ideas-1.5: Feedback services for intelligent tutoring systems
Portabilityportable (depends on ghc)
Safe HaskellSafe




Datatype for representing derivations as a tree. The datatype stores all intermediate results as well as annotations for the steps.


Data types


singleNode :: a -> Bool -> DerivationTree s a Source

Constructs a node without branches; the boolean indicates whether the node is an endpoint or not

addBranches :: [(s, DerivationTree s a)] -> DerivationTree s a -> DerivationTree s a Source

Branches are attached after the existing ones (order matters)

makeTree :: (a -> (Bool, [(s, a)])) -> a -> DerivationTree s a Source


root :: DerivationTree s a -> a Source

The root of the tree

endpoint :: DerivationTree s a -> Bool Source

Is this node an endpoint?

branches :: DerivationTree s a -> [(s, DerivationTree s a)] Source

All branches

subtrees :: DerivationTree s a -> [DerivationTree s a] Source

Returns all subtrees at a given node

leafs :: DerivationTree s a -> [a] Source

Returns all leafs, i.e., final results in derivation. Be careful: the returned list may be very long

lengthMax :: Int -> DerivationTree s a -> Maybe Int Source

The argument supplied is the maximum number of steps; if more steps are needed, Nothing is returned


restrictHeight :: Int -> DerivationTree s a -> DerivationTree s a Source

Restrict the height of the tree (by cutting off branches at a certain depth). Nodes at this particular depth are turned into endpoints

restrictWidth :: Int -> DerivationTree s a -> DerivationTree s a Source

Restrict the width of the tree (by cutting off branches).

updateAnnotations :: (a -> s -> a -> t) -> DerivationTree s a -> DerivationTree t a Source


derivation :: DerivationTree s a -> Maybe (Derivation s a) Source

The first derivation (if any)

randomDerivation :: RandomGen g => g -> DerivationTree s a -> Maybe (Derivation s a) Source

Return a random derivation (if any exists at all)

derivations :: DerivationTree s a -> [Derivation s a] Source

All possible derivations (returned in a list)