hobbits-1.2.4: A library for canonically representing terms with binding

Copyright(c) 2016 Edwin Westbrook
Safe HaskellSafe



A right list, or RList, is a list where cons adds to the end, or the right-hand side, of a list. This is useful conceptually for contexts of name-bindings, where the most recent name-binding is intuitively at the end of the context.



data RList a Source #


(RList a) :> a 

type family (r1 :: RList *) :++: (r2 :: RList *) :: RList * infixr 5 Source #


type r :++: (RNil *) Source # 
type r :++: (RNil *) = r
type r1 :++: ((:>) * r2 a) Source # 
type r1 :++: ((:>) * r2 a) = (:>) * ((:++:) r1 r2) a

proxyCons :: Proxy r -> f a -> Proxy (r :> a) Source #

data Member ctx a where Source #

A Member ctx a is a "proof" that the type a is in the type list ctx, meaning that ctx equals

 t0 ':>' a ':>' t1 ':>' ... ':>' tn

for some types t0,t1,...,tn.


Member_Base :: Member (ctx :> a) a 
Member_Step :: Member ctx a -> Member (ctx :> b) a 


Show (Member r a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Member r a -> ShowS #

show :: Member r a -> String #

showList :: [Member r a] -> ShowS #

NuMatching (Member c a) Source # 
Liftable (Member c a) Source # 


mbLift :: Mb ctx (Member c a) -> Member c a Source #

weakenMemberL :: Proxy r1 -> Member r2 a -> Member (r1 :++: r2) a Source #

membersEq :: Member ctx a -> Member ctx b -> Maybe (a :~: b) Source #

data Append ctx1 ctx2 ctx where Source #

An Append ctx1 ctx2 ctx is a "proof" that ctx = ctx1 :++: ctx2.


Append_Base :: Append ctx RNil ctx 
Append_Step :: Append ctx1 ctx2 ctx -> Append ctx1 (ctx2 :> a) (ctx :> a) 

data MapRList f c where Source #

A MapRList f r is a vector with exactly one element of type f a for each type a in the type RList r.


MNil :: MapRList f RNil 
(:>:) :: MapRList f c -> f a -> MapRList f (c :> a) 

empty :: MapRList f RNil Source #

Create an empty MapRList vector.

singleton :: f a -> MapRList f (RNil :> a) Source #

Create a singleton MapRList vector.

mapRListLookup :: Member c a -> MapRList f c -> f a Source #

Look up an element of a MapRList vector using a Member proof.

mapMapRList :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> MapRList f c -> MapRList g c Source #

Map a function on all elements of a MapRList vector.

mapMapRList2 :: (forall x. f x -> g x -> h x) -> MapRList f c -> MapRList g c -> MapRList h c Source #

Map a binary function on all pairs of elements of two MapRList vectors.

appendMapRList :: MapRList f c1 -> MapRList f c2 -> MapRList f (c1 :++: c2) Source #

Append two MapRList vectors.

mkAppend :: MapRList f c2 -> Append c1 c2 (c1 :++: c2) Source #

Make an Append proof from any MapRList vector for the second argument of the append.

mkMonoAppend :: Proxy c1 -> MapRList f c2 -> Append c1 c2 (c1 :++: c2) Source #

A version of mkAppend that takes in a Proxy argument.

proxiesFromAppend :: Append c1 c2 c -> MapRList Proxy c2 Source #

The inverse of mkAppend, that builds an MapRList from an Append

splitMapRList :: c ~ (c1 :++: c2) => Proxy c1 -> MapRList any c2 -> MapRList f c -> (MapRList f c1, MapRList f c2) Source #

Split an MapRList vector into two pieces. The first argument is a phantom argument that gives the form of the first list piece.

members :: MapRList f c -> MapRList (Member c) c Source #

Create a vector of proofs that each type in c is a Member of c.

mapRListToList :: MapRList (Constant a) c -> [a] Source #

Convert an MapRList to a list

class TypeCtx ctx where Source #

A type-class which ensures that ctx is a valid context, i.e., has | the form (RNil :> t1 :> ... :> tn) for some types t1 through tn

Minimal complete definition



TypeCtx (RNil *) Source # 
TypeCtx ctx => TypeCtx ((:>) * ctx a) Source # 


typeCtxProxies :: MapRList (Proxy *) ((* :> ctx) a) Source #