{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns, PolyKinds, GADTs, PatternGuards #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.Binding.Hobbits.Closed
-- Copyright   : (c) 2014 Edwin Westbrook, Nicolas Frisby, and Paul Brauner
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : emw4@rice.edu
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- This module uses Template Haskell to distinguish closed terms, so that the
-- library can trust such functions to not contain any @Name@ values in their
-- closure.

module Data.Binding.Hobbits.Closed (
  -- * Abstract types
  -- * Operators involving 'Closed'
  unClosed, mkClosed, noClosedNames, clApply, clMbApply, clApplyCl, unsafeClose,
  -- * Typeclass for inherently closed types
) where

import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.RList
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Internal.Name
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Internal.Mb
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Internal.Closed
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Mb

-- | @noClosedNames@ encodes the hobbits guarantee that no name can escape its
-- multi-binding.
noClosedNames :: Closed (Name a) -> b
noClosedNames (Closed n) =
  -- We compare n to itself to force evaluation, in case the body of
  -- the closed value is non-terminating...
  case cmpName n n of
    _ ->
      error $
      "... Clever girl!" ++
      "The `noClosedNames' invariant has somehow been violated."

-- | Closed terms are closed (sorry) under application.
clApply :: Closed (a -> b) -> Closed a -> Closed b
-- could be defined with cl were it not for the GHC stage restriction
clApply (Closed f) (Closed a) = Closed (f a)

-- | Closed multi-bindings are also closed under application.
clMbApply :: Closed (Mb ctx (a -> b)) -> Closed (Mb ctx a) ->
             Closed (Mb ctx b)
clMbApply (Closed f) (Closed a) = Closed (mbApply f a)

-- | When applying a closed function, the argument can be viewed as locally
-- closed
clApplyCl :: Closed (Closed a -> b) -> Closed a -> Closed b
clApplyCl (Closed f) a = Closed (f a)

-- | FIXME: this should not be possible!!
closeBug :: a -> Closed a
closeBug = $([| \x -> $(mkClosed [| x |]) |])

-- | Mark an object as closed without actually traversing it. This is unsafe if
-- the object does in fact contain any names.
unsafeClose :: a -> Closed a
unsafeClose = Closed

-- | Typeclass for inherently closed types
class Closable a where
  toClosed :: a -> Closed a

instance Closable Integer where
  toClosed i = Closed i

instance Closable (Member ctx a) where
  -- NOTE: this is actually definable with mkClosed, but this is more efficient
  toClosed memb = Closed memb

instance Closable (Proxy a) where
  toClosed Proxy = $(mkClosed [| Proxy |])

instance Closable (Closed a) where
  toClosed = clApplyCl $(mkClosed [| id |])

instance Closable Bool where
  toClosed True = $(mkClosed [| True |])
  toClosed False = $(mkClosed [| False |])

instance Closable Char where
  toClosed = unsafeClose

instance Closable Int where
  toClosed = unsafeClose

instance Closable a => Closable [a] where
  toClosed [] = $(mkClosed [| [] |])
  toClosed (a:as) =
    $(mkClosed [| (:) |]) `clApply` toClosed a `clApply` toClosed as

-- | Object-level reification of the 'Closable' typeclass
data IsClosable a where IsClosable :: Closable a => IsClosable a

-- | Type functors @f@ where @f a@ is always 'Closable' for any @a@
class ClosableAny1 f where
  closableAny1 :: f a -> IsClosable (f a)

-- | Helper function to use the proof returned by 'closableAny1'
toClosedAny1 :: ClosableAny1 f => f a -> Closed (f a)
toClosedAny1 x | IsClosable <- closableAny1 x = toClosed x

instance ClosableAny1 Proxy where
  closableAny1 _ = IsClosable

instance ClosableAny1 (Member ctx) where
  closableAny1 _ = IsClosable

instance ClosableAny1 f => Closable (RAssign f ctx) where
  toClosed MNil = $(mkClosed [| MNil |])
  toClosed (xs :>: x) =
    $(mkClosed [| (:>:) |]) `clApply` toClosed xs `clApply` toClosedAny1 x