BI 1) : argsPruned)
| otherwise
-> buildApp (LV n) argsPruned
LT | isNewtype
, length argsPruned == 1
-> padLams . (\tm [] -> tm)
<$> irTerm top vs env (head argsPruned)
| isNewtype
-> return . padLams $ \[vn] -> LApp False (LV n) [LV vn]
| Just LikeS <- isLikeNat ist n
-> irTerm top vs env $
App Complete
(P Ref (sUN "prim__addBigInt") Erased)
(Constant $ BI 1)
| otherwise
-> padLams . applyToNames <$> buildApp (LV n) argsPruned
(P (TCon t a) n _, args) -> return LNothing
(P _ n _, args) | S.member (n, length args) (idris_externs ist) -> do
LOp (LExternal n) <$> mapM (irTerm top vs env) args
(P _ n _, args) -> do
case lookup n (idris_scprims ist) of
Just (arity, op) | length args == arity
-> LOp op <$> mapM (irTerm top vs env) args
_ -> applyName n ist args
(V i, args) -> irTerm top vs env $ mkApp (P Bound (env !! i) Erased) args
(f, args)
-> LApp False
<$> irTerm top vs env f
<*> mapM (irTerm top vs env) args
buildApp :: LExp -> [Term] -> Idris LExp
buildApp e [] = return e
buildApp e xs = LApp False e <$> mapM (irTerm top vs env) xs
applyToNames :: LExp -> [Name] -> LExp
applyToNames tm [] = tm
applyToNames tm ns = LApp False tm $ map LV ns
padLambdas :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> ([Name] -> LExp) -> LExp
padLambdas used startIdx endSIdx mkTerm
= LLam allNames $ mkTerm nonerasedNames
allNames = [sMN i "sat" | i <- [startIdx .. endSIdx-1]]
nonerasedNames = [sMN i "sat" | i <- [startIdx .. endSIdx-1], i `elem` used]
applyName :: Name -> IState -> [Term] -> Idris LExp
applyName n ist args =
LApp False (LV n) <$> mapM (irTerm top vs env . erase) (zip [0..] args)
erase (i, x)
| i >= arity || i `elem` used = x
| otherwise = Erased
arity = case fst4 <$> lookupCtxtExact n (definitions . tt_ctxt $ ist) of
Just (CaseOp ci ty tys def tot cdefs) -> length tys
Just (TyDecl (DCon tag ar _) _) -> ar
Just (TyDecl Ref ty) -> length $ getArgTys ty
Just (Operator ty ar op) -> ar
Just def -> error $ "unknown arity: " ++ show (n, def)
Nothing -> 0
| Just n' <- viMethod =<< M.lookup n vs = n'
| otherwise = n
used = maybe [] (map fst . usedpos) $ lookupCtxtExact uName (idris_callgraph ist)
fst4 (x,_,_,_,_,_) = x
irTerm top vs env (P _ n _) = return $ LV n
irTerm top vs env (V i)
| i >= 0 && i < length env = return $ LV (env!!i)
| otherwise = ifail $ "bad de bruijn index: " ++ show i
irTerm top vs env (Bind n (Lam _ _) sc) = LLam [n'] <$> irTerm top vs (n':env) sc
n' = uniqueName n env
irTerm top vs env (Bind n (Let _ _ v) sc)
= LLet n <$> irTerm top vs env v <*> irTerm top vs (n : env) sc
irTerm top vs env (Bind _ _ _) = return $ LNothing
irTerm top vs env (Proj t (-1)) = do
t' <- irTerm top vs env t
return $ LOp (LMinus (ATInt ITBig))
[t', LConst (BI 1)]
irTerm top vs env (Proj t i) = LProj <$> irTerm top vs env t <*> pure i
irTerm top vs env (Constant TheWorld) = return LNothing
irTerm top vs env (Constant c) = return (LConst c)
irTerm top vs env (TType _) = return LNothing
irTerm top vs env Erased = return LNothing
irTerm top vs env Impossible = return LNothing
data LikeNat = LikeZ | LikeS
isLikeNat :: IState -> Name -> Maybe LikeNat
isLikeNat ist cn
| GeneralisedNatHack `notElem` opt_optimise (idris_options ist)
= Nothing
| Just cTy <- lookupTyExact cn $ tt_ctxt ist
, (P TCon{} tyN _, _) <- unApply $ getRetTy cTy
, Just (z, s) <- natLikeCtors tyN
= if | cn == z -> Just LikeZ
| cn == s -> Just LikeS
| otherwise -> error $ "isLikeNat: constructor not found in its own family: " ++ show (cn, tyN)
| otherwise = Nothing
natLikeCtors :: Name -> Maybe (Name, Name)
natLikeCtors tyN = case lookupCtxtExact tyN $ idris_datatypes ist of
Just TI{con_names = [z, s]}
| 0 <- getUsedCount z
, looksLikeS s
-> Just (z, s)
Just TI{con_names = [s, z]}
| 0 <- getUsedCount z
, looksLikeS s
-> Just (z, s)
_ -> Nothing
getUsedCount :: Name -> Int
getUsedCount n =
maybe 0 (length . usedpos)
$ lookupCtxtExact n
$ idris_callgraph ist
looksLikeS :: Name -> Bool
looksLikeS cn
| Just [(i, _)] <- fmap usedpos $ lookupCtxtExact cn $ idris_callgraph ist
, Just cTy <- lookupTyExact cn $ tt_ctxt ist
, [recTy] <- [recTy | (j, (_n, recTy)) <- zip [0..] (getArgTys cTy), j == i]
, (P TCon{} recTyN _, _) <- unApply recTy
, (P TCon{} tyN _, _) <- unApply $ getRetTy cTy
, recTyN == tyN
= True
| otherwise = False
doForeign :: Vars -> [Name] -> [Term] -> Idris LExp
doForeign vs env (ret : fname : world : args)
= do args' <- mapM splitArg args
let fname' = toFDesc fname
let ret' = toFDesc ret
return $ LForeign ret' fname' args'
splitArg tm | (_, [_,_,l,r]) <- unApply tm
= do let l' = toFDesc l
r' <- irTerm (sMN 0 "__foreignCall") vs env r
return (l', r')
splitArg _ = ifail $ "Badly formed foreign function call: " ++
show (ret : fname : world : args)
toFDesc (Constant (Str str)) = FStr str
toFDesc tm
| (P _ n _, []) <- unApply tm = FCon (deNS n)
| (P _ n _, as) <- unApply tm = FApp (deNS n) (map toFDesc as)
toFDesc _ = FUnknown
deNS (NS n _) = n
deNS n = n
doForeign vs env xs = ifail "Badly formed foreign function call"
irTree :: Name -> [Name] -> SC -> Idris LExp
irTree top args tree = do
logCodeGen 3 $ "Compiling " ++ show args ++ "\n" ++ show tree
LLam args <$> irSC top M.empty tree
irSC :: Name -> Vars -> SC -> Idris LExp
irSC top vs (STerm t) = irTerm top vs [] t
irSC top vs (UnmatchedCase str) = return $ LError str
irSC top vs (ProjCase tm alts) = do
tm' <- irTerm top vs [] tm
alts' <- mapM (irAlt top vs tm') alts
return $ LCase Shared tm' alts'
irSC top vs (Case up n [ConCase (UN delay) i [_, _, n'] sc])
| delay == txt "Delay"
= do sc' <- irSC top vs sc
return $ lsubst n' (LForce (LV n)) sc'
irSC top vs (Case up n [alt]) = do
replacement <- case alt of
ConCase cn a ns sc -> do
detag <- fgetState (opt_detaggable . ist_optimisation cn)
used <- map fst <$> fgetState (cg_usedpos . ist_callgraph cn)
if detag && length used == 1
then return . Just $ substSC (ns !! head used) n sc
else return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
case replacement of
Just sc -> irSC top vs sc
_ -> do
alt' <- irAlt top vs (LV n) alt
return $ case namesBoundIn alt' `usedIn` subexpr alt' of
[] -> subexpr alt'
_ -> LCase up (LV n) [alt']
namesBoundIn :: LAlt -> [Name]
namesBoundIn (LConCase cn i ns sc) = ns
namesBoundIn (LConstCase c sc) = []
namesBoundIn (LDefaultCase sc) = []
subexpr :: LAlt -> LExp
subexpr (LConCase _ _ _ e) = e
subexpr (LConstCase _ e) = e
subexpr (LDefaultCase e) = e
irSC top vs (Case up n alts@[ConCase cn a ns sc, DefaultCase sc']) = do
detag <- fgetState (opt_detaggable . ist_optimisation cn)
if detag
then irSC top vs (Case up n [ConCase cn a ns sc])
else do
likeNat <- isLikeNat <$> getIState <*> pure cn
case likeNat of
Just LikeS -> do
zCase <- LConstCase (BI 0) <$> irSC top vs sc'
sCase <- irAlt top vs (LV n) (ConCase cn a ns sc)
return $ LCase up (LV n) [zCase, sCase]
_ -> LCase up (LV n) <$> mapM (irAlt top vs (LV n)) alts
irSC top vs sc@(Case up n alts) = getIState >>= rhs
rhs ist
| [ConCase cns as nss scs, ConCase cnz az nsz scz] <- alts
, Just LikeS <- isLikeNat ist cns
= do
zCase <- LConstCase (BI 0) <$> irSC top vs scz
sCase <- irAlt top vs (LV n) (ConCase cns as nss scs)
return $ LCase up (LV n) [zCase, sCase]
| otherwise = do
goneWrong <- or <$> mapM isDetaggable alts
when goneWrong
$ ifail ("irSC: non-trivial case-match on detaggable data: " ++ show sc)
LCase up (LV n) <$> mapM (irAlt top vs (LV n)) alts
isDetaggable (ConCase cn _ _ _) = fgetState $ opt_detaggable . ist_optimisation cn
isDetaggable _ = return False
irSC top vs ImpossibleCase = return LNothing
irAlt :: Name -> Vars -> LExp -> CaseAlt -> Idris LAlt
irAlt top vs tm (ConCase n t args sc) = do
likeNat <- isLikeNat <$> getIState <*> pure n
used <- map fst <$> fgetState (cg_usedpos . ist_callgraph n)
let usedArgs = [a | (i,a) <- zip [0..] args, i `elem` used]
case likeNat of
Just LikeS -> do
sc' <- irSC top vs sc
case usedArgs of
[pv] -> return $ LDefaultCase $ LLet pv
( LOp
(LMinus (ATInt ITBig))
[ tm
, LConst (BI 1)
_ -> ifail $ "irAlt/LikeS: multiple used args: " ++ show usedArgs
Just LikeZ -> LConstCase (BI 0) <$> irSC top vs sc
Nothing -> LConCase (-1) n usedArgs <$> irSC top (methodVars `M.union` vs) sc
methodVars = case n of
SN (ImplementationCtorN interfaceName)
-> M.fromList [(v, VI
{ viMethod = Just $ mkFieldName n i
}) | (v,i) <- zip args [0..]]
-> M.empty
irAlt top vs _ (ConstCase x rhs)
| matchable x = LConstCase x <$> irSC top vs rhs
| matchableTy x = LDefaultCase <$> irSC top vs rhs
matchable (I _) = True
matchable (BI _) = True
matchable (Ch _) = True
matchable (Str _) = True
matchable (B8 _) = True
matchable (B16 _) = True
matchable (B32 _) = True
matchable (B64 _) = True
matchable _ = False
matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITBig)) = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITChar)) = True
matchableTy StrType = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = True
matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = True
matchableTy _ = False
irAlt top vs tm (SucCase n rhs) = do
rhs' <- irSC top vs rhs
return $ LDefaultCase (LLet n (LOp (LMinus (ATInt ITBig))
LConst (BI 1)]) rhs')
irAlt top vs _ (ConstCase c rhs)
= ifail $ "Can't match on (" ++ show c ++ ")"
irAlt top vs _ (DefaultCase rhs)
= LDefaultCase <$> irSC top vs rhs