Dependencies for haskell-language-server-
- aeson-pretty
- base (>=4.16 && <5)
- data-default
- directory
- extra
- filepath
- ghc
- ghcide (==
- githash (>=
- hie-bios
- hls-plugin-api (==
- optparse-applicative
- optparse-simple
- prettyprinter (>=1.7)
- process
- text
- if flag(cabal)
- if flag(callhierarchy)
- if flag(cabalfmt)
- if flag(cabalgild)
- if flag(changetypesignature)
- if flag(class)
- if flag(eval)
- if flag(importlens)
- if flag(rename)
- if flag(retrie) && impl(ghc<9.10)
- if flag(hlint) && impl(ghc<9.10)
- if flag(stan) && (impl(ghc>8.8.1) && impl(ghc<=9.2.3) || impl(ghc>=9.4.0) && impl(ghc<9.10.0))
- if flag(modulename)
- if flag(pragmas)
- if flag(splice) && impl(ghc<9.10)
- if flag(alternatenumberformat)
- if flag(qualifyimportednames)
- if flag(coderange)
- if flag(gadt)
- if flag(explicitfixity)
- if flag(explicitfields)
- if flag(floskell) && impl(ghc<9.10)
- if flag(fourmolu)
- if flag(ormolu)
- if flag(stylishhaskell) && impl(ghc<9.10)
- if flag(refactor)
- if flag(overloadedrecorddot)
- if flag(semantictokens)
- if flag(notes)
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- directory
- filepath
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp-types
- mtl
- process-extras
- text
- if !flag(cabalfmt)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- directory
- filepath
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp-types
- mtl
- process-extras
- text
- if !flag(cabalgild)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- Cabal-syntax (>=3.7)
- containers
- deepseq
- directory
- extra (>=1.7.4)
- filepath
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- hls-graph (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.7 && <2.8)
- lsp-types (>=2.3 && <2.4)
- regex-tdfa (>=1.3.1 && <1.4)
- text
- transformers
- unordered-containers (>=
- if !flag(cabal)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- deepseq
- extra
- ghc
- ghc-exactprint (>=1.5 && <
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(class)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- extra
- ghcide (==
- hiedb (>= && <0.7)
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.7)
- sqlite-simple
- text
- if !flag(callhierarchy)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- deepseq
- Diff (>=0.5 && <0.6)
- dlist
- extra
- filepath
- ghc
- ghc-boot-th
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- lsp-types
- megaparsec (>=9.0)
- mtl
- parser-combinators (>=1.2)
- text
- transformers
- unliftio
- unordered-containers
- if !flag(eval)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- deepseq
- ghc
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(importlens)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- haskell-language-server
- hie-compat
- hiedb (>= && <0.7)
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp-types
- mod
- mtl
- syb
- text
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- if !flag(rename)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- extra
- ghc
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- haskell-language-server
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- lsp-types
- mtl
- retrie (>=
- safe-exceptions
- stm
- text
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- if !(flag(retrie) && impl(ghc<9.10))
- buildable: False
- aeson
- apply-refact
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- deepseq
- filepath
- ghc-lib-parser-ex
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- hlint (>=3.5 && <3.9)
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- refact
- regex-tdfa
- stm
- temporary
- text
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- if !(flag(hlint) && impl(ghc<9.10))
- buildable: False
- if flag(ghc-lib)else
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- deepseq
- directory
- ghcide
- hashable
- hie-compat
- hls-plugin-api
- lsp-types
- stan (>=
- text
- trial
- unordered-containers
- if !(flag(stan) && (impl(ghc>8.8.1) && impl(ghc<=9.2.3) || impl(ghc>=9.4.0) && impl(ghc<9.10.0)))
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- filepath
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(modulename)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- extra
- fuzzy
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(pragmas)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- extra
- foldl
- ghc
- ghc-exactprint
- ghcide (==
- haskell-language-server
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- syb
- text
- transformers
- unliftio-core
- if !(flag(splice) && impl(ghc<9.10))
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- extra
- ghc-boot-th
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.7 && <2.8)
- mtl
- regex-tdfa
- syb
- text
- if !flag(alternatenumberformat)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- dlist
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(qualifyimportednames)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- deepseq
- extra
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- semigroupoids
- transformers
- vector
- if !flag(coderange)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp-types
- regex-tdfa
- syb
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(changetypesignature)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- extra
- ghc
- ghc-exactprint
- ghcide (==
- haskell-language-server
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.7)
- mtl
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(gadt)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- deepseq
- extra
- ghcide (==
- hashable
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp (>=2.7)
- text
- if !flag(explicitfixity)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- containers
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- syb
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(explicitfields)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- base (>=4.16 && <5)
- containers
- deepseq
- ghcide
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api
- lens
- lsp
- syb
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(overloadedrecorddot)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- floskell (>=0.11.0 && <0.12)
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp-types (>=2.3 && <2.4)
- mtl
- text
- if !(flag(floskell) && impl(ghc<9.10))
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- filepath
- fourmolu (>=0.14 && <0.17)
- ghc-boot-th
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- process-extras (>=0.7.1)
- text
- transformers
- yaml
- if !flag(fourmolu)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- extra
- filepath
- ghc-boot-th
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp
- mtl
- ormolu (>=0.1.2 && <0.4 || >=0.5 && <0.8)
- process-extras (>=0.7.1)
- text
- transformers
- if !flag(ormolu)
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- directory
- filepath
- ghc-boot-th
- ghcide (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lsp-types
- mtl
- stylish-haskell (>=0.12 && <0.15)
- text
- if !(flag(stylishhaskell) && impl(ghc<9.10))
- buildable: False
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- deepseq
- dlist
- extra
- ghc
- ghc-boot
- ghc-exactprint (<1 || >=1.4)
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp
- mtl
- parser-combinators
- regex-applicative
- regex-tdfa
- syb
- text
- time
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- if !flag(refactor)
- buildable: False
- if impl(ghc<9.10)
- array
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- data-default
- deepseq
- dlist
- extra
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.6)
- mtl (>=2.2)
- stm
- stm-containers
- syb
- template-haskell
- text
- text-rope
- transformers
- if !flag(semantictokens)
- buildable: False
- array
- base (>=4.12 && <5)
- ghcide (==
- hls-graph (==
- hls-plugin-api (==
- lens
- lsp (>=2.7)
- mtl (>=2.2)
- regex-tdfa (>=1.3.1)
- text
- text-rope
- unordered-containers
- if !flag(notes)
- buildable: False
- aeson
- async
- base (>=4 && <5)
- binary
- bytestring
- deepseq
- directory
- extra
- filepath
- ghcide
- hashable
- hls-test-utils
- lens
- lsp-test
- lsp-types
- optparse-applicative
- parser-combinators
- process
- row-types
- safe-exceptions
- shake
- text
- base (>=4.16 && <5)
- haskell-language-server
- hls-plugin-api
- lsp
- prettyprinter (>=1.7)
- text
- base (>=4.16 && <5)
- data-default
- directory
- extra
- filepath
- ghcide
- haskell-language-server
- hie-bios
- hls-plugin-api
- lsp
- lsp-types
- text
- transformers
- unliftio-core
- if !os(windows)else
- aeson
- base
- bytestring
- containers
- data-default
- extra
- filepath
- haskell-language-server
- hls-graph
- hls-plugin-api
- hls-test-utils
- lens
- lsp-test
- lsp-types
- optparse-applicative
- process
- safe-exceptions
- shake
- tasty-hunit (>=0.10)
- text
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
pedantic | Enable -Werror | Disabled |
ignore-plugins-ghc-bounds | Force the inclusion of plugins even if they are not buildable by default with a specific ghc version | Disabled |
dynamic | Build with the dyn rts | Enabled |
cabalfmt | Enable cabal-fmt plugin | Enabled |
isolatecabalfmttests | Should tests search for 'cabal-fmt' on the $PATH or shall we install it via build-tool-depends? | Disabled |
cabalgild | Enable cabal-gild plugin | Enabled |
isolatecabalgildtests | Should tests search for 'cabal-gild' on the $PATH or shall we install it via build-tool-depends? | Disabled |
cabal | Enable cabal plugin | Enabled |
class | Enable class plugin | Enabled |
callhierarchy | Enable call hierarchy plugin | Enabled |
eval | Enable eval plugin | Enabled |
importlens | Enable importLens plugin | Enabled |
rename | Enable rename plugin | Enabled |
retrie | Enable retrie plugin | Enabled |
ghc-lib | Use ghc-lib-parser rather than the ghc library (requires hlint and ghc-lib-parser-ex to also be built with it) | Enabled |
hlint | Enable hlint plugin | Enabled |
stan | Enable stan plugin | Enabled |
modulename | Enable moduleName plugin | Enabled |
pragmas | Enable pragmas plugin | Enabled |
splice | Enable splice plugin | Enabled |
alternatenumberformat | Enable Alternate Number Format plugin | Enabled |
qualifyimportednames | Enable qualifyImportedNames plugin | Enabled |
coderange | Enable Code Range plugin | Enabled |
changetypesignature | Enable changeTypeSignature plugin | Enabled |
gadt | Enable gadt plugin | Enabled |
explicitfixity | Enable explicitFixity plugin | Enabled |
explicitfields | Enable explicitFields plugin | Enabled |
overloadedrecorddot | Enable overloadedRecordDot plugin | Enabled |
floskell | Enable floskell plugin | Enabled |
fourmolu | Enable fourmolu plugin | Enabled |
ormolu | Enable ormolu plugin | Enabled |
stylishhaskell | Enable stylishHaskell plugin | Enabled |
refactor | Enable refactor plugin | Enabled |
semantictokens | Enable semantic tokens plugin | Enabled |
notes | Enable notes plugin | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info