{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module EVM.Patricia where
import EVM.RLP
import EVM.Types hiding (Literal)
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
data KV k v a
= Put k v a
| Get k (v -> a)
deriving (Functor)
newtype DB k v a = DB (Free (KV k v) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
insertDB :: k -> v -> DB k v ()
insertDB k v = DB $ liftF $ Put k v ()
lookupDB :: k -> DB k v v
lookupDB k = DB $ liftF $ Get k id
runDB :: Monad m
=> (k -> v -> m ())
-> (k -> m v)
-> DB k v a
-> m a
runDB putt gett (DB ops) = go ops
go (Pure a) = return a
go (Free (Put k v next)) = putt k v >> go next
go (Free (Get k handler)) = gett k >>= go . handler
type Path = [Nibble]
data Ref = Hash ByteString | Literal Node
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Ref where
show (Hash d) = show (ByteStringS d)
show (Literal n) = show n
data Node = Empty
| Shortcut Path (Either Ref ByteString)
| Full (Seq Ref) ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq)
encodePath :: Path -> Bool -> ByteString
encodePath p isTerminal | even (length p)
= packNibbles $ Nibble flag : Nibble 0 : p
| otherwise
= packNibbles $ Nibble (flag + 1) : p
where flag = if isTerminal then 2 else 0
rlpRef :: Ref -> RLP
rlpRef (Hash d) = BS d
rlpRef (Literal n) = rlpNode n
rlpNode :: Node -> RLP
rlpNode Empty = BS mempty
rlpNode (Shortcut path (Right val)) = List [BS $ encodePath path True, BS val]
rlpNode (Shortcut path (Left ref)) = List [BS $ encodePath path False, rlpRef ref]
rlpNode (Full refs val) = List $ toList (fmap rlpRef refs) <> [BS val]
type NodeDB = DB ByteString Node
instance Show (NodeDB Node) where
show = show
putNode :: Node -> NodeDB Ref
putNode node =
let bytes = rlpencode $ rlpNode node
digest = word256Bytes $ keccak bytes
in if BS.length bytes < 32
then return $ Literal node
else do
insertDB digest node
return $ Hash digest
getNode :: Ref -> NodeDB Node
getNode (Hash d) = lookupDB d
getNode (Literal n) = return n
lookupPath :: Ref -> Path -> NodeDB ByteString
lookupPath root path = getNode root >>= getVal path
getVal :: Path -> Node -> NodeDB ByteString
getVal _ Empty = return BS.empty
getVal path (Shortcut nodePath ref) =
case (stripPrefix nodePath path, ref) of
(Just [], Right value) -> return value
(Just remaining, Left key) -> lookupPath key remaining
_ -> return BS.empty
getVal [] (Full _ val) = return val
getVal (p:ps) (Full refs _) = lookupPath (refs `Seq.index` (num p)) ps
emptyRef :: Ref
emptyRef = Literal Empty
emptyRefs :: Seq Ref
emptyRefs = Seq.replicate 16 emptyRef
addPrefix :: Path -> Node -> NodeDB Node
addPrefix _ Empty = return Empty
addPrefix [] node = return node
addPrefix path (Shortcut p v) = return $ Shortcut (path <> p) v
addPrefix path n = Shortcut path . Left <$> putNode n
insertRef :: Ref -> Path -> ByteString -> NodeDB Ref
insertRef ref p val = do root <- getNode ref
newNode <- if val == BS.empty
then delete root p
else update root p val
putNode newNode
update :: Node -> Path -> ByteString -> NodeDB Node
update Empty p new = return $ Shortcut p (Right new)
update (Full refs _) [] new = return (Full refs new)
update (Full refs old) (p:ps) new = do
newRef <- insertRef (refs `Seq.index` (num p)) ps new
return $ Full (Seq.update (num p) newRef refs) old
update (Shortcut (o:os) (Right old)) [] new = do
newRef <- insertRef emptyRef os old
return $ Full (Seq.update (num o) newRef emptyRefs) new
update (Shortcut [] (Right old)) (p:ps) new = do
newRef <- insertRef emptyRef ps new
return $ Full (Seq.update (num p) newRef emptyRefs) old
update (Shortcut [] (Right _)) [] new =
return $ Shortcut [] (Right new)
update (Shortcut (o:os) to) (p:ps) new | o == p
= update (Shortcut os to) ps new >>= addPrefix [o]
| otherwise = do
oldRef <- case to of
(Left ref) -> getNode ref >>= addPrefix os >>= putNode
(Right val) -> insertRef emptyRef os val
newRef <- insertRef emptyRef ps new
let refs = Seq.update (num p) newRef $ Seq.update (num o) oldRef emptyRefs
return $ Full refs BS.empty
update (Shortcut (o:os) (Left ref)) [] new = do
newRef <- getNode ref >>= addPrefix os >>= putNode
return $ Full (Seq.update (num o) newRef emptyRefs) new
update (Shortcut cut (Left ref)) ps new = do
newRef <- insertRef ref ps new
return $ Shortcut cut (Left newRef)
delete :: Node -> Path -> NodeDB Node
delete Empty _ = return Empty
delete (Shortcut [] (Right _)) [] = return Empty
delete n@(Shortcut [] (Right _)) _ = return n
delete (Shortcut [] (Left ref)) p = do node <- getNode ref
delete node p
delete n@(Shortcut _ _) [] = return n
delete n@(Shortcut (o:os) to) (p:ps) | p == o
= delete (Shortcut os to) ps >>= addPrefix [o]
| otherwise
= return n
delete (Full refs _) [] | refs == emptyRefs
= return Empty
| otherwise
= return (Full refs BS.empty)
delete (Full refs val) (p:ps) = do
newRef <- insertRef (refs `Seq.index` (num p)) ps BS.empty
let newRefs = Seq.update (num p) newRef refs
nonEmpties = filter (\(_, ref) -> ref /= emptyRef) $ zip [0..15] $ toList newRefs
case (nonEmpties, BS.null val) of
([], True) -> return Empty
([(n, ref)], True) -> getNode ref >>= addPrefix [Nibble n]
_ -> return $ Full newRefs val
insert :: Ref -> ByteString -> ByteString -> NodeDB Ref
insert ref key = insertRef ref (unpackNibbles key)
lookupIn :: Ref -> ByteString -> NodeDB ByteString
lookupIn ref bs = lookupPath ref $ unpackNibbles bs
type Trie = StateT Ref NodeDB
runTrie :: DB ByteString ByteString a -> Trie a
runTrie = runDB putDB getDB
putDB key val = do
ref <- get
newRef <- lift $ insert ref key val
put newRef
getDB key = do
ref <- get
lift $ lookupIn ref key
type MapDB k v a = StateT (Map.Map k v) Maybe a
runMapDB :: Ord k => DB k v a -> MapDB k v a
runMapDB = runDB putDB getDB
getDB key = do
mmap <- get
lift $ Map.lookup key mmap
putDB key value = do
mmap <- get
let newMap = Map.insert key value mmap
put newMap
insertValues :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Maybe Ref
insertValues inputs =
let trie = runTrie $ mapM_ insertPair inputs
mapDB = runMapDB $ runStateT trie (Literal Empty)
result = snd <$> evalStateT mapDB Map.empty
insertPair (key, value) = insertDB key value
in result
calcRoot :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Maybe ByteString
calcRoot vs = case insertValues vs of
Just (Hash b) -> Just b
Just (Literal n) -> Just $ word256Bytes $ keccak $ rlpencode $ rlpNode n
Nothing -> Nothing