{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}

module EVM.SymExec where

import Prelude hiding (Word)

import Control.Lens hiding (pre)
import EVM hiding (Query, push)
import EVM.Exec
import qualified EVM.Fetch as Fetch
import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Stepper (Stepper)
import qualified EVM.Stepper as Stepper
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as Operational
import EVM.Types hiding (Word)
import EVM.Symbolic (litBytes, SymWord(..), sw256, Buffer(..))
import EVM.Concrete (createAddress, Word)
import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule
import Data.SBV.Trans.Control
import Data.SBV.Trans hiding (distinct, Word)
import Data.SBV hiding (runSMT, newArray_, addAxiom, distinct, sWord8s, Word)
import Data.Vector (toList, fromList)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text (Text, splitOn, unpack)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (runStateT, runState, StateT, get, put, zipWithM)
import Control.Applicative

-- | Convenience functions for generating large symbolic byte strings
sbytes32, sbytes256, sbytes512, sbytes1024 :: Query ([SWord 8])
sbytes32 = toBytes <$> freshVar_ @ (WordN 256)
sbytes128 = toBytes <$> freshVar_ @ (WordN 1024)
sbytes256 = liftA2 (++) sbytes128 sbytes128
sbytes512 = liftA2 (++) sbytes256 sbytes256
sbytes1024 = liftA2 (++) sbytes512 sbytes512

-- | Abstract calldata argument generation
-- We don't assume input types are restricted to their proper range here;
-- such assumptions should instead be given as preconditions.
-- This could catch some interesting calldata mismanagement errors.
symAbiArg :: AbiType -> Query ([SWord 8], SWord 32)
symAbiArg (AbiUIntType n) | n `mod` 8 == 0 && n <= 256 = do x <- sbytes32
                                                            return (x, 32)
                          | otherwise = error "bad type"

symAbiArg (AbiIntType n)  | n `mod` 8 == 0 && n <= 256 = do x <- sbytes32
                                                            return (x, 32)
                          | otherwise = error "bad type"
symAbiArg AbiBoolType = do x <- sbytes32
                           return (x, 32)

symAbiArg AbiAddressType = do x <- sbytes32
                              return (x, 32)

symAbiArg (AbiBytesType n) | n <= 32 = do x <- sbytes32
                                          return (x, 32)
                           | otherwise = error "bad type"

-- TODO: is this encoding correct?
symAbiArg (AbiArrayType len typ) =
  do args <- mapM symAbiArg (replicate len typ)
     return (litBytes (encodeAbiValue (AbiUInt 256 (fromIntegral len))) <> (concat $ fst <$> args),
             32 + (sum $ snd <$> args))

symAbiArg (AbiTupleType tuple) =
  do args <- mapM symAbiArg (toList tuple)
     return (concat $ fst <$> args, sum $ snd <$> args)
symAbiArg n =
  error $ "Unsupported symbolic abiencoding for"
    <> show n
    <> ". Please file an issue at https://github.com/dapphub/dapptools if you really need this."

-- | Generates calldata matching given type signature, optionally specialized
-- with concrete arguments.
-- Any argument given as "<symbolic>" or omitted at the tail of the list are
-- kept symbolic.
symCalldata :: Text -> [AbiType] -> [String] -> Query ([SWord 8], SWord 32)
symCalldata sig typesignature concreteArgs =
  let args = concreteArgs <> replicate (length typesignature - length concreteArgs)  "<symbolic>"
      mkArg typ "<symbolic>" = symAbiArg typ
      mkArg typ arg = let n = litBytes . encodeAbiValue $ makeAbiValue typ arg
                      in return (n, num (length n))
      sig' = litBytes $ selector sig
  in do calldatas <- zipWithM mkArg typesignature args
        return (sig' <> concat (fst <$> calldatas), 4 + (sum $ snd <$> calldatas))

abstractVM :: Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> ByteString -> StorageModel -> Query VM
abstractVM typesignature concreteArgs x storagemodel = do
  (cd', cdlen, cdconstraint) <-
    case typesignature of
      Nothing -> do cd <- sbytes256
                    len <- freshVar_
                    return (cd, len, len .<= 256)
      Just (name, typs) -> do (cd, cdlen) <- symCalldata name typs concreteArgs
                              return (cd, cdlen, sTrue)
  symstore <- case storagemodel of
    SymbolicS -> Symbolic <$> freshArray_ Nothing
    InitialS -> Symbolic <$> freshArray_ (Just 0)
    ConcreteS -> return $ Concrete mempty
  c <- SAddr <$> freshVar_
  value' <- sw256 <$> freshVar_
  return $ loadSymVM (RuntimeCode x) symstore storagemodel c value' (SymbolicBuffer cd', cdlen) & over pathConditions ((<>) [cdconstraint])

loadSymVM :: ContractCode -> Storage -> StorageModel -> SAddr -> SymWord -> (Buffer, SWord 32) -> VM
loadSymVM x initStore model addr callvalue' calldata' =
    (makeVm $ VMOpts
    { vmoptContract = contractWithStore x initStore
    , vmoptCalldata = calldata'
    , vmoptValue = callvalue'
    , vmoptAddress = createAddress ethrunAddress 1
    , vmoptCaller = addr
    , vmoptOrigin = ethrunAddress --todo: generalize
    , vmoptCoinbase = 0
    , vmoptNumber = 0
    , vmoptTimestamp = 0
    , vmoptBlockGaslimit = 0
    , vmoptGasprice = 0
    , vmoptDifficulty = 0
    , vmoptGas = 0xffffffffffffffff
    , vmoptGaslimit = 0xffffffffffffffff
    , vmoptMaxCodeSize = 0xffffffff
    , vmoptSchedule = FeeSchedule.istanbul
    , vmoptChainId = 1
    , vmoptCreate = False
    , vmoptStorageModel = model
    }) & set (env . contracts . at (createAddress ethrunAddress 1))
             (Just (contractWithStore x initStore))

-- | Interpreter which explores all paths at
-- | branching points.
-- | returns a list of possible final evm states
  :: Fetch.Fetcher
  -> Maybe Integer --max iterations
  -> Stepper a
  -> StateT VM IO [a]
interpret fetcher maxIter =
  eval . Operational.view

      :: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
      -> StateT VM IO [a]

    eval (Operational.Return x) =
      pure [x]

    eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
      case action of
        Stepper.Exec ->
          exec >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k
        Stepper.Run ->
          run >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k
        Stepper.Ask (EVM.PleaseChoosePath continue) -> do
          vm <- get
          case maxIterationsReached vm maxIter of
            Nothing -> do a <- interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue True) >>= k)
                          put vm
                          b <- interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue False) >>= k)
                          return $ a <> b
            Just n -> interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue (not n)) >>= k)
        Stepper.Wait q ->
          do m <- liftIO (fetcher q)
             interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm m >>= k)
        Stepper.EVM m ->
          State.state (runState m) >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k

maxIterationsReached :: VM -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Bool
maxIterationsReached _ Nothing = Nothing
maxIterationsReached vm (Just maxIter) =
  let codelocation = getCodeLocation vm
      iters = view (iterations . at codelocation . non 0) vm
  in if num maxIter <= iters
     then view (cache . path . at (codelocation, iters - 1)) vm
     else Nothing

type Precondition = VM -> SBool
type Postcondition = (VM, VM) -> SBool

checkAssert :: ContractCode -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
checkAssert c maxIter signature' concreteArgs = verifyContract c maxIter signature' concreteArgs SymbolicS (const sTrue) (Just checkAssertions)

checkAssertions :: Postcondition
checkAssertions (_, out) = case view result out of
  Just (EVM.VMFailure (EVM.UnrecognizedOpcode 254)) -> sFalse
  _ -> sTrue

verifyContract :: ContractCode -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> StorageModel -> Precondition -> Maybe Postcondition -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
verifyContract code' maxIter signature' concreteArgs storagemodel pre maybepost = do
    preStateRaw <- abstractVM signature' concreteArgs theCode  storagemodel
    -- add the pre condition to the pathconditions to ensure that we are only exploring valid paths
    let preState = over pathConditions ((++) [pre preStateRaw]) preStateRaw
    verify preState maxIter Nothing maybepost
  where theCode = case code' of
          InitCode b    -> b
          RuntimeCode b -> b

pruneDeadPaths :: [VM] -> [VM]
pruneDeadPaths =
  filter $ \vm -> case view result vm of
    Just (VMFailure DeadPath) -> False
    _ -> True

-- | Symbolically execute the VM and check all endstates against the postcondition, if available.
-- Returns `Right VM` if the postcondition can be violated, where `VM` is a prestate counterexample,
-- or `Left (VM, [VM])`, a pair of `prestate` and post vm states.
verify :: VM -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Fetch.BlockNumber, Text) -> Maybe Postcondition -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
verify preState maxIter rpcinfo maybepost = do
  let model = view (env . storageModel) preState
  smtState <- queryState
  results <- io $ fst <$> runStateT (interpret (Fetch.oracle smtState rpcinfo model) maxIter Stepper.runFully) preState
  case maybepost of
    (Just post) -> do
      let livePaths = pruneDeadPaths results
          postC = sOr $ fmap (\postState -> (sAnd (view pathConditions postState)) .&& sNot (post (preState, postState))) livePaths
      -- is there any path which can possibly violate
      -- the postcondition?
      constrain postC
      io $ putStrLn "checking postcondition..."
      checkSat >>= \case
        Unk -> do io $ putStrLn "postcondition query timed out"
                  return $ Left (preState, livePaths)
        Unsat -> do io $ putStrLn "Q.E.D."
                    return $ Left (preState, livePaths)
        Sat -> return $ Right preState

    Nothing -> do io $ putStrLn "Q.E.D."
                  return $ Left (preState, pruneDeadPaths results)

-- | Compares two contract runtimes for trace equivalence by running two VMs and comparing the end states.
equivalenceCheck :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> Query (Either ([VM], [VM]) VM)
equivalenceCheck bytecodeA bytecodeB maxiter signature' = do
  preStateA <- abstractVM signature' [] bytecodeA SymbolicS

  let preself = preStateA ^. state . contract
      precaller = preStateA ^. state . caller
      callvalue' = preStateA ^. state . callvalue
      prestorage = preStateA ^?! env . contracts . ix preself . storage
      (calldata', cdlen) = view (state . calldata) preStateA
      pathconds = view pathConditions preStateA
      preStateB = loadSymVM (RuntimeCode bytecodeB) prestorage SymbolicS precaller callvalue' (calldata', cdlen) & set pathConditions pathconds

  smtState <- queryState
  (aVMs, bVMs) <- both (\x -> io $ fst <$> runStateT (interpret (Fetch.oracle smtState Nothing SymbolicS) maxiter Stepper.runFully) x)
    (preStateA, preStateB)
  -- Check each pair of endstates for equality:
  let differingEndStates = uncurry distinct <$> [(a,b) | a <- pruneDeadPaths aVMs, b <- pruneDeadPaths bVMs]
      distinct a b =
        let (aPath, bPath) = both' (view pathConditions) (a, b)
            (aSelf, bSelf) = both' (view (state . contract)) (a, b)
            (aEnv, bEnv) = both' (view (env . contracts)) (a, b)
            (aResult, bResult) = both' (view result) (a, b)
            (Symbolic aStorage, Symbolic bStorage) = (view storage (aEnv ^?! ix aSelf), view storage (bEnv ^?! ix bSelf))
            differingResults = case (aResult, bResult) of

              (Just (VMSuccess aOut), Just (VMSuccess bOut)) ->
                aOut ./= bOut .|| aStorage ./= bStorage .|| fromBool (aSelf /= bSelf)

              (Just (VMFailure UnexpectedSymbolicArg), _) ->
                error $ "Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: " <> maybe "??" show (vmOp a) <> ". Not supported (yet!)"

              (_, Just (VMFailure UnexpectedSymbolicArg)) ->
                error $ "Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: " <> maybe "??" show (vmOp a) <> ". Not supported (yet!)"

              (Just (VMFailure _), Just (VMFailure _)) -> sFalse

              (Just _, Just _) -> sTrue

              _ -> error "Internal error during symbolic execution (should not be possible)"

        in sAnd aPath .&& sAnd bPath .&& differingResults
  -- If there exists a pair of endstates where this is not the case,
  -- the following constraint is satisfiable
  constrain $ sOr differingEndStates

  checkSat >>= \case
     Unk -> error "solver said unknown!"
     Sat -> return $ Right preStateA
     Unsat -> return $ Left (pruneDeadPaths aVMs, pruneDeadPaths bVMs)

both' :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
both' f (x, y) = (f x, f y)

showCounterexample :: VM -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> Query ()
showCounterexample vm maybesig = do
  let (calldata', cdlen) = view (EVM.state . EVM.calldata) vm
      S _ cvalue = view (EVM.state . EVM.callvalue) vm
      SAddr caller' = view (EVM.state . EVM.caller) vm
  cdlen' <- num <$> getValue cdlen
  calldatainput <- case calldata' of
    SymbolicBuffer cd -> mapM (getValue.fromSized) (take cdlen' cd) >>= return . pack
    ConcreteBuffer cd -> return $ BS.take cdlen' cd
  callvalue' <- num <$> getValue cvalue
  caller'' <- num <$> getValue caller'
  io $ do
    putStrLn "Calldata:"
    print $ ByteStringS calldatainput

    -- pretty print calldata input if signature is available
    case maybesig of
      Just (name, types) -> putStrLn $ unpack (head (splitOn "(" name)) ++
        show (decodeAbiValue (AbiTupleType (fromList types)) $ Lazy.fromStrict (BS.drop 4 calldatainput))
      Nothing -> return ()

    putStrLn "Caller:"
    print (Addr caller'')
    putStrLn "Callvalue:"
    print callvalue'