{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Dumps an index of all terms and their types
module HsInspect.Index
  ( index,

import Avail (AvailInfo(..))
import BinIface (CheckHiWay(..), TraceBinIFaceReading(..), readBinIface)
import qualified ConLike as GHC
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified DataCon as GHC
import qualified DynFlags as GHC
import qualified GHC
import GHC.PackageDb
import qualified GHC.PackageDb as GHC
import HsInspect.Json ()
import HsInspect.Sexp
import HsInspect.Util
import qualified Id as GHC
import Module as GHC
import qualified Name as GHC
import Outputable (showPpr, showSDoc)
import qualified Outputable as GHC
import PackageConfig
import qualified PackageConfig as GHC
import Packages (explicitPackages, lookupPackage)
--import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import qualified PatSyn as GHC
import TcEnv (tcLookup)
import TcRnMonad (initTcInteractive)
import qualified TcRnTypes as GHC
import qualified TyCon as GHC

-- TODO export unexposed modules too, since they could be exposed by an export elsewhere
-- TODO modules that export other modules seem to be skipped, e.g. Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
index :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m [PackageEntries]
index = do
  dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags

  let explicit = explicitPackages $ GHC.pkgState dflags
      pkgcfgs = maybeToList . lookupPackage dflags =<< explicit
  deps <- traverse getPkgSymbols pkgcfgs

  let unitid = GHC.thisPackage dflags
      dirs = maybeToList $ GHC.hiDir dflags
  home_mods <- getTargetModules
  home_entries <- getSymbols unitid True [] home_mods dirs

  pure $ home_entries : deps

-- finds the module names of all the .hi files in the output directory and then
-- tells ghc to load them as the only targets. Compared to loading all the home
-- modules provided by the ghcflags, this means that ghc can only see the
-- contents of compiled files and will not attempt to compile any source code.
-- Obviously comes with caveats but will be much faster if the preferred
-- behaviour is to fail fast with partial data instead of trying (futilely) to
-- compile all home modules with the interactive compiler.
loadCompiledModules :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m ()
loadCompiledModules = do
  dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
  case GHC.hiDir dflags of
    Nothing -> pure ()
    Just dir -> do
      compiled <- getCompiledTargets dir
      GHC.setTargets compiled
      void . GHC.load $ GHC.LoadAllTargets

getCompiledTargets :: GHC.GhcMonad m => FilePath -> m [GHC.Target]
getCompiledTargets dir = do
  provided <- getTargetModules
  his <- liftIO $ walkSuffix ".hi" dir
  modules <- catMaybes <$> traverse (flip withHi (pure . GHC.mi_module)) his
  let toTarget m =
        if Set.member m provided
          then Just $ GHC.Target (GHC.TargetModule m) True Nothing
          else Nothing
  pure $ mapMaybe (toTarget . moduleName) modules

-- Perform an operation given the parsed .hi file. tcLookup will only succeed if
-- the module is on the packagedb or is a home module that has been loaded.
withHi :: GHC.GhcMonad m => FilePath -> (GHC.ModIface -> (GHC.TcRnIf GHC.TcGblEnv GHC.TcLclEnv) a) -> m (Maybe a)
withHi hi f = do
  env <- GHC.getSession
  (_, res) <- liftIO . initTcInteractive env $ do
    iface <- readBinIface IgnoreHiWay QuietBinIFaceReading hi
    f iface
  pure res

getPkgSymbols :: GHC.GhcMonad m => PackageConfig -> m PackageEntries
getPkgSymbols pkg =
  let unitid = GHC.packageConfigId pkg
      inplace = "-inplace" `isInfixOf` (GHC.unitIdString unitid)
      exposed = Set.fromList $ fst <$> exposedModules pkg
      dirs = (importDirs pkg)
      haddocks = GHC.haddockHTMLs pkg
   in getSymbols unitid inplace haddocks exposed dirs

getSymbols :: GHC.GhcMonad m => UnitId -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> Set GHC.ModuleName -> [FilePath] -> m PackageEntries
getSymbols unitid inplace haddocks exposed dirs = do
  let findHis dir = liftIO $ walkSuffix ".hi" dir
  his <- join <$> traverse findHis dirs
  dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
  let srcid = sourcePackageId <$> lookupPackage dflags unitid
  symbols <- catMaybes <$> traverse (hiToSymbols exposed) his
  let entries = sort $ uncurry mkEntries <$> symbols
      mkEntries m things = ModuleEntries (moduleName m) (sort $ renderThings things)
      renderThings things = catMaybes $ (uncurry $ tyrender dflags unitid) <$> things
  pure $ PackageEntries srcid inplace entries (T.pack <$> haddocks)

-- for a .hi file returns the module and a list of all things (with types
-- resolved) in that module and their original module if they are re-exported.
  :: GHC.GhcMonad m
  => Set GHC.ModuleName
  -> FilePath
  -> m (Maybe (GHC.Module, [(Maybe GHC.Module, GHC.TcTyThing)]))
hiToSymbols exposed hi = (join <$>) <$> withHi hi $ \iface -> do
  let m = GHC.mi_module iface
  -- TODO we should include all modules from inplace packages, otherwise the
  -- user is unable to jump-to-definition within the same multi-package project.
  if not $ Set.member (GHC.moduleName m) exposed
    then pure Nothing
    else do
      let thing (Avail name) = traverse tcLookup' [name]
          -- TODO the fields in AvailTC
          thing (AvailTC _ members _) = traverse tcLookup' members
          reexport name = do
            modl <- GHC.nameModule_maybe name
            if m == modl then Nothing else Just modl
          tcLookup' name = (reexport name,) <$> tcLookup name
      things <- join <$> traverse thing (GHC.mi_exports iface)
      pure . Just $ (m, things)

tyrender :: GHC.DynFlags -> UnitId -> Maybe GHC.Module -> GHC.TcTyThing -> Maybe Entry
tyrender dflags unitid m' (GHC.AGlobal thing) =
    m = mkExported dflags unitid <$> m'
    shw :: GHC.Outputable m => m -> Text
    shw = T.pack . showPpr dflags
   in case thing of
    (GHC.AnId var) -> Just $ IdEntry m
      (shw $ GHC.idName var)
      (shw $ GHC.idType var)
    (GHC.AConLike (GHC.RealDataCon dc)) -> Just $ ConEntry m
      (shw $ GHC.getName dc)
      (shw $ GHC.dataConUserType dc)
    (GHC.AConLike (GHC.PatSynCon ps)) -> Just $ PatSynEntry m
      (shw $ GHC.getName ps)
      (T.pack . showSDoc dflags $ GHC.pprPatSynType ps )
    (GHC.ATyCon tc) -> Just $ TyConEntry m
      (shw $ GHC.tyConName tc)
      (shw $ GHC.tyConFlavour tc)
    _ -> Nothing
tyrender _ _ _ _ = Nothing

data Entry = IdEntry (Maybe Exported) Text Text -- ^ name type
           | ConEntry (Maybe Exported) Text Text -- ^ name type
           | PatSynEntry (Maybe Exported) Text Text -- ^ name orig
           | TyConEntry (Maybe Exported) Text Text -- ^ type flavour
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ToSexp Entry where
  toSexp (IdEntry p_1_1 p_1_2 p_1_3) = alist $ ("class", "id") : [("export", toSexp p_1_1), ("name", toSexp p_1_2), ("type", toSexp p_1_3)]
  toSexp (ConEntry p_1_1 p_1_2 p_1_3) = alist $ ("class", "con") : [("export", toSexp p_1_1), ("name", toSexp p_1_2), ("type", toSexp p_1_3)]
  toSexp (PatSynEntry p_1_1 p_1_2 p_1_3) = alist $ ("class", "pat") : [("export", toSexp p_1_1), ("name", toSexp p_1_2), ("type", toSexp p_1_3)]
  toSexp (TyConEntry p_1_1 p_1_2 p_1_3) = alist $ ("class", "tycon") : [("export", toSexp p_1_1), ("type", toSexp p_1_2), ("flavour", toSexp p_1_3)]

data ModuleEntries = ModuleEntries GHC.ModuleName [Entry]
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
{- BOILERPLATE ModuleEntries ToSexp field=[module,ids] -}
instance ToSexp ModuleEntries where
  toSexp (ModuleEntries p_1_1 p_1_2) = alist [("module", toSexp p_1_1), ("ids", toSexp p_1_2)]

-- The haddocks serve a dual purpose: not only do they point to where haddocks
-- might be, they give a hint to the text editor where the sources for this
-- package are (e.g. with the ghc distribution, build tool store or local).
-- Users should type `cabal haddock --enable-documentation` to populate the docs
-- of their dependencies and local projects.
type Haddocks = [Text]

-- Bool indicates if this is an -inplace package
data PackageEntries = PackageEntries (Maybe SourcePackageId) Bool [ModuleEntries] Haddocks
{- BOILERPLATE PackageEntries ToSexp field=[srcid,inplace,modules,haddocks] -}
instance ToSexp PackageEntries where
  toSexp (PackageEntries p_1_1 p_1_2 p_1_3 p_1_4) = alist [("srcid", toSexp p_1_1), ("inplace", toSexp p_1_2), ("modules", toSexp p_1_3), ("haddocks", toSexp p_1_4)]

-- srcid is Nothing if it matches the re-export location
data Exported = Exported (Maybe SourcePackageId) GHC.ModuleName
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

{- BOILERPLATE Exported ToSexp field=[srcid, module] -}
instance ToSexp Exported where
  toSexp (Exported p_1_1 p_1_2) = alist [("srcid", toSexp p_1_1), ("module", toSexp p_1_2)]

mkExported :: GHC.DynFlags -> UnitId -> Module -> Exported
mkExported dflags unitid m =
  let unitid' = moduleUnitId m
   in Exported
        (if unitid == unitid'
           then Nothing
           else sourcePackageId <$> lookupPackage dflags unitid')
        (moduleName m)