hsc3-0.21: Haskell SuperCollider
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Non-realtime score rendering.



type Nrt_Param_Plain = (FilePath, (FilePath, Int), (FilePath, Int), Int, SampleFormat, [String]) Source #

Minimal Nrt rendering parameters.

The sound file type is inferred from the file name extension. Structure is: Osc file name, input audio file name and input number of channels (use ("_",0) for no input file), output audio file name and output number of channels, sample rate (int), sample format, further parameters (ie. ["-m","32768"]) to be inserted before the Nrt -N option.

nrt_param_plain_to_arg :: Nrt_Param_Plain -> [String] Source #

Compile argument list from Nrt_Param_Plain.

>>> let opt = ("/tmp/t.osc",("_",0),("/tmp/t.wav",1),48000,PcmInt16,[])
>>> nrt_param_plain_to_arg opt

nrt_exec_plain :: Nrt_Param_Plain -> IO () Source #

Compile argument list from Nrt_Param_Plain and run scynth.

nrt_exec_plain opt

nrt_proc_plain :: Nrt_Param_Plain -> Nrt -> IO () Source #

Minimal Nrt rendering, for more control see Stefan Kersten's hsc3-process package at: https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-process.

type Nrt_Render_Plain = (FilePath, FilePath, Int, Int, SampleFormat, [String]) Source #

Variant for no input case.

(osc-file-name, audio-file-name, number-of-channels, sample-rate, sample-format, param)

nrt_render_plain :: Nrt_Render_Plain -> Nrt -> IO () Source #

Add ("-",0) as input parameters and run nrt_proc_plain.

nrt_render_plain opt sc