This file is auto generated, to regenerate run
make regenDefaultTemplate1Catalog. You will need postgresql
installed to do this.
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> module Database.HsSqlPpp.Dialects.GeneratedPostgres
> (generatedPostgresCatalogEntries) where
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Catalog.CatalogTypes
> generatedPostgresCatalogEntries :: [CatalogUpdate]
> generatedPostgresCatalogEntries =
> [ CatCreateScalarType "abstime"
> , CatCreateScalarType "aclitem"
> , CatCreateScalarType "bit"
> , CatCreateScalarType "bool"
> , CatCreateScalarType "box"
> , CatCreateScalarType "bpchar"
> , CatCreateScalarType "bytea"
> , CatCreateScalarType "char"
> , CatCreateScalarType "cid"
> , CatCreateScalarType "cidr"
> , CatCreateScalarType "circle"
> , CatCreateScalarType "date"
> , CatCreateScalarType "float4"
> , CatCreateScalarType "float8"
> , CatCreateScalarType "gtsvector"
> , CatCreateScalarType "inet"
> , CatCreateScalarType "int2"
> , CatCreateScalarType "int2vector"
> , CatCreateScalarType "int4"
> , CatCreateScalarType "int8"
> , CatCreateScalarType "interval"
> , CatCreateScalarType "json"
> , CatCreateScalarType "jsonb"
> , CatCreateScalarType "line"
> , CatCreateScalarType "lseg"
> , CatCreateScalarType "macaddr"
> , CatCreateScalarType "money"
> , CatCreateScalarType "name"
> , CatCreateScalarType "numeric"
> , CatCreateScalarType "oid"
> , CatCreateScalarType "oidvector"
> , CatCreateScalarType "path"
> , CatCreateScalarType "pg_lsn"
> , CatCreateScalarType "pg_node_tree"
> , CatCreateScalarType "point"
> , CatCreateScalarType "polygon"
> , CatCreateScalarType "refcursor"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regclass"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regconfig"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regdictionary"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regoper"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regoperator"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regproc"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regprocedure"
> , CatCreateScalarType "regtype"
> , CatCreateScalarType "reltime"
> , CatCreateScalarType "smgr"
> , CatCreateScalarType "text"
> , CatCreateScalarType "tid"
> , CatCreateScalarType "time"
> , CatCreateScalarType "timestamp"
> , CatCreateScalarType "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateScalarType "timetz"
> , CatCreateScalarType "tinterval"
> , CatCreateScalarType "tsquery"
> , CatCreateScalarType "tsvector"
> , CatCreateScalarType "txid_snapshot"
> , CatCreateScalarType "unknown"
> , CatCreateScalarType "uuid"
> , CatCreateScalarType "varbit"
> , CatCreateScalarType "varchar"
> , CatCreateScalarType "xid"
> , CatCreateScalarType "xml"
> , CatCreateDomainType "information_schema.yes_or_no" "varchar"
> , CatCreateCast
> "information_schema.yes_or_no" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateDomainType "information_schema.time_stamp" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateCast
> "information_schema.time_stamp" "timestamptz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateDomainType "information_schema.sql_identifier" "varchar"
> , CatCreateCast
> "information_schema.sql_identifier" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateDomainType "information_schema.character_data" "varchar"
> , CatCreateCast
> "information_schema.character_data" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateDomainType "information_schema.cardinal_number" "int4"
> , CatCreateCast
> "information_schema.cardinal_number" "int4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateArrayType "_xml" "xml"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_xml" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_xid" "xid"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_xid" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_varchar" "varchar"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_varchar" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_varbit" "varbit"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_varbit" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_uuid" "uuid"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_uuid" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_txid_snapshot" "txid_snapshot"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_txid_snapshot" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tsvector" "tsvector"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tsvector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tstzrange" "tstzrange"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tstzrange" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tsrange" "tsrange"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tsrange" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tsquery" "tsquery"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tsquery" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tinterval" "tinterval"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tinterval" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_timetz" "timetz"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_timetz" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_timestamptz" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_timestamptz" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_timestamp" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_timestamp" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_time" "time"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_time" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_tid" "tid"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_tid" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_text" "text"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_text" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_reltime" "reltime"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_reltime" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regtype" "regtype"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regtype" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regprocedure" "regprocedure"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regprocedure" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regproc" "regproc"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regproc" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regoperator" "regoperator"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regoperator" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regoper" "regoper"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regoper" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regdictionary" "regdictionary"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regdictionary" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regconfig" "regconfig"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regconfig" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_regclass" "regclass"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_regclass" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_refcursor" "refcursor"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_refcursor" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_record" "record"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_record" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_polygon" "polygon"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_polygon" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_point" "point"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_point" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_pg_lsn" "pg_lsn"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_pg_lsn" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_path" "path"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_path" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_oidvector" "oidvector"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_oidvector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_oid" "oid"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_oid" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_numrange" "numrange"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_numrange" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_numeric" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_name" "name"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_name" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_money" "money"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_money" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_macaddr" "macaddr"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_macaddr" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_lseg" "lseg"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_lseg" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_line" "line"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_line" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_jsonb" "jsonb"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_jsonb" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_json" "json"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_json" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_interval" "interval"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_interval" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int8range" "int8range"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int8range" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int8" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int4range" "int4range"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int4range" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int4" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int2vector" "int2vector"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int2vector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_int2" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_inet" "inet"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_inet" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_gtsvector" "gtsvector"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_gtsvector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_float8" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_float4" "float4"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_float4" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_daterange" "daterange"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_daterange" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_date" "date"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_date" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_cstring" "cstring"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_cstring" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_circle" "circle"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_circle" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_cidr" "cidr"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_cidr" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_cid" "cid"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_cid" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_char" "char"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_char" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_bytea" "bytea"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_bytea" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_bpchar" "bpchar"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_bpchar" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_box" "box"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_box" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_bool" "bool"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_bool" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_bit" "bit"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_bit" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_aclitem" "aclitem"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_aclitem" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateArrayType "_abstime" "abstime"
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "_abstime" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "!!" "int8" "numeric"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "!!" "tsquery" "tsquery"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "#" "path" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "#" "polygon" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "+" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "interval" "interval"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "-" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "?-" "lseg" "bool"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "?-" "line" "bool"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "?|" "lseg" "bool"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "?|" "line" "bool"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@-@" "lseg" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@-@" "path" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@@" "lseg" "point"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@@" "path" "point"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@@" "box" "point"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@@" "polygon" "point"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "@@" "circle" "point"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "|" "tinterval" "abstime"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "|/" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "||/" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "macaddr" "macaddr"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "inet" "inet"
> , CatCreatePrefixOp "~" "bit" "bit"
> , CatCreatePostfixOp "!" "int8" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~" "name" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~" "text" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~" "bpchar" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~*" "name" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~*" "text" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~*" "bpchar" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~" "bytea" "bytea" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~" "name" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~" "text" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~" "bpchar" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~*" "name" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~*" "text" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "!~~*" "bpchar" "text" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "lseg" "lseg" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "box" "box" "box"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "line" "line" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#" "bit" "bit" "bit"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "point" "lseg" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "point" "box" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "point" "line" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "lseg" "lseg" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "lseg" "box" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "lseg" "line" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "line" "lseg" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "##" "line" "box" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#<" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#<=" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#<>" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#=" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>" "json" "_text" "json"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>" "jsonb" "_text" "jsonb"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>=" "tinterval" "reltime" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>>" "json" "_text" "text"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "#>>" "jsonb" "_text" "text"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "%" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "%" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "%" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "%" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "macaddr" "macaddr" "macaddr"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "inet" "inet" "inet"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&" "bit" "bit" "bit"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "box" "box" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "polygon" "polygon" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "tinterval" "tinterval" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "circle" "circle" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "inet" "inet" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "anyarray" "anyarray" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "tsquery" "tsquery" "tsquery"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&&" "anyrange" "anyrange" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<" "box" "box" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<" "polygon" "polygon" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<" "circle" "circle" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<" "anyrange" "anyrange" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<|" "box" "box" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<|" "polygon" "polygon" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&<|" "circle" "circle" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&>" "box" "box" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&>" "polygon" "polygon" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&>" "circle" "circle" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "&>" "anyrange" "anyrange" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int8" "int2" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int8" "int4" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int2" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int2" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int2" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int4" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int4" "int2" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "int4" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "point" "point" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "path" "point" "path"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "box" "point" "box"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float4" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float4" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float4" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float8" "float4" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float8" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float8" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "float8" "interval" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "circle" "point" "circle"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "money" "int2" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "money" "int4" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "money" "float4" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "money" "float8" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "interval" "float8" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*" "anyrange" "anyrange" "anyrange"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*<" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*<=" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*<>" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*=" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*>" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "*>=" "record" "record" "bool"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int8" "int2" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int8" "int4" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int8" "inet" "inet"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int2" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int2" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int4" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int4" "int2" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "int4" "date" "date"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "point" "point" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "path" "point" "path"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "path" "path" "path"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "box" "point" "box"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "float4" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "float4" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "float8" "float4" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "float8" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "abstime" "reltime" "abstime"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "circle" "point" "circle"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "money" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "inet" "int8" "inet"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "_aclitem" "aclitem" "_aclitem"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "date" "int4" "date"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "date" "time" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "date" "interval" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "date" "timetz" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "time" "date" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "time" "interval" "time"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "timestamp" "interval" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "timestamptz" "interval" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "date" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "time" "time"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "timestamp" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "timestamptz" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "interval" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "interval" "timetz" "timetz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "timetz" "date" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "timetz" "interval" "timetz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "+" "anyrange" "anyrange" "anyrange"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int8" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int8" "int2" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int8" "int4" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int2" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int2" "int2" "int2"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int2" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int4" "int8" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int4" "int2" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "int4" "int4" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "point" "point" "point"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "path" "point" "path"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "box" "point" "box"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "float4" "float4" "float4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "float4" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "float8" "float4" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "float8" "float8" "float8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "abstime" "reltime" "abstime"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "circle" "point" "circle"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "money" "money" "money"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "inet" "int8" "inet"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "inet" "inet" "int8"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "_aclitem" "aclitem" "_aclitem"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "date" "int4" "date"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "date" "date" "int4"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "date" "interval" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "time" "time" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "time" "interval" "time"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "timestamp" "timestamp" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "timestamp" "interval" "timestamp"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "timestamptz" "timestamptz" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "timestamptz" "interval" "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "interval" "interval" "interval"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "timetz" "interval" "timetz"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "pg_lsn" "pg_lsn" "numeric"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "-" "anyrange" "anyrange" "anyrange"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "->" "json" "int4" "json"
> , CatCreateBinaryOp "->" "json" "text" "json"
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> , CatCreateBinaryOp "->>" "json" "text" "text"
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> "age" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "interval"
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> "float8"
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> "areasel"
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> False
> "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "array_replace"
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> False
> "anyarray"
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> "arraycontains" [ "anyarray" , "anyarray" ] False "bool"
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> "float8"
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> "arraycontsel"
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> False
> "float8"
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> "void"
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> "ascii_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
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> "void"
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> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
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> "big5_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
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> "bool_accum" [ "bool" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "boolor_statefunc" [ "bool" , "bool" ] False "bool"
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> "bpchar" [ "bpchar" , "bool" , "int4" ] False "bpchar"
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> "bpchar_larger" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bpchar"
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> "bpchar_pattern_ge" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
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> "bpchar_pattern_gt" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
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> "bpchar_pattern_le" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "bpchar_pattern_lt" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "bpchar_smaller" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "bpchar"
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> "bpcharcmp" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "int4"
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> "bpcharicnlike" [ "bpchar" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "bpcharicregexeq" [ "text" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "bpcharnlike" [ "text" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
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> "bpcharrecv" [ "int4" , "oid" , "internal" ] False "bpchar"
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> "bpcharregexeq" [ "text" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "bpcharregexne" [ "text" , "bpchar" ] False "bool"
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> "btarraycmp" [ "anyarray" , "anyarray" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "btbeginscan"
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> False
> "internal"
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> "btbpchar_pattern_cmp" [ "bpchar" , "bpchar" ] False "int4"
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "void"
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> "btfloat48cmp" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "int4"
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> "btfloat84cmp" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "int4"
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> "btinsert"
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
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> "btrescan"
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> "void"
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> "cash_mul_flt8" [ "money" , "float8" ] False "money"
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> "cash_mul_int2" [ "money" , "int2" ] False "money"
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> "cash_mul_int4" [ "int4" , "money" ] False "money"
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> "float8"
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> "xml"
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> "database_to_xml_and_xmlschema"
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> "date_ge_timestamptz" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
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> "date_gt_timestamp" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "date_gt_timestamptz" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
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> "date_le_timestamptz" [ "date" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
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> "date_lt_timestamp" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "date_lt_timestamptz" [ "date" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "date_mi" [ "date" , "date" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> "date_ne_timestamp" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "date_part" [ "text" , "timestamp" ] False "float8"
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> "date_trunc" [ "timestamptz" , "text" ] False "timestamptz"
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> "date_trunc" [ "text" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "date_trunc" [ "text" , "timestamp" ] False "timestamp"
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> "daterange" [ "date" , "text" , "date" ] False "daterange"
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> "daterange_subdiff" [ "date" , "date" ] False "float8"
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> "datetime_pl" [ "time" , "date" ] False "timestamp"
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> "datetimetz_pl" [ "date" , "timetz" ] False "timestamptz"
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> "dispell_lexize"
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> "dsimple_lexize"
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> "internal"
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> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
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> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "dtrunc" [ "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "elem_contained_by_range"
> [ "anyrange" , "anyelement" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "encode" [ "bytea" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_cmp" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_eq" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_first" [ "anyenum" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_ge" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_gt" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_in" [ "oid" , "cstring" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_larger" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_last" [ "anyenum" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_le" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_lt" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_ne" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_out" [ "anyenum" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_range" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "anyarray"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_range" [ "anyenum" ] False "anyarray"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_recv" [ "internal" , "oid" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction "enum_send" [ "anyenum" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "enum_smaller" [ "anyenum" , "anyenum" ] False "anyenum"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "eqjoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "oid" , "internal" , "int2" , "internal" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "eqsel" [ "internal" , "internal" , "int4" , "oid" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_cn_to_mic"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_cn_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_jis_2004_to_shift_jis_2004"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_jis_2004_to_utf8"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_jp_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_jp_to_sjis"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_jp_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_kr_to_mic"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_kr_to_utf8"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_tw_to_big5"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_tw_to_mic"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "euc_tw_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "event_trigger_in" [ "cstring" ] False "event_trigger"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "event_trigger_out" [ "event_trigger" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "exp" [ "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "exp" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "factorial" [ "int8" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "family" [ "inet" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "fdw_handler_in" [ "cstring" ] False "fdw_handler"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "fdw_handler_out" [ "fdw_handler" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4" [ "int2" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4" [ "float8" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4" [ "int4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4" [ "int8" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4" [ "numeric" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48div" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "float8"
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> "float48eq" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48ge" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48gt" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48le" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48lt" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48mi" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48mul" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48ne" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float48pl" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4_accum" [ "float4" , "_float8" ] False "_float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4div" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4eq" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4ge" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4gt" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4in" [ "cstring" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4larger" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4le" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4lt" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4mi" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4mul" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4ne" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4out" [ "float4" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4pl" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4recv" [ "internal" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4send" [ "float4" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float4smaller" [ "float4" , "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4um" [ "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float4up" [ "float4" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8" [ "int2" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8" [ "float4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8" [ "int4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8" [ "int8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8" [ "numeric" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84div" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84eq" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84ge" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84gt" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84le" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84lt" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84mi" [ "float4" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84mul" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84ne" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float84pl" [ "float8" , "float4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_accum" [ "_float8" , "float8" ] False "_float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_avg" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_corr" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_covar_pop" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_covar_samp" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_regr_accum"
> [ "float8" , "_float8" , "float8" ]
> False
> "_float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_regr_avgx" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_regr_avgy" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_regr_intercept" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "float8_regr_sxx" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "float8_regr_syy" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_stddev_pop" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8_stddev_samp" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_var_pop" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8_var_samp" [ "_float8" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8div" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8eq" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8ge" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction "float8in" [ "cstring" ] False "float8"
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> "float8larger" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8le" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8lt" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "bool"
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> "float8mi" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "float8mul" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
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> "float8pl" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "float8recv" [ "internal" ] False "float8"
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> "float8smaller" [ "float8" , "float8" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "floor" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "flt4_mul_cash" [ "money" , "float4" ] False "money"
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> "flt8_mul_cash" [ "money" , "float8" ] False "money"
> , CatCreateFunction "fmgr_c_validator" [ "oid" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "fmgr_internal_validator" [ "oid" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "fmgr_sql_validator" [ "oid" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "format" [ "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "format_type" [ "int4" , "oid" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gb18030_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gbk_to_utf8"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "interval" ]
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> "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series"
> [ "timestamptz" , "interval" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series" [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" ] True "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series" [ "int4" , "int4" ] True "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series" [ "int8" , "int8" , "int8" ] True "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "generate_series" [ "int8" , "int8" ] True "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction "get_bit" [ "bytea" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "get_bit" [ "bit" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "get_byte" [ "int4" , "bytea" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_cmp_prefix"
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> "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_cmp_tslexeme" [ "text" , "text" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_compare_jsonb" [ "text" , "text" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> , "anyarray"
> , "int4"
> ]
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> "bool"
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> "gin_consistent_jsonb_path"
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> , "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_jsonb"
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_jsonb_path"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_jsonb_query"
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> , "anyarray"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_jsonb_query_path"
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> , "anyarray"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_tsquery"
> [ "tsquery" , "internal" , "int2" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_tsquery"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "tsquery"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_tsvector" [ "internal" , "tsvector" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_extract_tsvector"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "tsvector" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_triconsistent_jsonb"
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> , "internal"
> , "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> , "anyarray"
> ]
> False
> "char"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_triconsistent_jsonb_path"
> [ "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "anyarray"
> , "int2"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "char"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_tsquery_consistent"
> [ "tsquery"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int4"
> , "int2"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_tsquery_consistent"
> [ "tsquery"
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> , "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gin_tsquery_triconsistent"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "int2"
> , "tsquery"
> , "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "char"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginarrayconsistent"
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> , "anyarray"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginarrayextract"
> [ "internal" , "anyarray" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginarrayextract" [ "anyarray" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginarraytriconsistent"
> [ "int2"
> , "anyarray"
> , "int4"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "char"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginbeginscan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginbuild"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "ginbuildempty" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginbulkdelete"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gincostestimate"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "ginendscan" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gingetbitmap" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gininsert"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> , CatCreateFunction "ginmarkpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "ginoptions" [ "bool" , "_text" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginqueryarrayextract"
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> , "int2"
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> , "internal"
> , "anyarray"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginrescan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "ginrestrpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ginvacuumcleanup" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_box_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "gist_box_consistent"
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_box_decompress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_box_penalty"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_box_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "gist_box_same" [ "box" , "internal" , "box" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_box_union" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "box"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_circle_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_circle_consistent"
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_point_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_point_consistent"
> [ "point" , "internal" , "oid" , "int4" , "internal" ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_point_distance"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "oid" , "point" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_poly_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gist_poly_consistent"
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistbeginscan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistbuild"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "gistbuildempty" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistbulkdelete"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistcostestimate"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "gistendscan" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistgetbitmap" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistgettuple" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistinsert"
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "gistmarkpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistoptions" [ "_text" , "bool" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistrescan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "gistrestrpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gistvacuumcleanup" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_consistent"
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_decompress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_penalty"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "gtsquery_same" [ "internal" , "int8" , "int8" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsquery_union" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_consistent"
> [ "int4" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" , "gtsvector" ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_decompress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_penalty"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "gtsvector_same"
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "gtsvector_union" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "bool"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_column_privilege"
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> "has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege"
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> "has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege"
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> "has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege"
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> "has_sequence_privilege" [ "name" , "oid" , "text" ] False "bool"
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> "has_sequence_privilege" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
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> "has_tablespace_privilege"
> [ "name" , "text" , "text" ]
> False
> "bool"
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> "has_tablespace_privilege" [ "text" , "oid" , "name" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "has_tablespace_privilege" [ "text" , "text" , "oid" ] False "bool"
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> "has_type_privilege" [ "name" , "text" , "oid" ] False "bool"
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
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> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
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> "hashoptions" [ "_text" , "bool" ] False "bytea"
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> "hashrescan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "hashrestrpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "hashtext" [ "text" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> "iclikesel"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "internal" , "oid" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "icnlikejoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "int2" , "internal" , "internal" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "icnlikesel"
> [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "icregexeqjoinsel"
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> "float8"
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> "icregexeqsel"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "oid" , "internal" ]
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> "float8"
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> "icregexnejoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" , "int2" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "icregexnesel"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "internal" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_consistent"
> [ "int4" , "inet" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_decompress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_penalty"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "inet_gist_same" [ "inet" , "inet" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "inet_gist_union" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "int2_avg_accum" [ "_int8" , "int2" ] False "_int8"
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> "int2_avg_accum_inv" [ "_int8" , "int2" ] False "_int8"
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> "int2_mul_cash" [ "int2" , "money" ] False "money"
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> "int2vectorout" [ "int2vector" ] False "cstring"
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> "int4_accum" [ "int4" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "int4_accum_inv" [ "internal" , "int4" ] False "internal"
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> "int4_avg_accum" [ "int4" , "_int8" ] False "_int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int4_avg_accum_inv" [ "int4" , "_int8" ] False "_int8"
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> "int4_mul_cash" [ "money" , "int4" ] False "money"
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> , CatCreateFunction "int4pl" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int4range" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int4range" [ "int4" , "text" , "int4" ] False "int4range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int4range_canonical" [ "int4range" ] False "int4range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int4range_subdiff" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4recv" [ "internal" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4send" [ "int4" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4shl" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4shr" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4smaller" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4um" [ "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4up" [ "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int4xor" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "float8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "float4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "int2" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "numeric" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8" [ "bit" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82div" [ "int2" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82eq" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82ge" [ "int2" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82gt" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82le" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82lt" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82mi" [ "int2" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82mul" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82ne" [ "int8" , "int2" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int82pl" [ "int2" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84div" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84eq" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84ge" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84gt" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84le" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84lt" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84mi" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84mul" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84ne" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int84pl" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8_accum" [ "internal" , "int8" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8_accum_inv" [ "int8" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8_avg" [ "_int8" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8_avg_accum" [ "internal" , "int8" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8_sum" [ "numeric" , "int8" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8abs" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8and" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8dec" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8dec_any" [ "any" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8div" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8eq" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8ge" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8gt" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8in" [ "cstring" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8inc" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8inc_any" [ "any" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8inc_float8_float8"
> [ "float8" , "int8" , "float8" ]
> False
> "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8larger" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8le" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8lt" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8mi" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8mod" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8mul" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8ne" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8not" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8or" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8out" [ "int8" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8pl" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8pl_inet" [ "int8" , "inet" ] False "inet"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8range" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8range" [ "int8" , "int8" , "text" ] False "int8range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8range_canonical" [ "int8range" ] False "int8range"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "int8range_subdiff" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8recv" [ "internal" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8send" [ "int8" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8shl" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8shr" [ "int8" , "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8smaller" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8um" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8up" [ "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "int8xor" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "integer_pl_date" [ "date" , "int4" ] False "date"
> , CatCreateFunction "inter_lb" [ "line" , "box" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "inter_sb" [ "box" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "inter_sl" [ "lseg" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "internal_in" [ "cstring" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "internal_out" [ "internal" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval" [ "reltime" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval" [ "int4" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval" [ "time" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_accum" [ "interval" , "_interval" ] False "_interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_accum_inv" [ "_interval" , "interval" ] False "_interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval_avg" [ "_interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_cmp" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_div" [ "float8" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_eq" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_ge" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_gt" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval_hash" [ "interval" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_in" [ "cstring" , "int4" , "oid" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_larger" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_le" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_lt" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_mi" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_mul" [ "float8" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_ne" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval_out" [ "interval" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl_date" [ "interval" , "date" ] False "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl_time" [ "interval" , "time" ] False "time"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl_timestamp"
> [ "timestamp" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamptz" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_pl_timetz" [ "interval" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_recv" [ "int4" , "oid" , "internal" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval_send" [ "interval" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_smaller" [ "interval" , "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "interval_transform" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "interval_um" [ "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "intervaltypmodin" [ "_cstring" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "intervaltypmodout" [ "int4" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "intinterval" [ "abstime" , "tinterval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isclosed" [ "path" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isempty" [ "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isfinite" [ "abstime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isfinite" [ "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isfinite" [ "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isfinite" [ "interval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isfinite" [ "timestamp" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ishorizontal" [ "point" , "point" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "ishorizontal" [ "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "ishorizontal" [ "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso8859_1_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso8859_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso_to_koi8r"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso_to_win1251"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "iso_to_win866"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "isopen" [ "path" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isparallel" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isparallel" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isperp" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isperp" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isvertical" [ "point" , "point" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isvertical" [ "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "isvertical" [ "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "johab_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_agg_finalfn" [ "internal" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_agg_transfn" [ "internal" , "anyelement" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_array_element" [ "int4" , "json" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_array_element_text" [ "int4" , "json" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_array_elements" [ "json" ] True "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_array_elements_text" [ "json" ] True "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_array_length" [ "json" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_each" [ "json" ] True "record"
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> , CatCreateFunction "json_in" [ "cstring" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_object" [ "_text" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_object" [ "_text" , "_text" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_object_agg_finalfn" [ "internal" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_object_agg_transfn"
> [ "any" , "internal" , "any" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_object_field" [ "text" , "json" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_object_field_text" [ "json" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_object_keys" [ "json" ] True "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_out" [ "json" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_populate_record"
> [ "json" , "anyelement" , "bool" ]
> False
> "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "json_populate_recordset"
> [ "anyelement" , "json" , "bool" ]
> True
> "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_recv" [ "internal" ] False "json"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_send" [ "json" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_to_record" [ "json" ] False "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_to_recordset" [ "json" ] True "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "json_typeof" [ "json" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_array_element" [ "int4" , "jsonb" ] False "jsonb"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_array_element_text" [ "int4" , "jsonb" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_array_elements" [ "jsonb" ] True "jsonb"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_array_elements_text" [ "jsonb" ] True "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_array_length" [ "jsonb" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_cmp" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_contained" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_contains" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_each" [ "jsonb" ] True "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_each_text" [ "jsonb" ] True "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_eq" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_exists" [ "jsonb" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_exists_all" [ "_text" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_exists_any" [ "_text" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_ge" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_gt" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_hash" [ "jsonb" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_in" [ "cstring" ] False "jsonb"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_le" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_lt" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_ne" [ "jsonb" , "jsonb" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_object_field" [ "text" , "jsonb" ] False "jsonb"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_object_field_text" [ "jsonb" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_object_keys" [ "jsonb" ] True "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_out" [ "jsonb" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_populate_record"
> [ "jsonb" , "anyelement" ]
> False
> "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "jsonb_populate_recordset"
> [ "anyelement" , "jsonb" ]
> True
> "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_recv" [ "internal" ] False "jsonb"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_send" [ "jsonb" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_to_record" [ "jsonb" ] False "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_to_recordset" [ "jsonb" ] True "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "jsonb_typeof" [ "jsonb" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "justify_days" [ "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "justify_hours" [ "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "justify_interval" [ "interval" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8r_to_iso"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8r_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8r_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8r_to_win1251"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8r_to_win866"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "koi8u_to_utf8"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "language_handler_in" [ "cstring" ] False "language_handler"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "language_handler_out" [ "language_handler" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "latin1_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "latin2_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "latin2_to_win1250"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "latin3_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "latin4_to_mic"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "left" [ "int4" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "text" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "bpchar" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "lseg" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "path" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "bit" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "bytea" , "name" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "bytea" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "length" [ "tsvector" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "like" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "like" [ "text" , "name" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "like" [ "bytea" , "bytea" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "like_escape" [ "text" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "like_escape" [ "bytea" , "bytea" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "likejoinsel"
> [ "int2" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "likesel"
> [ "int4" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "line" [ "point" , "point" ] False "line"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "line_distance" [ "line" , "line" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_eq" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_horizontal" [ "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_in" [ "cstring" ] False "line"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "line_interpt" [ "line" , "line" ] False "point"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "line_intersect" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_out" [ "line" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "line_parallel" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_perp" [ "line" , "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_recv" [ "internal" ] False "line"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_send" [ "line" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "line_vertical" [ "line" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "ln" [ "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "ln" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_close" [ "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_creat" [ "int4" ] False "oid"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_create" [ "oid" ] False "oid"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_export" [ "text" , "oid" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_from_bytea" [ "oid" , "bytea" ] False "oid"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_get" [ "oid" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lo_get" [ "int8" , "int4" , "oid" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_import" [ "text" ] False "oid"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_import" [ "oid" , "text" ] False "oid"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lo_lseek" [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lo_lseek64" [ "int4" , "int8" , "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_open" [ "int4" , "oid" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lo_put" [ "bytea" , "oid" , "int8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_tell" [ "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_tell64" [ "int4" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_truncate" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lo_truncate64" [ "int4" , "int8" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "lo_unlink" [ "oid" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "log" [ "float8" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "log" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "log" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "loread" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "lower" [ "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "lower" [ "anyrange" ] False "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction "lower_inc" [ "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lower_inf" [ "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lowrite" [ "bytea" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lpad" [ "int4" , "text" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "lpad" [ "text" , "int4" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg" [ "point" , "point" ] False "lseg"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg" [ "box" ] False "lseg"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_center" [ "lseg" ] False "point"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lseg_distance" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_eq" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_ge" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_gt" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_horizontal" [ "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_in" [ "cstring" ] False "lseg"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lseg_interpt" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "point"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "lseg_intersect" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_le" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_length" [ "lseg" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_ne" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "lseg_parallel" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "lseg_perp" [ "lseg" , "lseg" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction "ltrim" [ "text" ] False "text"
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> "macaddr_and" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "macaddr"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_eq" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_ge" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_gt" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "macaddr_in" [ "cstring" ] False "macaddr"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_le" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_lt" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "macaddr_ne" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "macaddr_not" [ "macaddr" ] False "macaddr"
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> "macaddr_or" [ "macaddr" , "macaddr" ] False "macaddr"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "make_date" [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" ] False "date"
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> "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "make_time" [ "int4" , "float8" , "int4" ] False "time"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "make_timestamp"
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> "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "make_timestamptz"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "float8" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "make_timestamptz"
> [ "float8" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "text" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "makeaclitem" [ "oid" , "oid" , "text" , "bool" ] False "aclitem"
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> , CatCreateFunction "md5" [ "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "md5" [ "bytea" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_ascii"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_big5"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_euc_cn"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_euc_jp"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_euc_kr"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_euc_tw"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_iso"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_koi8r"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_latin1"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_latin2"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_latin3"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_latin4"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_sjis"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_win1250"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_win1251"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mic_to_win866"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "mktinterval" [ "abstime" , "abstime" ] False "tinterval"
> , CatCreateFunction "mod" [ "int2" , "int2" ] False "int2"
> , CatCreateFunction "mod" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "mod" [ "int8" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction "mod" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction "money" [ "int8" ] False "money"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "mul_d_interval" [ "interval" , "float8" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "name" [ "text" ] False "name"
> , CatCreateFunction "name" [ "bpchar" ] False "name"
> , CatCreateFunction "name" [ "varchar" ] False "name"
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> , CatCreateFunction "nameicnlike" [ "name" , "text" ] False "bool"
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> "nameicregexeq" [ "name" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "nameicregexne" [ "text" , "name" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "namein" [ "cstring" ] False "name"
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> , CatCreateFunction "namerecv" [ "internal" ] False "name"
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> , CatCreateFunction "nameregexne" [ "text" , "name" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "namesend" [ "name" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "neqjoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "int2" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "neqsel"
> [ "int4" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "netmask" [ "inet" ] False "inet"
> , CatCreateFunction "network" [ "inet" ] False "cidr"
> , CatCreateFunction "network_cmp" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "int4"
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> , CatCreateFunction "network_lt" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "network_ne" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "network_overlap" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "network_sub" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "network_subeq" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "network_sup" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "network_supeq" [ "inet" , "inet" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "networkjoinsel"
> [ "int2" , "internal" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "networksel"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "internal" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "nextval" [ "regclass" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "nlikejoinsel"
> [ "int2" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "nlikesel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "int4" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "notlike" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "notlike" [ "text" , "name" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "notlike" [ "bytea" , "bytea" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction "npoints" [ "polygon" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction "numeric" [ "int2" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric" [ "money" ] False "numeric"
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> "numeric_accum" [ "internal" , "numeric" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_accum_inv" [ "numeric" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_add" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_avg" [ "internal" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_avg_accum" [ "internal" , "numeric" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_cmp" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_div" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_div_trunc" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_eq" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_exp" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_ge" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_gt" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_in" [ "cstring" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_inc" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_larger" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_le" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_ln" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_log" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_lt" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_mod" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_mul" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_ne" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_out" [ "numeric" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_power" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_recv" [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_send" [ "numeric" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_smaller" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numeric_sqrt" [ "numeric" ] False "numeric"
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> "numeric_stddev_pop" [ "internal" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_stddev_samp" [ "internal" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_sub" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numeric"
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> "numeric_transform" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "numeric_var_pop" [ "internal" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numeric_var_samp" [ "internal" ] False "numeric"
> , CatCreateFunction "numerictypmodin" [ "_cstring" ] False "int4"
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> "numrange" [ "text" , "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "numrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "numrange_subdiff" [ "numeric" , "numeric" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "obj_description" [ "name" , "oid" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "obj_description" [ "oid" ] False "text"
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> , CatCreateFunction "octet_length" [ "text" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "octet_length" [ "bpchar" ] False "int4"
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> , CatCreateFunction "oidlt" [ "oid" , "oid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "oidne" [ "oid" , "oid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "oidout" [ "oid" ] False "cstring"
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> , CatCreateFunction "oidsend" [ "oid" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "oidsmaller" [ "oid" , "oid" ] False "oid"
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> "oidvectoreq" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
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> "oidvectorge" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "oidvectorgt" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "oidvectorle" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "oidvectorlt" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "oidvectorne" [ "oidvector" , "oidvector" ] False "bool"
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> "oidvectorrecv" [ "internal" ] False "oidvector"
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> , CatCreateFunction "on_sl" [ "lseg" , "line" ] False "bool"
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> "ordered_set_transition" [ "internal" , "any" ] False "internal"
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> "overlaps"
> [ "timetz" , "timetz" , "timetz" , "timetz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "interval" , "timestamptz" , "interval" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "interval" , "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" , "interval" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps" [ "time" , "time" , "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "time" , "interval" , "time" , "interval" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps" [ "interval" , "time" , "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps" [ "time" , "time" , "interval" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamp" , "interval" , "timestamp" , "interval" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "interval" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlaps"
> [ "timestamp" , "interval" , "timestamp" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "bytea" , "bytea" , "int4" , "int4" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "int4" , "bytea" , "bytea" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "int4" , "int4" , "text" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "text" , "text" , "int4" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "bit" , "int4" , "int4" , "bit" ] False "bit"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "overlay" [ "int4" , "bit" , "bit" ] False "bit"
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> , CatCreateFunction "path_add" [ "path" , "path" ] False "path"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "path_contain_pt" [ "point" , "path" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "path_distance" [ "path" , "path" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_div_pt" [ "point" , "path" ] False "path"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_in" [ "cstring" ] False "path"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_inter" [ "path" , "path" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction "path_n_le" [ "path" , "path" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_n_lt" [ "path" , "path" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_npoints" [ "path" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_out" [ "path" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_recv" [ "internal" ] False "path"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_send" [ "path" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "path_sub_pt" [ "path" , "point" ] False "path"
> , CatCreateFunction "pclose" [ "path" ] False "path"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_cont_float8_final"
> [ "internal" , "float8" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_cont_float8_multi_final"
> [ "_float8" , "internal" ]
> False
> "_float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_cont_interval_final"
> [ "internal" , "float8" ]
> False
> "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_cont_interval_multi_final"
> [ "_float8" , "internal" ]
> False
> "_interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_disc_final"
> [ "float8" , "anyelement" , "internal" ]
> False
> "anyelement"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "percentile_disc_multi_final"
> [ "internal" , "_float8" , "anyelement" ]
> False
> "anyarray"
> , CatCreateFunction "pg_advisory_lock" [ "int8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_lock" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_lock_shared" [ "int8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_lock_shared" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "pg_advisory_unlock" [ "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_unlock" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_unlock_shared" [ "int8" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_unlock_shared" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "pg_advisory_xact_lock" [ "int8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_xact_lock" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared" [ "int8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared" [ "int4" , "int4" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "pg_cancel_backend" [ "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "pg_char_to_encoding" [ "name" ] False "int4"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_column_is_updatable"
> [ "regclass" , "int2" , "bool" ]
> False
> "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_create_logical_replication_slot"
> [ "name" , "name" ]
> False
> "record"
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> "pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "pg_stat_get_numscans" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> "pg_stat_get_vacuum_count" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "pg_stat_get_xact_blocks_hit" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> "pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> "pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_returned" [ "oid" ] False "int8"
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_contained_by" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_contains" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_contains_elem" [ "anyelement" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_eq" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_ge" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_compress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_consistent"
> [ "oid" , "internal" , "int4" , "internal" , "anyrange" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_decompress" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_penalty"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_same"
> [ "internal" , "anyrange" , "anyrange" ]
> False
> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gist_union" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_gt" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_in" [ "cstring" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "anyrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_intersect" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "anyrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_le" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_lt" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_minus" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "anyrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_ne" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "range_out" [ "anyrange" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_overlaps" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_overleft" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_overright" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_recv" [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "anyrange"
> , CatCreateFunction "range_send" [ "anyrange" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "range_typanalyze" [ "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "range_union" [ "anyrange" , "anyrange" ] False "anyrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "rangesel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "oid" , "int4" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_eq" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_ge" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_gt" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_eq" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_ge" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_gt" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_le" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_lt" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_image_ne" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_in" [ "int4" , "cstring" , "oid" ] False "record"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_le" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_lt" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_ne" [ "record" , "record" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "record_out" [ "record" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "record_recv" [ "oid" , "int4" , "internal" ] False "record"
> , CatCreateFunction "record_send" [ "record" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "regclass" [ "text" ] False "regclass"
> , CatCreateFunction "regclassin" [ "cstring" ] False "regclass"
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> "regdictionarysend" [ "regdictionary" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexeqjoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "oid" , "internal" , "internal" , "int2" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexeqsel"
> [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" , "internal" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexnejoinsel"
> [ "int2" , "internal" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexnesel"
> [ "internal" , "oid" , "internal" , "int4" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexp_matches" [ "text" , "text" ] True "_text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexp_matches" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] True "_text"
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> "regexp_replace" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] False "text"
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> "regexp_replace" [ "text" , "text" , "text" , "text" ] False "text"
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> "regexp_split_to_array" [ "text" , "text" ] False "_text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regexp_split_to_array" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] False "_text"
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> "regexp_split_to_table" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] True "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regoperatorin" [ "cstring" ] False "regoperator"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regoperatorout" [ "regoperator" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regoperatorrecv" [ "internal" ] False "regoperator"
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> "regoperatorsend" [ "regoperator" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "regoperin" [ "cstring" ] False "regoper"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "regprocedurein" [ "cstring" ] False "regprocedure"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "regprocedureout" [ "regprocedure" ] False "cstring"
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> "regprocedurerecv" [ "internal" ] False "regprocedure"
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> "regproceduresend" [ "regprocedure" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "regprocin" [ "cstring" ] False "regproc"
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> , CatCreateFunction "regtypein" [ "cstring" ] False "regtype"
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> , CatCreateFunction "reltime" [ "interval" ] False "reltime"
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> "reltimeeq" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "reltimege" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "reltimegt" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "reltimein" [ "cstring" ] False "reltime"
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> "reltimele" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "reltimelt" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "reltimene" [ "reltime" , "reltime" ] False "bool"
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> "scalargtjoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "int2" , "oid" ]
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> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "scalargtsel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "int4" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "scalarltjoinsel"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "int2" , "oid" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "scalarltsel"
> [ "oid" , "internal" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "schema_to_xml" [ "bool" , "text" , "bool" , "name" ] False "xml"
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> "schema_to_xml_and_xmlschema"
> [ "name" , "bool" , "text" , "bool" ]
> False
> "xml"
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> "schema_to_xmlschema"
> [ "bool" , "bool" , "name" , "text" ]
> False
> "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "set_bit" [ "int4" , "bytea" , "int4" ] False "bytea"
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> "set_bit" [ "int4" , "bit" , "int4" ] False "bit"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "set_config" [ "text" , "text" , "bool" ] False "text"
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> , CatCreateFunction "set_masklen" [ "int4" , "cidr" ] False "cidr"
> , CatCreateFunction "setseed" [ "float8" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "setval" [ "regclass" , "int8" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "setval" [ "regclass" , "int8" , "bool" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "setweight" [ "tsvector" , "char" ] False "tsvector"
> , CatCreateFunction "shell_in" [ "cstring" ] False "opaque"
> , CatCreateFunction "shell_out" [ "opaque" ] False "cstring"
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> "shift_jis_2004_to_euc_jis_2004"
> [ "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "shift_jis_2004_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "shobj_description" [ "name" , "oid" ] False "text"
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> "similar_escape" [ "text" , "text" ] False "text"
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> "sjis_to_euc_jp"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "sjis_to_mic"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "sjis_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "slope" [ "point" , "point" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction "smgreq" [ "smgr" , "smgr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "smgrin" [ "cstring" ] False "smgr"
> , CatCreateFunction "smgrne" [ "smgr" , "smgr" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "smgrout" [ "smgr" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_kd_choose" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_kd_config" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_kd_inner_consistent" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_kd_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_quad_choose" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_quad_config" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_quad_inner_consistent"
> [ "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_quad_leaf_consistent" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_quad_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
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> "spg_range_quad_choose" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_range_quad_config" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_range_quad_inner_consistent"
> [ "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_range_quad_leaf_consistent"
> [ "internal" , "internal" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_range_quad_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_text_choose" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_text_config" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_text_inner_consistent"
> [ "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_text_leaf_consistent" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spg_text_picksplit" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spgbeginscan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spgbuild"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction "spgbuildempty" [ "internal" ] False "void"
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> "spgbulkdelete"
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> , CatCreateFunction "spgcanreturn" [ "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spgcostestimate"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "spgendscan" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spggetbitmap" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spggettuple" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spginsert"
> [ "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> , "internal"
> ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "spgmarkpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "spgoptions" [ "bool" , "_text" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spgrescan"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "spgrestrpos" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "spgvacuumcleanup" [ "internal" , "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "split_part" [ "text" , "int4" , "text" ] False "text"
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> "string_agg_finalfn" [ "internal" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "string_agg_transfn"
> [ "internal" , "text" , "text" ]
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> "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "string_to_array" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] False "_text"
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> "substr" [ "int4" , "bytea" , "int4" ] False "bytea"
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> , CatCreateFunction "substring" [ "int4" , "bit" ] False "bit"
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> "substring" [ "int4" , "int4" , "bytea" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "substring" [ "bytea" , "int4" ] False "bytea"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "substring" [ "text" , "text" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "table_to_xml"
> [ "regclass" , "bool" , "bool" , "text" ]
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> "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "table_to_xml_and_xmlschema"
> [ "bool" , "text" , "bool" , "regclass" ]
> False
> "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "table_to_xmlschema"
> [ "text" , "regclass" , "bool" , "bool" ]
> False
> "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "tan" [ "float8" ] False "float8"
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> , CatCreateFunction "text" [ "name" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "text" [ "inet" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "text" [ "char" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "text" [ "xml" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction "text" [ "bool" ] False "text"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "text_pattern_ge" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "text_pattern_gt" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "text_pattern_le" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "text_pattern_lt" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "text_smaller" [ "text" , "text" ] False "text"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "textanycat" [ "anynonarray" , "text" ] False "text"
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> "texticregexeq" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "texticregexne" [ "text" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "textin" [ "cstring" ] False "text"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "thesaurus_init" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "thesaurus_lexize"
> [ "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" ]
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> "internal"
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> , CatCreateFunction "tidsmaller" [ "tid" , "tid" ] False "tid"
> , CatCreateFunction "time" [ "timestamp" ] False "time"
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> , CatCreateFunction "time" [ "interval" ] False "time"
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> , CatCreateFunction "time" [ "timetz" ] False "time"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_cmp" [ "time" , "time" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_eq" [ "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_ge" [ "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_gt" [ "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_hash" [ "time" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "time_in" [ "int4" , "cstring" , "oid" ] False "time"
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> , CatCreateFunction "time_lt" [ "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "time_mi_interval" [ "interval" , "time" ] False "time"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "time_mi_time" [ "time" , "time" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_ne" [ "time" , "time" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "time_out" [ "time" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "time_pl_interval" [ "time" , "interval" ] False "time"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "time_recv" [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "time"
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> , CatCreateFunction
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> "timestamp" [ "timestamp" , "int4" ] False "timestamp"
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> "timestamp" [ "date" , "time" ] False "timestamp"
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> "timestamp_cmp" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "int4"
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> "timestamp_cmp_date" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_cmp_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_eq" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_eq_date" [ "timestamp" , "date" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_eq_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
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> "bool"
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> "timestamp_ge" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_ge_date" [ "timestamp" , "date" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_ge_timestamptz"
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> "bool"
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> "timestamp_gt" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_gt_date" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_gt_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "timestamp_hash" [ "timestamp" ] False "int4"
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> "timestamp_in" [ "cstring" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "timestamp"
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> "timestamp_le" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_le_date" [ "timestamp" , "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_le_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "bool"
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> "timestamp_lt" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_lt_date" [ "date" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_lt_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_mi" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_mi_interval"
> [ "timestamp" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamp"
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> "timestamp_ne" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_ne_date" [ "timestamp" , "date" ] False "bool"
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> "timestamp_ne_timestamptz"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "timestamp_out" [ "timestamp" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_pl_interval"
> [ "timestamp" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamp_recv" [ "internal" , "int4" , "oid" ] False "timestamp"
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> "timestamp_smaller" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "timestamp"
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> "timestamp_sortsupport" [ "internal" ] False "void"
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> "timestamp_transform" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
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> "timestamptz" [ "time" , "date" ] False "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> "timestamptz" [ "timestamptz" , "int4" ] False "timestamptz"
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> "timestamptz" [ "timestamp" ] False "timestamptz"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_cmp_date" [ "date" , "timestamptz" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_cmp_timestamp"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_eq" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_eq_date" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_eq_timestamp"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ge" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ge_date" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ge_timestamp"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_gt" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_gt_date" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_gt_timestamp"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_in" [ "oid" , "cstring" , "int4" ] False "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_larger"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_le" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_le_date" [ "date" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_le_timestamp"
> [ "timestamp" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "bool"
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> "timestamptz_lt" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_lt_date" [ "timestamptz" , "date" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_lt_timestamp"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_mi" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "interval"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_mi_interval"
> [ "timestamptz" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ne" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ne_date" [ "date" , "timestamptz" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_ne_timestamp"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamp" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_out" [ "timestamptz" ] False "cstring"
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> "timestamptz_pl_interval"
> [ "timestamptz" , "interval" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_recv"
> [ "oid" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_send" [ "timestamptz" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptz_smaller"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ]
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> "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timestamptztypmodin" [ "_cstring" ] False "int4"
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> "timetz_in" [ "int4" , "oid" , "cstring" ] False "timetz"
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> "timetz_lt" [ "timetz" , "timetz" ] False "bool"
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> "timetz_mi_interval" [ "interval" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
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> "timetz_pl_interval" [ "interval" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
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> "timetz_recv" [ "oid" , "internal" , "int4" ] False "timetz"
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> "timetz_smaller" [ "timetz" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
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> "timezone" [ "interval" , "timestamptz" ] False "timestamp"
> , CatCreateFunction
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> , CatCreateFunction "timezone" [ "text" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
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> "timezone" [ "interval" , "timetz" ] False "timetz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timezone" [ "text" , "timestamp" ] False "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "timezone" [ "timestamp" , "interval" ] False "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tinterval" [ "abstime" , "abstime" ] False "tinterval"
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> "tintervalle" [ "tinterval" , "tinterval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tintervalleneq" [ "reltime" , "tinterval" ] False "bool"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "tintervallt" [ "tinterval" , "tinterval" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tintervalne" [ "tinterval" , "tinterval" ] False "bool"
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> "tintervalrecv" [ "internal" ] False "tinterval"
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> "tintervalstart" [ "tinterval" ] False "abstime"
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> "to_timestamp" [ "text" , "text" ] False "timestamptz"
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> "ts_headline" [ "text" , "text" , "tsquery" ] False "text"
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> "float4"
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> "ts_rank" [ "tsvector" , "tsquery" , "_float4" ] False "float4"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "ts_rank" [ "tsvector" , "tsquery" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ts_rank_cd"
> [ "tsvector" , "_float4" , "tsquery" , "int4" ]
> False
> "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ts_rank_cd" [ "_float4" , "tsvector" , "tsquery" ] False "float4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "ts_rank_cd" [ "tsquery" , "tsvector" , "int4" ] False "float4"
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> "ts_rank_cd" [ "tsvector" , "tsquery" ] False "float4"
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> "ts_rewrite" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "tsquery"
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> "ts_rewrite" [ "text" , "tsquery" ] False "tsquery"
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> "tsmatchjoinsel"
> [ "oid" , "internal" , "internal" , "int2" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
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> "tsmatchsel"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "oid" , "internal" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsq_mcontained" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsq_mcontains" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_and" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "tsquery"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_cmp" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_eq" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_ge" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_gt" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_le" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_lt" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_ne" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "tsquery_not" [ "tsquery" ] False "tsquery"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsquery_or" [ "tsquery" , "tsquery" ] False "tsquery"
> , CatCreateFunction "tsqueryin" [ "cstring" ] False "tsquery"
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> , CatCreateFunction "tsqueryrecv" [ "internal" ] False "tsquery"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsrange" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "tsrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsrange" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" , "text" ] False "tsrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsrange_subdiff" [ "timestamp" , "timestamp" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tstzrange" [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ] False "tstzrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tstzrange"
> [ "timestamptz" , "text" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "tstzrange"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tstzrange_subdiff"
> [ "timestamptz" , "timestamptz" ]
> False
> "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_cmp" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_concat" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "tsvector"
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> "tsvector_eq" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_ge" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_gt" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_le" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_lt" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "tsvector_ne" [ "tsvector" , "tsvector" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "tsvectorin" [ "cstring" ] False "tsvector"
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> , CatCreateFunction
> "txid_snapshot_in" [ "cstring" ] False "txid_snapshot"
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> "txid_snapshot_recv" [ "internal" ] False "txid_snapshot"
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> "txid_snapshot_send" [ "txid_snapshot" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "txid_snapshot_xip" [ "txid_snapshot" ] True "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "txid_snapshot_xmax" [ "txid_snapshot" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "txid_snapshot_xmin" [ "txid_snapshot" ] False "int8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "txid_visible_in_snapshot"
> [ "int8" , "txid_snapshot" ]
> False
> "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "uhc_to_utf8"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "unknownin" [ "cstring" ] False "unknown"
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> , CatCreateFunction "unnest" [ "anyarray" ] True "anyelement"
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> , CatCreateFunction "upper_inf" [ "anyrange" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_ascii"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_big5"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_euc_cn"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_euc_jis_2004"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_euc_jp"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_euc_kr"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_euc_tw"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_gb18030"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_gbk"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_iso8859"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_iso8859_1"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_johab"
> [ "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_koi8r"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_koi8u"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_shift_jis_2004"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_sjis"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_uhc"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "utf8_to_win"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_cmp" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_eq" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_ge" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_gt" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_hash" [ "uuid" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_in" [ "cstring" ] False "uuid"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_le" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_lt" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_ne" [ "uuid" , "uuid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_out" [ "uuid" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_recv" [ "internal" ] False "uuid"
> , CatCreateFunction "uuid_send" [ "uuid" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varbit" [ "bool" , "int4" , "varbit" ] False "varbit"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varbit_in" [ "int4" , "oid" , "cstring" ] False "varbit"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbit_out" [ "varbit" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varbit_recv" [ "internal" , "int4" , "oid" ] False "varbit"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbit_send" [ "varbit" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varbit_transform" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varbitcmp" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbiteq" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbitge" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbitgt" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbitle" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbitlt" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbitne" [ "varbit" , "varbit" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbittypmodin" [ "_cstring" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "varbittypmodout" [ "int4" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varchar" [ "bool" , "int4" , "varchar" ] False "varchar"
> , CatCreateFunction "varchar" [ "name" ] False "varchar"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varchar_transform" [ "internal" ] False "internal"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varcharin" [ "int4" , "oid" , "cstring" ] False "varchar"
> , CatCreateFunction "varcharout" [ "varchar" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "varcharrecv" [ "internal" , "oid" , "int4" ] False "varchar"
> , CatCreateFunction "varcharsend" [ "varchar" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "varchartypmodin" [ "_cstring" ] False "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction "varchartypmodout" [ "int4" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "void_in" [ "cstring" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "void_out" [ "void" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "void_recv" [ "internal" ] False "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "void_send" [ "void" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "width" [ "box" ] False "float8"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "width_bucket"
> [ "int4" , "float8" , "float8" , "float8" ]
> False
> "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "width_bucket"
> [ "numeric" , "numeric" , "int4" , "numeric" ]
> False
> "int4"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1250_to_latin2"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1250_to_mic"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1251_to_iso"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1251_to_koi8r"
> [ "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1251_to_mic"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win1251_to_win866"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "cstring" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win866_to_iso"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win866_to_koi8r"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win866_to_mic"
> [ "cstring" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "internal" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win866_to_win1251"
> [ "internal" , "int4" , "int4" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "win_to_utf8"
> [ "int4" , "int4" , "internal" , "int4" , "cstring" ]
> False
> "void"
> , CatCreateFunction "xideq" [ "xid" , "xid" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "xideqint4" [ "xid" , "int4" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "xidin" [ "cstring" ] False "xid"
> , CatCreateFunction "xidout" [ "xid" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "xidrecv" [ "internal" ] False "xid"
> , CatCreateFunction "xidsend" [ "xid" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml" [ "text" ] False "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml_in" [ "cstring" ] False "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml_is_well_formed" [ "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "xml_is_well_formed_content" [ "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "xml_is_well_formed_document" [ "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml_out" [ "xml" ] False "cstring"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml_recv" [ "internal" ] False "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xml_send" [ "xml" ] False "bytea"
> , CatCreateFunction "xmlcomment" [ "text" ] False "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xmlconcat2" [ "xml" , "xml" ] False "xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xmlexists" [ "xml" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "xmlvalidate" [ "xml" , "text" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "xpath" [ "xml" , "text" , "_text" ] False "_xml"
> , CatCreateFunction "xpath" [ "text" , "xml" ] False "_xml"
> , CatCreateFunction
> "xpath_exists" [ "text" , "_text" , "xml" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateFunction "xpath_exists" [ "text" , "xml" ] False "bool"
> , CatCreateAggregate "array_agg" [ "anyelement" ] "anyarray"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "avg" [ "interval" ] "interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_and" [ "int2" ] "int2"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_and" [ "int4" ] "int4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_and" [ "int8" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_and" [ "bit" ] "bit"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_or" [ "int2" ] "int2"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_or" [ "int4" ] "int4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_or" [ "int8" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bit_or" [ "bit" ] "bit"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bool_and" [ "bool" ] "bool"
> , CatCreateAggregate "bool_or" [ "bool" ] "bool"
> , CatCreateAggregate "corr" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "count" [ "any" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "covar_pop" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "covar_samp" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "every" [ "bool" ] "bool"
> , CatCreateAggregate "json_agg" [ "anyelement" ] "json"
> , CatCreateAggregate "json_object_agg" [ "any" , "any" ] "json"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "anyarray" ] "anyarray"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "int8" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "int4" ] "int4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "int2" ] "int2"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "oid" ] "oid"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "float4" ] "float4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "abstime" ] "abstime"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "date" ] "date"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "time" ] "time"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "timetz" ] "timetz"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "money" ] "money"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "timestamp" ] "timestamp"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "timestamptz" ] "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "interval" ] "interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "text" ] "text"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "bpchar" ] "bpchar"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "tid" ] "tid"
> , CatCreateAggregate "max" [ "anyenum" ] "anyenum"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "anyarray" ] "anyarray"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "int8" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "int4" ] "int4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "int2" ] "int2"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "oid" ] "oid"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "float4" ] "float4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "abstime" ] "abstime"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "date" ] "date"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "time" ] "time"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "timetz" ] "timetz"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "money" ] "money"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "timestamp" ] "timestamp"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "timestamptz" ] "timestamptz"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "interval" ] "interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "text" ] "text"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "bpchar" ] "bpchar"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "tid" ] "tid"
> , CatCreateAggregate "min" [ "anyenum" ] "anyenum"
> , CatCreateAggregate "mode" [ "anyelement" ] "anyelement"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_cont" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_cont" [ "float8" , "interval" ] "interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_cont" [ "float8" , "_float8" ] "_float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_cont" [ "interval" , "_float8" ] "_interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_disc" [ "float8" , "anyelement" ] "anyelement"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "percentile_disc" [ "anyelement" , "_float8" ] "anyarray"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_avgx" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_avgy" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_count" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate
> "regr_intercept" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_r2" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_slope" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_sxx" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_sxy" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "regr_syy" [ "float8" , "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_pop" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "stddev_samp" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "string_agg" [ "text" , "text" ] "text"
> , CatCreateAggregate "string_agg" [ "bytea" , "bytea" ] "bytea"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "int4" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "int2" ] "int8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "float4" ] "float4"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "money" ] "money"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "interval" ] "interval"
> , CatCreateAggregate "sum" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_pop" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "var_samp" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "int8" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "int4" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "int2" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "float4" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "float8" ] "float8"
> , CatCreateAggregate "variance" [ "numeric" ] "numeric"
> , CatCreateAggregate "xmlagg" [ "xml" ] "xml"
> , CatCreateCast "abstime" "date" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "abstime" "int4" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "abstime" "time" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "abstime" "timestamp" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "abstime" "timestamptz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bit" "bit" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bit" "int4" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bit" "int8" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bit" "varbit" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bool" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bool" "int4" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bool" "text" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bool" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "box" "circle" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "box" "lseg" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "box" "point" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "box" "polygon" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "bpchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "char" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "name" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "text" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "bpchar" "xml" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "char" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "char" "int4" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "char" "text" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "char" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "cidr" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "cidr" "inet" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "cidr" "text" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "cidr" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "circle" "box" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "circle" "point" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "circle" "polygon" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "date" "timestamp" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "date" "timestamptz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float4" "float8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float4" "int2" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float4" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float4" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float4" "numeric" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float8" "float4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float8" "int2" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float8" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float8" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "float8" "numeric" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "inet" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "inet" "cidr" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "inet" "text" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "inet" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "float4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "float8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "int4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "int8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "numeric" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regconfig" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regdictionary" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regoper" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regoperator" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regproc" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regprocedure" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int2" "regtype" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "abstime" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "bit" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "bool" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "char" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "float4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "float8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "int2" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "int8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "money" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "numeric" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regconfig" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regdictionary" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regoper" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regoperator" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regproc" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regprocedure" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "regtype" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int4" "reltime" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "bit" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "float4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "float8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "int2" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "money" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "numeric" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regconfig" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regdictionary" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regoper" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regoperator" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regproc" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regprocedure" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "int8" "regtype" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "interval" "interval" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "interval" "reltime" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "interval" "time" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "json" "jsonb" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "jsonb" "json" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "lseg" "point" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "money" "numeric" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "name" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "name" "text" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "name" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "float4" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "float8" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "int2" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "money" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "numeric" "numeric" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regconfig" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regdictionary" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regoper" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regoperator" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regproc" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regprocedure" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "oid" "regtype" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "path" "point" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "path" "polygon" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "pg_node_tree" "text" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "polygon" "box" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "polygon" "circle" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "polygon" "path" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "polygon" "point" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regclass" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regclass" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regclass" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regconfig" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regconfig" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regconfig" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regdictionary" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regdictionary" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regdictionary" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoper" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoper" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoper" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoper" "regoperator" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoperator" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoperator" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoperator" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regoperator" "regoper" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regproc" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regproc" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regproc" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regproc" "regprocedure" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regprocedure" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regprocedure" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regprocedure" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regprocedure" "regproc" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regtype" "int4" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regtype" "int8" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "regtype" "oid" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "reltime" "int4" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "reltime" "interval" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "bpchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "char" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "name" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "text" "xml" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "time" "interval" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "time" "time" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "time" "timetz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamp" "abstime" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamp" "date" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamp" "time" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamp" "timestamp" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamp" "timestamptz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "abstime" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "date" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "time" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "timestamp" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "timestamptz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timestamptz" "timetz" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timetz" "time" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "timetz" "timetz" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varbit" "bit" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varbit" "varbit" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "bpchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "char" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "name" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "regclass" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "text" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "varchar" ImplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "varchar" "xml" ExplicitCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "xml" "bpchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "xml" "text" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateCast "xml" "varchar" AssignmentCastContext
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "abstime" ( "D" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "aclitem" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "bit" ( "V" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "bool" ( "B" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "box" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "bpchar" ( "S" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "bytea" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "char" ( "S" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "cid" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "cidr" ( "I" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "circle" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "date" ( "D" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "float4" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "float8" ( "N" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "gtsvector" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "inet" ( "I" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "int2" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "int2vector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "int4" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "int8" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "interval" ( "T" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "json" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "jsonb" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "line" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "lseg" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "macaddr" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "money" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "name" ( "S" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "numeric" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "oid" ( "N" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "oidvector" ( "A" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "path" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "pg_lsn" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "point" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "polygon" ( "G" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "refcursor" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regclass" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regconfig" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regdictionary" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regoper" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regoperator" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regproc" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regprocedure" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "regtype" ( "N" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "reltime" ( "T" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "text" ( "S" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "tid" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "time" ( "D" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "timestamp" ( "D" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "timestamptz" ( "D" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "timetz" ( "D" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "tinterval" ( "T" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "tsquery" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "tsvector" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "txid_snapshot" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "uuid" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "varbit" ( "V" , True )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "varchar" ( "S" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "xid" ( "U" , False )
> , CatCreateTypeCategoryEntry "xml" ( "U" , False )
> ]