haskus-utils-data-1.1.1: Haskus utility modules

Safe HaskellNone



Heterogeneous list utils



data family HList (l :: [*]) infixr 2 Source #

Heterogeneous list

(Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


(==) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

Eq (HList ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


(==) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

(Ord x, Ord (HList xs)) => Ord (HList (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


compare :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Ordering #

(<) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

(<=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

(>) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

(>=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

max :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) #

min :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) #

Ord (HList ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


compare :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Ordering #

(<) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

(<=) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

(>) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

(>=) :: HList [] -> HList [] -> Bool #

max :: HList [] -> HList [] -> HList [] #

min :: HList [] -> HList [] -> HList [] #

(Show e, Show (HList l)) => Show (HList (e ': l)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


showsPrec :: Int -> HList (e ': l) -> ShowS #

show :: HList (e ': l) -> String #

showList :: [HList (e ': l)] -> ShowS #

Show (HList ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


showsPrec :: Int -> HList [] -> ShowS #

show :: HList [] -> String #

showList :: [HList []] -> ShowS #

data HList ([] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList

data HList ([] :: [Type]) = HNil
data HList (x ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList

data HList (x ': xs) = x `HCons` (HList xs)

hHead :: HList (e ': l) -> e Source #


hTail :: HList (e ': l) -> HList l Source #


hLength :: forall xs. KnownNat (Length xs) => HList xs -> Word Source #


hAppend :: HAppendList l1 l2 => HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (Concat l1 l2) Source #

class HFoldr' f v (l :: [*]) r where Source #

Like HFoldr but only use types, not values!

It allows us to foldr over a list of types, without any associated hlist of values.


hFoldr' :: f -> v -> HList l -> r Source #

v ~ v' => HFoldr' f v ([] :: [Type]) v' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldr' :: f -> v -> HList [] -> v' Source #

(Apply f (e, r) r', HFoldr' f v l r) => HFoldr' f v (e ': l) r' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldr' :: f -> v -> HList (e ': l) -> r' Source #

class HFoldl' f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) where Source #

Like HFoldl but only use types, not values!

It allows us to foldl over a list of types, without any associated hlist of values.


hFoldl' :: f -> z -> HList xs -> r Source #

z ~ z' => HFoldl' f z ([] :: [Type]) z' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldl' :: f -> z -> HList [] -> z' Source #

(zx ~ (z, x), Apply f zx z', HFoldl' f z' xs r) => HFoldl' f z (x ': xs) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldl' :: f -> z -> HList (x ': xs) -> r Source #

class HTuple' v t | v -> t, t -> v where Source #

Convert between hlists and tuples


hToTuple' :: HList v -> t Source #

Convert an heterogeneous list into a tuple

hFromTuple' :: t -> HList v Source #

Convert a tuple into an heterogeneous list

HTuple' ([] :: [Type]) () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList [] -> () Source #

hFromTuple' :: () -> HList [] Source #

HTuple' (a ': ([] :: [Type])) (Single a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': []) -> Single a Source #

hFromTuple' :: Single a -> HList (a ': []) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': ([] :: [Type]))) (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': [])) -> (a, b) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b) -> HList (a ': (b ': [])) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': ([] :: [Type])))) (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': []))) -> (a, b, c) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': []))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': ([] :: [Type]))))) (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': [])))) -> (a, b, c, d) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': [])))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': ([] :: [Type])))))) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': []))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': []))))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': ([] :: [Type]))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': [])))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': [])))))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': ([] :: [Type])))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': []))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': []))))))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': ([] :: [Type]))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': [])))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': [])))))))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': ([] :: [Type])))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': []))))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': []))))))))) Source #

HTuple' (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': (j ': ([] :: [Type]))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hToTuple' :: HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': (j ': [])))))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) Source #

hFromTuple' :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> HList (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': (e ': (f ': (g ': (h ': (i ': (j ': [])))))))))) Source #

class Apply f a b where Source #

Apply the function identified by the data type f from type a to type b.


apply :: f -> a -> b Source #

class HZipList x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y Source #

Minimal complete definition

hZipList, hUnzipList

HZipList ([] :: [Type]) ([] :: [Type]) ([] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hZipList :: HList [] -> HList [] -> HList [] Source #

hUnzipList :: HList [] -> (HList [], HList [])

((x, y) ~ z, HZipList xs ys zs) => HZipList (x ': xs) (y ': ys) (z ': zs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hZipList :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (y ': ys) -> HList (z ': zs) Source #

hUnzipList :: HList (z ': zs) -> (HList (x ': xs), HList (y ': ys))

hZipList :: HZipList x y l => HList x -> HList y -> HList l Source #

class HFoldr f v (l :: [*]) r Source #

Minimal complete definition


v ~ v' => HFoldr f v ([] :: [Type]) v' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList [] -> v' Source #

(Apply f (e, r) r', HFoldr f v l r) => HFoldr f v (e ': l) r' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList (e ': l) -> r' Source #

hFoldr :: HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r Source #

class HFoldl f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) Source #

Minimal complete definition


z ~ z' => HFoldl f z ([] :: [Type]) z' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList [] -> z' Source #

(zx ~ (z, x), Apply f zx z', HFoldl f z' xs r) => HFoldl f z (x ': xs) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList (x ': xs) -> r Source #

hFoldl :: HFoldl f z xs r => f -> z -> HList xs -> r Source #

class HReverse xs sx | xs -> sx, sx -> xs where Source #


hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx Source #

(HRevApp xs ([] :: [Type]) sx, HRevApp sx ([] :: [Type]) xs) => HReverse xs sx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Utils.HList


hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx Source #