haskoin-core-0.19.0: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell
CopyrightNo rights reserved
Safe HaskellNone



Mnemonic keys (BIP-39). Only English dictionary.


Mnemonic Sentences

type Entropy = ByteString Source #

Random data used to create a mnemonic sentence. Use a good entropy source. You will get your coins stolen if you don't. You have been warned.

type Mnemonic = Text Source #

Human-readable mnemonic sentence.

type Passphrase = Text Source #

Optional passphrase for mnemnoic sentence.

type Seed = ByteString Source #

Seed for a private key from a mnemonic sentence.

toMnemonic :: Entropy -> Either String Mnemonic Source #

Provide intial Entropy as a ByteString of length multiple of 4 bytes. Output a Mnemonic sentence.

fromMnemonic :: Mnemonic -> Either String Entropy Source #

Revert toMnemonic. Do not use this to generate a Seed. Instead use mnemonicToSeed. This outputs the original Entropy used to generate a Mnemonic sentence.

mnemonicToSeed :: Passphrase -> Mnemonic -> Either String Seed Source #

Get a 512-bit Seed from a Mnemonic sentence. Will validate checksum. Passphrase can be used to protect the Mnemonic. Use an empty string as Passphrase if none is required.