hls-graph- Haskell Language Server internal graph API
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




type ShakeValue a = (Show a, Typeable a, Eq a, Hashable a, NFData a) Source #

shakeRunDatabaseForKeys Source #


:: Maybe [Key]

Set of keys changed since last run. Nothing means everything has changed

-> ShakeDatabase 
-> [Action a] 
-> IO [a] 

Assumes that the database is not running a build

shakeProfileDatabase :: ShakeDatabase -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Given a ShakeDatabase, write an HTML profile to the given file about the latest run.

shakeGetBuildStep :: ShakeDatabase -> IO Int Source #

Returns the build number

shakeGetDatabaseKeys :: ShakeDatabase -> IO [(Key, Int)] Source #

Returns an approximation of the database keys, annotated with how long ago (in # builds) they were visited

shakeGetDirtySet :: ShakeDatabase -> IO [(Key, Int)] Source #

Returns the set of dirty keys annotated with their age (in # of builds)

shakeGetCleanKeys :: ShakeDatabase -> IO [(Key, Result)] Source #

Returns the clean keys in the database

shakeGetBuildEdges :: ShakeDatabase -> IO Int Source #

Returns the total count of edges in the build graph