--- * -*- outline-regexp:"--- \\*"; -*-
--- ** doc
-- In Emacs, use TAB on lines beginning with "-- *" to collapse/expand sections.

A reader for the "timedot" file format.

#ACCT  DOTS  # Each dot represents 15m, spaces are ignored
#ACCT  8    # numbers with or without a following h represent hours
#ACCT  5m   # numbers followed by m represent minutes

# on 2/1, 1h was spent on FOSS haskell work, 0.25h on research, etc.
fos.haskell   .... ..
biz.research  .
inc.client1   .... .... .... .... .... ....

biz.research  .
inc.client1   .... .... ..



--- ** language
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}

--- ** exports
module Hledger.Read.TimedotReader (
  -- * Reader
  -- * Misc other exports

--- ** imports
import Prelude ()
import "base-compat-batteries" Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (Day)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (parse)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char

import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Read.Common hiding (emptyorcommentlinep)
import Hledger.Utils

--- ** doctest setup
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

--- ** reader

reader :: MonadIO m => Reader m
reader = Reader
  {rFormat     = "timedot"
  ,rExtensions = ["timedot"]
  ,rReadFn     = parse
  ,rParser    = timedotp

-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from the timedot format, or give an error.
parse :: InputOpts -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse = parseAndFinaliseJournal' timedotp

--- ** utilities

traceparse, traceparse' :: String -> TextParser m ()
traceparse  = const $ return ()
traceparse' = const $ return ()
-- for debugging:
-- traceparse  s = traceParse (s++"?")
-- traceparse' s = trace s $ return ()

--- ** parsers
Rough grammar for timedot format:

timedot:           preamble day*
preamble:          (emptyline | commentline | orgheading)*
orgheading:        orgheadingprefix restofline
day:               dateline entry* (emptyline | commentline)*
dateline:          orgheadingprefix? date description?
orgheadingprefix:  star+ space+
description:       restofline  ; till semicolon?
entry:          orgheadingprefix? space* singlespaced (doublespace quantity?)?
doublespace:       space space+
quantity:          (dot (dot | space)* | number | number unit)

Date lines and item lines can begin with an org heading prefix, which is ignored.
Org headings before the first date line are ignored, regardless of content.

timedotfilep = timedotp -- XXX rename export above

timedotp :: JournalParser m ParsedJournal
timedotp = preamblep >> many dayp >> eof >> get

preamblep :: JournalParser m ()
preamblep = do
  lift $ traceparse "preamblep"
  many $ notFollowedBy datelinep >> (lift $ emptyorcommentlinep "#;*")
  lift $ traceparse' "preamblep"

-- | Parse timedot day entries to zero or more time transactions for that day.
-- @
-- 2020/2/1 optional day description
-- fos.haskell  .... ..
-- biz.research .
-- inc.client1  .... .... .... .... .... ....
-- @
dayp :: JournalParser m ()
dayp = label "timedot day entry" $ do
  lift $ traceparse "dayp"
  (d,desc) <- datelinep
  ts <- many $ entryp <* commentlinesp
  modify' $ addTransactions $ map (\t -> t{tdate=d, tdescription=desc}) ts
  lift $ traceparse' "dayp"
    addTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Journal -> Journal
    addTransactions ts j = foldl' (flip ($)) j (map addTransaction ts)

datelinep :: JournalParser m (Day,Text)
datelinep = do
  lift $ traceparse "datelinep"
  lift $ optional orgheadingprefixp
  d <- datep
  desc <- strip <$> lift restofline
  lift $ traceparse' "datelinep"
  return (d, T.pack desc)

-- | Zero or more empty lines or hash/semicolon comment lines
-- or org headlines which do not start a new day.
commentlinesp :: JournalParser m ()
commentlinesp = do
  lift $ traceparse "commentlinesp"
  void $ many $ try $ lift $ emptyorcommentlinep "#;"

-- orgnondatelinep :: JournalParser m ()
-- orgnondatelinep = do
--   lift $ traceparse "orgnondatelinep"
--   lift orgheadingprefixp
--   notFollowedBy datelinep
--   void $ lift restofline
--   lift $ traceparse' "orgnondatelinep"

orgheadingprefixp = do
  -- traceparse "orgheadingprefixp"
  skipSome (char '*') >> skipSome spacenonewline

-- | Parse a single timedot entry to one (dateless) transaction.
-- @
-- fos.haskell  .... ..
-- @
entryp :: JournalParser m Transaction
entryp = do
  lift $ traceparse "entryp"
  pos <- genericSourcePos <$> getSourcePos
  notFollowedBy datelinep
  lift $ optional $ choice [orgheadingprefixp, skipSome spacenonewline]
  a <- modifiedaccountnamep
  lift (skipMany spacenonewline)
  hours <-
    try (lift followingcommentp >> return 0)
    <|> (durationp <*
         (try (lift followingcommentp) <|> (newline >> return "")))
  let t = nulltransaction{
        tsourcepos = pos,
        tstatus    = Cleared,
        tpostings  = [
                     ,pamount=Mixed [setAmountPrecision 2 $ num hours]  -- don't assume hours; do set precision to 2
                     ,ptransaction=Just t
  lift $ traceparse' "entryp"
  return t

durationp :: JournalParser m Quantity
durationp = do
  lift $ traceparse "durationp"
  try numericquantityp <|> dotquantityp
    -- <* traceparse' "durationp"

-- | Parse a duration of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years,
-- written as a decimal number followed by s, m, h, d, w, mo or y, assuming h
-- if there is no unit. Returns the duration as hours, assuming
-- 1m = 60s, 1h = 60m, 1d = 24h, 1w = 7d, 1mo = 30d, 1y=365d.
-- @
-- 1.5
-- 1.5h
-- 90m
-- @
numericquantityp :: JournalParser m Quantity
numericquantityp = do
  -- lift $ traceparse "numericquantityp"
  (q, _, _, _) <- lift $ numberp Nothing
  msymbol <- optional $ choice $ map (string . fst) timeUnits
  lift (skipMany spacenonewline)
  let q' =
        case msymbol of
          Nothing  -> q
          Just sym ->
            case lookup sym timeUnits of
              Just mult -> q * mult
              Nothing   -> q  -- shouldn't happen.. ignore
  return q'

-- (symbol, equivalent in hours).
timeUnits =
  ,("mo",5040) -- before "m"

-- | Parse a quantity written as a line of dots, each representing 0.25.
-- @
-- .... ..
-- @
dotquantityp :: JournalParser m Quantity
dotquantityp = do
  -- lift $ traceparse "dotquantityp"
  dots <- filter (not.isSpace) <$> many (oneOf (". " :: [Char]))
  return $ (/4) $ fromIntegral $ length dots

-- | XXX new comment line parser, move to Hledger.Read.Common.emptyorcommentlinep
-- Parse empty lines, all-blank lines, and lines beginning with any of the provided
-- comment-beginning characters.
emptyorcommentlinep :: [Char] -> TextParser m ()
emptyorcommentlinep cs =
  label ("empty line or comment line beginning with "++cs) $ do
    traceparse "emptyorcommentlinep" -- XXX possible to combine label and traceparse ?
    skipMany spacenonewline
    void newline <|> void commentp
    traceparse' "emptyorcommentlinep"
      commentp = do
        choice (map (some.char) cs)
        takeWhileP Nothing (/='\n') <* newline