> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> module Database.HsSqlPpp.Dialects.SqlServer (sqlServerDialect) where
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Dialect
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Catalog.CatalogBuilder
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Catalog.CatalogTypes
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Dialects.Postgres
> import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
The sql server dialect is a crap modification to the postgresql
dialect at the moment. After a bunch more tests are written, it
should be reimplemented separately from scratch
> sqlServerDialect :: Dialect
> sqlServerDialect = Dialect
> {diName = "sqlServer"
> ,diSyntaxFlavour = SqlServer
> ,diCanonicalTypeNames = [("timestamp", ["datetime"])
> ,("int1", ["tinyint"])
> ,("int2", ["smallint"])
> ,("int4", ["integer","int"])
> ,("int8", ["bigint"])
> ,("float4", ["real"])
> ,("float8", ["double precision","float","double"])
> ,("varchar", ["character varying"])
> ,("char", ["character"])
> ,("bool", ["boolean"])]
> ,diTextTypes = ["char","varchar", "nvarchar"]
> ,diDatetimeTypes = ["date","time","timestamp","interval"]
> ,diNumberTypes = ["int2","int4","int8","numeric","float4","float8"]
> ,namesForAnsiTypes = [("char","char")
> ,("varchar","varchar")
> ,("nvarchar","nvarchar")
> ,("bigint","int8")
> ,("boolean","bool")
> ,("numeric","numeric")
> ,("int","int4")
> ,("date","date")
> ,("time","time")
> ,("timestamp","timestamp")
> ]
> ,diDefaultCatalog = tsqlCatalog
> }
> tsqlCatalog :: Catalog
> tsqlCatalog = either (error . show) id catr
> where
> catr = updateCatalog
> (alterUpdates (deconstructCatalog
> (diDefaultCatalog postgresDialect)
> ++ additionalEntries))
> emptyCatalog
> alterUpdates = map $ \u -> case u of
> CatCreateAggregate "count" ["any"] "int8" ->
> CatCreateAggregate "count" ["any"] "int4"
> CatCreateAggregate f [e] _ | f `elem` ["sum","avg"]
> , e `elem` ["int1"
> ,"int2"
> ,"int4"] ->
> CatCreateAggregate f [e] "int4"
> CatCreateAggregate f ["float4"] _ | f `elem` ["sum","avg"] ->
> CatCreateAggregate f ["float4"] "float8"
> CatCreateAggregate f ["int8"] _ | f `elem` ["sum","avg"] ->
> CatCreateAggregate f ["int8"] "int8"
> _ -> u
> additionalEntries =
> int1fns ++
> int12fns ++
> [CatCreateScalarType "nvarchar"
> ,CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "nvarchar" ("S", False)
> ,CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "varchar" "varchar" "varchar"
> ,CatCreateFunction "getdate" [] False "timestamp"
> ,CatCreateFunction "isnumeric" ["anyelement"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "grt_lengthconv" ["int4"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "isnull" ["anyelement","anyelement"] False "anyelement"
> ,CatCreateFunction "replace" ["char", "char", "char"] False "char"
> ,CatCreateFunction "replace" ["varchar", "varchar", "varchar"] False "varchar"
> ,CatCreateFunction "replace" ["nvarchar", "nvarchar", "nvarchar"] False "nvarchar"
> ,CatCreateFunction "patindex" ["char","char"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "patindex" ["varchar","varchar"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "patindex" ["nvarchar","nvarchar"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "isdate" ["varchar"] False "bool"
> ,CatCreateFunction "isdate" ["char"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "isdate" ["nvarchar"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "len" ["nvarchar"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "len" ["varchar"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateAggregate "count_big" ["any"] "int8"
> ,CatCreateFunction "datediff" ["int4","date","date"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "datediff" ["int4","timestamp","timestamp"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "dateadd" ["int4","int4","date"] False "date"
> ,CatCreateFunction "dateadd" ["int4","int4","timestamp"] False "timestamp"
> ,CatCreateFunction "datepart" ["int4","date"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "datepart" ["int4","timestamp"] False "int4"
> ,CatCreateFunction "trunc" ["timestamp"] False "timestamp"
> ,CatCreateCast "char" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> ,CatCreateFunction "substring" ["nvarchar","int4","int4"] False "nvarchar"
> ,CatCreateFunction "like" [ "nvarchar" , "nvarchar" ] False "bool"
postponed until we have better design
example of a problem: in "float4 < int4", both arguments are cast to text,
because it has higher priority (see CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry)
> ]
> int1fns = let s = filter (\x -> replaceItp x && hasInt2 x)
> (deconstructCatalog (diDefaultCatalog postgresDialect))
> in flip transformBi s $ \x -> case (x :: CatName) of
> "int2" -> "int1"
> _ -> x
> int12fns = let s = filter (\x -> replaceItp x && hasInt2Int4 x)
> (deconstructCatalog (diDefaultCatalog postgresDialect))
> in flip transformBi s $ \x -> case (x :: CatName) of
> "int2" -> "int1"
> "int4" -> "int2"
> _ -> x
> hasInt2 x = not $ null [() | ("int2" :: CatName) <- universeBi x]
> hasInt2Int4 x = not $ null [() | ("int2" :: CatName) <- universeBi x
> , ("int4" :: CatName) <- universeBi x]
> replaceItp x = case x of
> CatCreateScalarType {} -> True
> CatCreateArrayType {} -> True
> CatCreatePrefixOp {} -> True
> CatCreateBinaryOp {} -> True
> CatCreateFunction f _ _ _ | f `elem` ["abs","float4","float8","int2","int4","mod","numeric"] -> True
> CatCreateAggregate f _ _ | f `elem` ["avg","max","min","sum"] -> True
> CatCreateCast a b _ | a == "int2" || b == "int2" -> True
> CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry {} -> True
> _ -> False
comparisons with all ints
cast functions
avg to numeric max min sum
catcreatecast: float4,float8, int4,int8,numeric, from