{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HsDev.Types (
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, Parser)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Format
import HsDev.Symbols.Location
import System.Directory.Paths
data HsDevError =
HsDevFailure |
ModuleNotSource ModuleLocation |
BrowseNoModuleInfo String |
FileNotFound Path |
ToolNotFound String |
ProjectNotFound Text |
PackageNotFound Text |
ToolError String String |
NotInspected ModuleLocation |
InspectError String |
InspectCabalError FilePath String |
IOFailed String |
GhcError String |
RequestError String String |
ResponseError String String |
SQLiteError String |
OtherError String |
UnhandledError String
deriving (Typeable)
instance NFData HsDevError where
rnf HsDevFailure = ()
rnf (ModuleNotSource mloc) = rnf mloc
rnf (BrowseNoModuleInfo m) = rnf m
rnf (FileNotFound f) = rnf f
rnf (ToolNotFound t) = rnf t
rnf (ProjectNotFound p) = rnf p
rnf (PackageNotFound p) = rnf p
rnf (ToolError t e) = rnf t `seq` rnf e
rnf (NotInspected mloc) = rnf mloc
rnf (InspectError e) = rnf e
rnf (InspectCabalError c e) = rnf c `seq` rnf e
rnf (IOFailed e) = rnf e
rnf (GhcError e) = rnf e
rnf (RequestError e r) = rnf e `seq` rnf r
rnf (ResponseError e r) = rnf e `seq` rnf r
rnf (SQLiteError e) = rnf e
rnf (OtherError e) = rnf e
rnf (UnhandledError e) = rnf e
instance Show HsDevError where
show HsDevFailure = format "failure"
show (ModuleNotSource mloc) = format "module is not source: {}" ~~ show mloc
show (BrowseNoModuleInfo m) = format "can't find module info for {}" ~~ m
show (FileNotFound f) = format "file '{}' not found" ~~ f
show (ToolNotFound t) = format "tool '{}' not found" ~~ t
show (ProjectNotFound p) = format "project '{}' not found" ~~ p
show (PackageNotFound p) = format "package '{}' not found" ~~ p
show (ToolError t e) = format "tool '{}' failed: {}" ~~ t ~~ e
show (NotInspected mloc) = "module not inspected: {}" ~~ show mloc
show (InspectError e) = format "failed to inspect: {}" ~~ e
show (InspectCabalError c e) = format "failed to inspect cabal {}: {}" ~~ c ~~ e
show (IOFailed e) = format "io exception: {}" ~~ e
show (GhcError e) = format "ghc exception: {}" ~~ e
show (RequestError e r) = format "request error: {}, request: {}" ~~ e ~~ r
show (ResponseError e r) = format "response error: {}, response: {}" ~~ e ~~ r
show (SQLiteError e) = format "sqlite error: {}" ~~ e
show (OtherError e) = e
show (UnhandledError e) = e
instance Semigroup HsDevError where
_ <> r = r
instance Monoid HsDevError where
mempty = HsDevFailure
mappend l r = l <> r
instance Formattable HsDevError where
jsonErr :: String -> [Pair] -> Value
jsonErr e = object . (("error" .= e) :)
instance ToJSON HsDevError where
toJSON HsDevFailure = jsonErr "failure" []
toJSON (ModuleNotSource mloc) = jsonErr "module is not source" ["module" .= mloc]
toJSON (BrowseNoModuleInfo m) = jsonErr "no module info" ["module" .= m]
toJSON (FileNotFound f) = jsonErr "file not found" ["file" .= f]
toJSON (ToolNotFound t) = jsonErr "tool not found" ["tool" .= t]
toJSON (ProjectNotFound p) = jsonErr "project not found" ["project" .= p]
toJSON (PackageNotFound p) = jsonErr "package not found" ["package" .= p]
toJSON (ToolError t e) = jsonErr "tool error" ["tool" .= t, "msg" .= e]
toJSON (NotInspected mloc) = jsonErr "module not inspected" ["module" .= mloc]
toJSON (InspectError e) = jsonErr "inspect error" ["msg" .= e]
toJSON (InspectCabalError c e) = jsonErr "inspect cabal error" ["cabal" .= c, "msg" .= e]
toJSON (IOFailed e) = jsonErr "io error" ["msg" .= e]
toJSON (GhcError e) = jsonErr "ghc error" ["msg" .= e]
toJSON (RequestError e r) = jsonErr "request error" ["msg" .= e, "request" .= r]
toJSON (ResponseError e r) = jsonErr "response error" ["msg" .= e, "response" .= r]
toJSON (SQLiteError e) = jsonErr "sqlite error" ["msg" .= e]
toJSON (OtherError e) = jsonErr "other error" ["msg" .= e]
toJSON (UnhandledError e) = jsonErr "unhandled error" ["msg" .= e]
instance FromJSON HsDevError where
parseJSON = withObject "hsdev-error" $ \v -> do
err <- v .: "error" :: Parser String
case err of
"failure" -> pure HsDevFailure
"module is not source" -> ModuleNotSource <$> v .: "module"
"no module info" -> BrowseNoModuleInfo <$> v .: "module"
"file not found" -> FileNotFound <$> v .: "file"
"tool not found" -> ToolNotFound <$> v .: "tool"
"project not found" -> ProjectNotFound <$> v .: "project"
"package not found" -> PackageNotFound <$> v .: "package"
"tool error" -> ToolError <$> v .: "tool" <*> v .: "msg"
"module not inspected" -> NotInspected <$> v .: "module"
"inspect error" -> InspectError <$> v .: "msg"
"inspect cabal error" -> InspectCabalError <$> v .: "cabal" <*> v .: "msg"
"io error" -> IOFailed <$> v .: "msg"
"ghc error" -> GhcError <$> v .: "msg"
"request error" -> RequestError <$> v .: "msg" <*> v .: "request"
"response error" -> ResponseError <$> v .: "msg" <*> v .: "response"
"sqlite error" -> SQLiteError <$> v .: "msg"
"other error" -> OtherError <$> v .: "msg"
"unhandled error" -> UnhandledError <$> v .: "msg"
_ -> fail "invalid error"
instance Exception HsDevError