idris-0.11: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types

Safe HaskellNone




partial_eval :: Context -> [(Name, Maybe Int)] -> [Either Term (Term, Term)] -> Maybe [Either Term (Term, Term)] Source

Partially evaluates given terms under the given context. It is an error if partial evaluation fails to make any progress. Making progress is defined as: all of the names given with explicit reduction limits (in practice, the function being specialised) must have reduced at least once. If we don't do this, we might end up making an infinite function after applying the transformation.

getSpecApps :: IState -> [Name] -> Term -> [(Name, [(PEArgType, Term)])] Source

Get specialised applications for a given function

specType :: [(PEArgType, Term)] -> Type -> (Type, [(PEArgType, Term)]) Source

Specialises the type of a partially evaluated TT function returning a pair of the specialised type and the types of expected arguments.

mkPE_TyDecl :: IState -> [(PEArgType, Term)] -> Type -> PTerm Source

Creates an Idris type declaration given current state and a specialised TT function application type. Can be used in combination with the output of specType.

This should: specialise any static argument position, then generalise over any function applications in the result.

mkPE_TermDecl :: IState -> Name -> Name -> [(PEArgType, Term)] -> PEDecl Source

Creates a new declaration for a specialised function application. Simple version at the moment: just create a version which is a direct application of the function to be specialised. More complex version to do: specialise the definition clause by clause

data PEArgType Source

Data type representing binding-time annotations for partial evaluation of arguments



Implicit static argument


Implicit dynamic argument


Explicit static argument


Explicit dynamic argument


Erasable dynamic argument (found under unification)

pe_app :: PEDecl -> PTerm Source

pe_def :: PEDecl -> PTerm Source

pe_clauses :: PEDecl -> [(PTerm, PTerm)] Source

pe_simple :: PEDecl -> Bool Source