{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

Easy regular expression helpers, currently based on regex-tdfa. These should:

- be cross-platform, not requiring C libraries

- support unicode

- support extended regular expressions

- support replacement, with backreferences etc.

- support splitting

- have mnemonic names

- have simple monomorphic types

- work with simple strings

Regex strings are automatically compiled into regular expressions the
first time they are seen, and these are cached. If you use a huge
number of unique regular expressions this might lead to increased
memory usage. Several functions have memoised variants (*Memo), which
also trade space for time.

Current limitations:

- (?i) and similar are not supported


module Hledger.Utils.Regex (
   -- * type aliases
   -- * standard regex operations

import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
import Text.Regex.TDFA (
  Regex, CompOption(..), ExecOption(..), defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt,
  makeRegexOptsM, AllMatches(getAllMatches), match, (=~), MatchText

import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error')

-- | Regular expression. Extended regular expression-ish syntax ? But does not support eg (?i) syntax.
type Regexp = String

-- | A replacement pattern. May include numeric backreferences (\N).
type Replacement = String

-- | Convert our string-based Regexp to a real Regex.
-- Or if it's not well formed, call error with a "malformed regexp" message.
toRegex :: Regexp -> Regex
toRegex = memo (compileRegexOrError defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt)

-- | Like toRegex but make a case-insensitive Regex.
toRegexCI :: Regexp -> Regex
toRegexCI = memo (compileRegexOrError defaultCompOpt{caseSensitive=False} defaultExecOpt)

compileRegexOrError :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> Regexp -> Regex
compileRegexOrError compopt execopt r =
  (errorWithoutStackTrace $ "this regular expression could not be compiled: " ++ show r) $
  makeRegexOptsM compopt execopt r

-- regexMatch' :: RegexContext Regexp String a => Regexp -> String -> a
-- regexMatch' r s = s =~ (toRegex r)

regexMatches :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatches = flip (=~)

regexMatchesCI :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatchesCI r = match (toRegexCI r)

-- | Replace all occurrences of the regexp, transforming each match with the given function.
regexReplaceBy :: Regexp -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
regexReplaceBy r = replaceAllBy (toRegex r)

regexReplaceByCI :: Regexp -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
regexReplaceByCI r = replaceAllBy (toRegexCI r)

-- | Replace all occurrences of the regexp with the replacement
-- pattern. The replacement pattern supports numeric backreferences
-- (\N) but no other RE syntax.
regexReplace :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplace re = replaceRegex (toRegex re)

regexReplaceCI :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplaceCI re = replaceRegex (toRegexCI re)

-- | A memoising version of regexReplace. Caches the result for each
-- search pattern, replacement pattern, target string tuple.
regexReplaceMemo :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplaceMemo re repl = memo (regexReplace re repl)

regexReplaceCIMemo :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplaceCIMemo re repl = memo (regexReplaceCI re repl)


replaceRegex :: Regex -> Replacement -> String -> String
replaceRegex re repl s = foldl (replaceMatch repl) s (reverse $ match re s :: [MatchText String])

replaceMatch :: Replacement -> String -> MatchText String -> String
replaceMatch replpat s matchgroups = pre ++ repl ++ post
    ((_,(off,len)):_) = elems matchgroups  -- groups should have 0-based indexes, and there should always be at least one, since this is a match
    (pre, post') = splitAt off s
    post = drop len post'
    repl = replaceAllBy (toRegex "\\\\[0-9]+") (replaceBackReference matchgroups) replpat

replaceBackReference :: MatchText String -> String -> String
replaceBackReference grps ('\\':s@(_:_)) | all isDigit s =
  case read s of n | n `elem` indices grps -> fst (grps ! n)
                 _                         -> error' $ "no match group exists for backreference \"\\"++s++"\""
replaceBackReference _ s = error' $ "replaceBackReference called on non-numeric-backreference \""++s++"\", shouldn't happen"


-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9071682/replacement-substition-with-haskell-regex-libraries :
-- | Replace all occurrences of a regexp in a string, transforming each match with the given function.
replaceAllBy :: Regex -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
replaceAllBy re f s = start end
    (_, end, start) = foldl' go (0, s, id) $ (getAllMatches $ match re s :: [(Int, Int)])
    go (ind,read,write) (off,len) =
      let (skip, start) = splitAt (off - ind) read
          (matched, remaining) = splitAt len start
      in (off + len, remaining, write . (skip++) . (f matched ++))