{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}

module EVM.Concrete where

import Prelude hiding (Word, (^))

import EVM.Types (W256 (..), num, toWord512, fromWord512)
import EVM.Types (word, padRight, byteAt)
import EVM.Keccak (keccak)

import Control.Lens    ((^?), ix)
import Data.Bits       (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.DoubleWord (signedWord, unsignedWord)
import Data.Maybe      (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid     ((<>))
import Data.String     (IsString)
import Data.Word       (Word8)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

wordAt :: Int -> ByteString -> W256
wordAt i bs =
  word (padRight 32 (BS.drop i bs))

word256Bytes :: W256 -> ByteString
word256Bytes x = BS.pack [byteAt x (31 - i) | i <- [0..31]]

readByteOrZero :: Int -> ByteString -> Word8
readByteOrZero i bs = fromMaybe 0 (bs ^? ix i)

byteStringSliceWithDefaultZeroes :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
byteStringSliceWithDefaultZeroes offset size bs =
  if size == 0
  then ""
    let bs' = BS.take size (BS.drop offset bs)
    in bs' <> BS.replicate (size - BS.length bs') 0

data Whiff = Dull | FromKeccak ByteString
  deriving Show

w256 :: W256 -> Word
w256 = C Dull

blob :: ByteString -> Blob
blob = B

data Word = C Whiff W256
newtype Blob = B ByteString
newtype Byte = ConcreteByte Word8
newtype Memory = ConcreteMemory ByteString

wordToByte :: Word -> Byte
wordToByte (C _ x) = ConcreteByte (num (x .&. 0xff))

exponentiate :: Word -> Word -> Word
exponentiate (C _ x) (C _ y) = w256 (x ^ y)

sdiv :: Word -> Word -> Word
sdiv _ (C _ (W256 0)) = 0
sdiv (C _ (W256 x)) (C _ (W256 y)) =
  let sx = signedWord x
      sy = signedWord y
  in w256 . W256 . unsignedWord $ quot sx sy

smod :: Word -> Word -> Word
smod _ (C _ (W256 0)) = 0
smod (C _ (W256 x)) (C _ (W256 y)) =
  let sx = signedWord x
      sy = signedWord y
  in w256 . W256 . unsignedWord $ rem sx sy

addmod :: Word -> Word -> Word -> Word
addmod _ _ (C _ (W256 0)) = 0
addmod (C _ x) (C _ y) (C _ z) =
  w256 $
      ((toWord512 x + toWord512 y) `mod` (toWord512 z))

mulmod :: Word -> Word -> Word -> Word
mulmod _ _ (C _ (W256 0)) = 0
mulmod (C _ x) (C _ y) (C _ z) =
  w256 $
      ((toWord512 x * toWord512 y) `mod` (toWord512 z))

slt :: Word -> Word -> Word
slt (C _ (W256 x)) (C _ (W256 y)) =
  if signedWord x < signedWord y then w256 1 else w256 0

sgt :: Word -> Word -> Word
sgt (C _ (W256 x)) (C _ (W256 y)) =
  if signedWord x > signedWord y then w256 1 else w256 0

forceConcreteBlob :: Blob -> ByteString
forceConcreteBlob (B x) = x

forceConcreteWord :: Word -> W256
forceConcreteWord (C _ x) = x

sliceMemory :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b -> Memory -> Blob
sliceMemory o s (ConcreteMemory m) =
  B $ byteStringSliceWithDefaultZeroes (num o) (num s) m

writeMemory :: Blob -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Memory -> Memory
writeMemory (B bs1) (C _ n) (C _ src) (C _ dst) (ConcreteMemory bs0) =
  if src > num (BS.length bs1)
      (a, b) = BS.splitAt (num dst) bs0
      c      = BS.replicate (num n) 0
      b'     = BS.drop (num n) b
      ConcreteMemory $
        a <> c <> b'
      (a, b) = BS.splitAt (num dst) bs0
      c      = BS.take (num n) (BS.drop (num src) bs1)
      b'     = BS.drop (num n) b
      ConcreteMemory $
        a <> BS.replicate (num dst - BS.length a) 0 <> c <> b'

readMemoryWord :: Word -> Memory -> Word
readMemoryWord (C _ i) (ConcreteMemory m) =
    go !a (-1) = a
    go !a !n = go (a + shiftL (num $ readByteOrZero (num i + n) m)
                              (8 * (31 - n))) (n - 1)
  in {-# SCC readMemoryWord #-}
    w256 $ go (0 :: W256) (31 :: Int)

readMemoryWord32 :: Word -> Memory -> Word
readMemoryWord32 (C _ i) (ConcreteMemory m) =
    go !a (-1) = a
    go !a !n = go (a + shiftL (num $ readByteOrZero (num i + n) m)
                              (8 * (3 - n))) (n - 1)
  in {-# SCC readMemoryWord32 #-}
    w256 $ go (0 :: W256) (3 :: Int)

setMemoryWord :: Word -> Word -> Memory -> Memory
setMemoryWord (C _ i) (C _ x) m =
  writeMemory (B (word256Bytes x)) 32 0 (num i) m

setMemoryByte :: Word -> Byte -> Memory -> Memory
setMemoryByte (C _ i) (ConcreteByte x) m =
  writeMemory (B (BS.singleton x)) 1 0 (num i) m

readBlobWord :: Word -> Blob -> Word
readBlobWord (C _ i) (B x) =
  if i > num (BS.length x)
  then 0
  else w256 (wordAt (num i) x)

blobSize :: Blob -> Word
blobSize (B x) = w256 (num (BS.length x))

keccakBlob :: Blob -> Word
keccakBlob (B x) = C (FromKeccak x) (keccak x)

deriving instance Bits Byte
deriving instance FiniteBits Byte
deriving instance Enum Byte
deriving instance Eq Byte
deriving instance Integral Byte
deriving instance IsString Blob
deriving instance Monoid Blob
deriving instance Monoid Memory
deriving instance Num Byte
deriving instance Ord Byte
deriving instance Real Byte
deriving instance Show Blob

instance Show Word where
  show (C Dull x) = show x
  show (C whiff x) = show whiff ++ ": " ++ show x

instance Read Word where
  readsPrec n s =
    case readsPrec n s of
      [(x, r)] -> [(C Dull x, r)]
      _ -> []

instance Bits Word where
  (C _ x) .&. (C _ y) = w256 (x .&. y)
  (C _ x) .|. (C _ y) = w256 (x .|. y)
  (C _ x) `xor` (C _ y) = w256 (x `xor` y)
  complement (C _ x) = w256 (complement x)
  shift (C _ x) i = w256 (shift x i)
  rotate (C _ x) i = w256 (rotate x i)
  bitSize (C _ x) = bitSize x
  bitSizeMaybe (C _ x) = bitSizeMaybe x
  isSigned (C _ x) = isSigned x
  testBit (C _ x) i = testBit x i
  bit i = w256 (bit i)
  popCount (C _ x) = popCount x

instance FiniteBits Word where
  finiteBitSize (C _ x) = finiteBitSize x
  countLeadingZeros (C _ x) = countLeadingZeros x
  countTrailingZeros (C _ x) = countTrailingZeros x

instance Bounded Word where
  minBound = w256 minBound
  maxBound = w256 maxBound

instance Eq Word where
  (C _ x) == (C _ y) = x == y

instance Enum Word where
  toEnum i = w256 (toEnum i)
  fromEnum (C _ x) = fromEnum x

instance Integral Word where
  quotRem (C _ x) (C _ y) =
    let (a, b) = quotRem x y
    in (w256 a, w256 b)
  toInteger (C _ x) = toInteger x

instance Num Word where
  (C _ x) + (C _ y) = w256 (x + y)
  (C _ x) * (C _ y) = w256 (x * y)
  abs (C _ x) = w256 (abs x)
  signum (C _ x) = w256 (signum x)
  fromInteger x = w256 (fromInteger x)
  negate (C _ x) = w256 (negate x)

instance Real Word where
  toRational (C _ x) = toRational x

instance Ord Word where
  compare (C _ x) (C _ y) = compare x y

-- Copied from the standard library just to get specialization.
-- We also use bit operations instead of modulo and multiply.
-- (This operation was significantly slow.)
(^) :: W256 -> W256 -> W256
x0 ^ y0 | y0 < 0    = errorWithoutStackTrace "Negative exponent"
        | y0 == 0   = 1
        | otherwise = f x0 y0
          f x y | not (testBit y 0) = f (x * x) (y `shiftR` 1)
                | y == 1      = x
                | otherwise   = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `shiftR` 1) x
          g x y z | not (testBit y 0) = g (x * x) (y `shiftR` 1) z
                  | y == 1      = x * z
                  | otherwise   = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `shiftR` 1) (x * z)