hspec-snap- A library for testing with Hspec and the Snap Web Framework

Safe HaskellNone




Running blocks of hspec-snap tests

snap :: Handler b b () -> SnapletInit b b -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> Spec Source

The way to run a block of SnapHspecM tests within an hspec test suite. This takes both the top level handler (usually `route routes`, where routes are all the routes for your site) and the site initializer (often named app), and a block of tests. A test suite can have multiple calls to snap, though each one will cause the site initializer to run, which is often a slow operation (and will slow down test suites).

Warning: Due to current limitations to how Hspec works, the way that we run cleanup actions (using afterAll) from your site initializer depends on all of the tests within the block passed to snap running. This means that if you only run some of the tests (using the -m option) the cleanup won't happen. But, there is no reason why you can't have many calls to snap, so the recommended behavior is to only use -m with queries that will run entire blocks. For example:

describe "api-tests" $ snap ...
describe "db-tests" $ snap ...

And then run with -m api-tests or -m db-tests, rather than trying to match anything within. Hopefully, hspec will eventually be able to support what we need in such a way that filtering on any query won't prevent the cleanup from running.

modifySite :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ()) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) Source

This allows you to change the default handler you are running requests against within a block. This is most likely useful for setting request state (for example, logging a user in).

modifySite' :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ()) -> SnapHspecM b a -> SnapHspecM b a Source

This performs a similar operation to modifySite but in the context of SnapHspecM (which is needed if you need to eval, produce values, and hand them somewhere else (so they can't be created within f).

afterEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) Source

Evaluate a Handler action after each test.

beforeEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) Source

Evaluate a Handler action before each test.

Core data types

data TestResponse Source

The result of making requests against your application. Most assertions act against these types (for example, should200, shouldHaveSelector, etc).

type SnapHspecM b = StateT (SnapHspecState b) IO Source

The main monad that tests run inside of. This allows both access to the application (via requests and eval) and to running assertions (like should404 or shouldHaveText).

General Hspec helpers

afterAll :: IO () -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a Source

Runs a given action once after all the tests in the given block have run.

Warning: Due to current limitations to how Hspec works, this only works if all of the tests within the block are run. This means that if you only run some of the tests (using the -m option) the action will not be run.


get :: Text -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse Source

Runs a GET request.

get' :: Text -> Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse Source

Runs a GET request, with a set of parameters.

post :: Text -> Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse Source

Creates a new POST request, with a set of parameters.

params Source


:: [(ByteString, ByteString)]

Pairs of parameter and value.

-> Params 

A helper to construct parameters.

Helpers for dealing with TestResponses

restrictResponse :: Text -> TestResponse -> TestResponse Source

Restricts a response to matches for a given CSS selector. Does nothing to non-Html responses.

Evaluating application code

eval :: Handler b b a -> SnapHspecM b a Source

Runs an arbitrary stateful action from your application.

Unit test assertions

shouldChange :: (Show a, Eq a) => (a -> a) -> Handler b b a -> SnapHspecM b c -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that a given stateful action will produce a specific different result after an action has been run.

shouldEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that two values are equal.

shouldNotEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that two values are not equal.

shouldBeTrue :: Bool -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the value is True.

shouldNotBeTrue :: Bool -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the value is not True (otherwise known as False).

Response assertions

should200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is a success (either Html, or Other with status 200).

shouldNot200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is not a normal 200.

should404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is a NotFound.

shouldNot404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is not a NotFound.

should300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is a redirect.

shouldNot300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is not a redirect.

should300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is a redirect, and thet the url it redirects to starts with the given path.

shouldNot300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response is not a redirect to a given path. Note that it can still be a redirect for this assertion to succeed, the path it redirects to just can't start with the given path.

shouldHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Assert that a response (which should be Html) has a given selector.

shouldNotHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Assert that a response (which should be Html) doesn't have a given selector.

shouldHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response (which should be Html) contains the given text.

shouldNotHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Asserts that the response (which should be Html) does not contain the given text.

Form tests

data FormExpectations a Source

A data type for tests against forms.


Value a

The value the form should take (and should be valid)

Predicate (a -> Bool) 
ErrorPaths [Text]

The error paths that should be populated

form Source


:: (Eq a, Show a) 
=> FormExpectations a

If the form should succeed, Value a is what it should produce. If failing, ErrorPaths should be all the errors that are triggered.

-> Form Text (Handler b b) a

The form to run

-> Map Text Text

The parameters to pass

-> SnapHspecM b () 

Tests against digestive-functors forms.

Internal types and helpers

data SnapHspecState b Source

Internal state used to share site initialization across tests, and to propogate failures.


SnapHspecState Result (Handler b b ()) (Snaplet b) (InitializerState b) 


Example (SnapHspecM b ()) 
type Arg (SnapHspecM b ()) = SnapHspecState b 

setResult :: Result -> SnapHspecM b () Source

Records a test Success or Fail. Only the first Fail will be recorded (and will cause the whole block to Fail).

runRequest :: RequestBuilder IO () -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse Source

Runs a request (built with helpers from Snap.Test), resulting in a response.

runHandlerSafe :: RequestBuilder IO () -> Handler b b v -> Snaplet b -> InitializerState b -> IO (Either Text Response) Source

Runs a request against a given handler (often the whole site), with the given state. Returns any triggered exception, or the response.

evalHandlerSafe :: Handler b b v -> Snaplet b -> InitializerState b -> IO (Either Text v) Source

Evaluates a given handler with the given state. Returns any triggered exception, or the value produced.