headroom- License Header Manager
Copyright(c) 2019-2021 Vaclav Svejcar
Safe HaskellNone



This module is the heart of Headroom as it contains functions for working with the license headers and the source code files.


Header Info Extraction

extractHeaderInfo Source #


:: HeaderTemplate

template info

-> SourceCode

text used for detection

-> HeaderInfo

resulting file info

Extracts info about the processed file to be later used by the header detection/manipulation functions.

extractHeaderTemplate Source #


:: CtHeadersConfig

configuration for license headers

-> FileType

type of source code files this template is for

-> TemplateType

parsed template

-> HeaderTemplate

resulting template info

Constructs new HeaderTemplate from provided data.

License header manipulation

addHeader Source #


:: HeaderInfo

additional info about the header

-> Text

text of the new header

-> SourceCode

source code where to add the header

-> SourceCode

resulting source code with added header

Adds given header at position specified by the HeaderInfo. Does nothing if any header is already present, use replaceHeader if you need to override it.

dropHeader Source #


:: HeaderInfo

additional info about the header

-> SourceCode

text of the file from which to drop the header

-> SourceCode

resulting text with dropped header

Drops header at position specified by the HeaderInfo from the given source code. Does nothing if no header is present.

replaceHeader Source #


:: HeaderInfo

additional info about the header

-> Text

text of the new header

-> SourceCode

text of the file where to replace the header

-> SourceCode

resulting text with replaced header

Replaces existing header at position specified by the HeaderInfo in the given text. Basically combines addHeader with dropHeader. If no header is present, then the given one is added to the text.

Copyright Header Detection

findHeader Source #


:: CtHeaderConfig

appropriate header configuration

-> SourceCode

text in which to detect the header

-> Maybe (Int, Int)

header position (startLine, endLine)

Finds header position in given text, where position is represented by line number of first and last line of the header (numbered from zero). Based on the HeaderSyntax specified in given HeaderConfig, this function delegates its work to either findBlockHeader or findLineHeader.

>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts -XTypeFamilies -XQuasiQuotes
>>> import Headroom.Data.Regex (re)
>>> let hc = HeaderConfig ["hs"] 0 0 0 0 [] [] (BlockComment [re|^{-|] [re|(?<!#)-}$|] Nothing)
>>> findHeader hc $ SourceCode [(Code, "foo"), (Code, "bar"), (Comment, "{- HEADER -}")]
Just (2,2)

findBlockHeader Source #


:: Regex

starting pattern (e.g. {- or /*)

-> Regex

ending pattern (e.g. -} or */)

-> SourceCode

source code in which to detect the header

-> Int

line number offset (adds to resulting position)

-> Maybe (Int, Int)

header position (startLine + offset, endLine + offset)

Finds header in the form of multi-line comment syntax, which is delimited with starting and ending pattern.

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
>>> import Headroom.Data.Regex (re)
>>> let sc = SourceCode [(Code, ""), (Comment, "{- HEADER -}"), (Code, ""), (Code,"")]
>>> findBlockHeader [re|^{-|] [re|(?<!#)-}$|] sc 0
Just (1,1)

findLineHeader Source #


:: Regex

prefix pattern (e.g. -- or //)

-> SourceCode

source code in which to detect the header

-> Int

line number offset (adds to resulting position)

-> Maybe (Int, Int)

header position (startLine + offset, endLine + offset)

Finds header in the form of single-line comment syntax, which is delimited with the prefix pattern.

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
>>> import Headroom.Data.Regex (re)
>>> let sc = SourceCode [(Code, ""), (Code, "a"), (Comment, "-- first"), (Comment, "-- second"), (Code, "foo")]
>>> findLineHeader [re|^--|] sc 0
Just (2,3)

splitSource :: [Regex] -> [Regex] -> SourceCode -> (SourceCode, SourceCode, SourceCode) Source #

Splits input source code into three parts:

  1. all lines located before the very last occurence of one of the conditions from the first condition list
  2. all lines between the first and last lists
  3. all lines located after the very first occurence of one of the conditions from the second condition list

If both first and second patterns are empty, then all lines are returned in the middle part.

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
>>> import Headroom.Data.Regex (re)
>>> let ls = [(Code, "text"), (Code, "->"), (Code, "RESULT"), (Code, "<-"), (Code, "foo")]
>>> splitSource [[re|->|]] [[re|<-|]] $ SourceCode ls
(SourceCode [(Code,"text"),(Code,"->")],SourceCode [(Code,"RESULT")],SourceCode [(Code,"<-"),(Code,"foo")])
>>> let ls = [(Code, "text"), (Code, "->"), (Code, "RESULT"), (Code, "<-"), (Code, "foo")]
>>> splitSource [] [[re|<-|]] $ SourceCode ls
(SourceCode [],SourceCode [(Code,"text"),(Code,"->"),(Code,"RESULT")],SourceCode [(Code,"<-"),(Code,"foo")])
>>> splitSource [] [] $ SourceCode [(Code,"foo"), (Code,"bar")]
(SourceCode [],SourceCode [(Code,"foo"),(Code,"bar")],SourceCode [])