hsc3-0.20: Haskell SuperCollider
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Module to provide a stateful connection to scsynth.

The purpose is to store Osc Messages that should be sent when resetting the synthesiser.

This should, but does not:

  • allow for Scsynth to be at a non-standard address
  • allow for multiple Scsynth instances


data Scsynth Source #

Scsynth state.



newScsynth :: IO Scsynth Source #

Scsynth with no messages or allocated buffers.

scsynthPrint :: Scsynth -> IO () Source #

Print onReset messages.

scsynthOnReset :: Scsynth -> [Message] -> IO () Source #

Add a sequence of messages to be sent on scsynth reset.

scsynth <- newScsynth
scsynthOnReset scsynth [b_free 100]
scsynthPrint scsynth

scsynthReset :: Scsynth -> IO () Source #

reset scsynth, send all stored onReset messages, clear the onReset message store.

scsynthPlayAt :: Scsynth -> Play_Opt -> Ugen -> IO () Source #

Play Ugen at Scsynth. Send any required initialisation messages and stores and onReset messages.

scsynthPlay :: Scsynth -> Ugen -> IO () Source #

scsynthPlayAt with default options.