haskell-gi-base-0.26.8: Foundation for libraries generated by haskell-gi
Safe HaskellNone



Constructing GValues

newtype GValue Source #

Haskell-side representation of a GValue.


GValue (ManagedPtr GValue) 


Instances details
GBoxed GValue Source #

GValues are registered as boxed in the GLib type system.

Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

TypedObject GValue Source #

Find the associated GType for GValue.

Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

HasParentTypes GValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

type ParentTypes GValue Source #

There are no types in the bindings that a GValue can be safely cast to.

Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

type ParentTypes GValue = '[] :: [Type]

class IsGValue a where Source #

Class for types that can be marshaled back and forth between Haskell values and GValues. These are low-level methods, you might want to use toGValue and fromGValue instead for a higher level interface.


gvalueGType_ Source #


:: IO GType

GType for the GValue containing values of this type.

gvalueSet_ Source #


:: Ptr GValue 
-> a 
-> IO ()

Set the GValue to the given Haskell value.

gvalueGet_ Source #


:: Ptr GValue 
-> IO a

Get the Haskel value inside the GValue.


Instances details
IsGValue CInt Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue CLong Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue CUInt Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue CULong Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue GType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue (Ptr a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue (StablePtr a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

Typeable a => IsGValue (HValue a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue (Maybe GParamSpec) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue (Maybe Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

IsGValue (Maybe String) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

toGValue :: (IsGValue a, MonadIO m) => a -> m GValue Source #

Create a GValue from the given Haskell value.

fromGValue :: (IsGValue a, MonadIO m) => GValue -> m a Source #

Create a Haskell object out of the given GValue.

data GValueConstruct o Source #

A type holding a GValue with an associated label. It is parameterized by a phantom type encoding the target type for the GValue (useful when constructing properties).

ptr_to_gvalue_free :: FunPtr (Ptr GValue -> IO ()) Source #

A pointer to a function freeing GValues.

newGValue :: GType -> IO GValue Source #

Build a new, empty, GValue of the given type.

buildGValue :: GType -> (Ptr GValue -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO GValue Source #

A convenience function for building a new GValue and setting the initial value.

disownGValue :: GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue) Source #

Disown a GValue, i.e. do not unref the underlying object when the Haskell object is garbage collected.

noGValue :: Maybe GValue Source #

A convenient alias for Nothing :: Maybe GValue.

newGValueFromPtr :: Ptr GValue -> IO GValue Source #

Construct a Haskell wrapper for the given GValue, making a copy.

wrapGValuePtr :: Ptr GValue -> IO GValue Source #

Take ownership of a passed in Ptr.

unsetGValue :: Ptr GValue -> IO () Source #

Unset the GValue, freeing all resources associated to it.

gvalueType :: GValue -> IO GType Source #

Return the GType contained by a GValue.

Packing GValues into arrays

packGValueArray :: [GValue] -> IO (Ptr GValue) Source #

Pack the given list of GValues contiguously into a C array

unpackGValueArrayWithLength :: Integral a => a -> Ptr GValue -> IO [GValue] Source #

Unpack an array of contiguous GValues into a list of GValues.

mapGValueArrayWithLength :: Integral a => a -> (Ptr GValue -> IO c) -> Ptr GValue -> IO () Source #

Map over the GValues inside a C array.

Packing Haskell values into GValues

data HValue a Source #

A type isomorphic to `Maybe a`, used to indicate to fromGValue/toGValue that we are packing a native Haskell value, without attempting to marshall it to the corresponding C type.


HValue a

A packed value of type a


An empty HValue


Instances details
Show a => Show (HValue a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue


showsPrec :: Int -> HValue a -> ShowS #

show :: HValue a -> String #

showList :: [HValue a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (HValue a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue


(==) :: HValue a -> HValue a -> Bool #

(/=) :: HValue a -> HValue a -> Bool #

Typeable a => IsGValue (HValue a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GI.Base.GValue

Setters and getters

set_object :: GObject a => Ptr GValue -> Ptr a -> IO () Source #

set_boxed :: Ptr GValue -> Ptr a -> IO () Source #

set_stablePtr :: Ptr GValue -> StablePtr a -> IO () Source #

Set the value of GValue containing a StablePtr

get_stablePtr :: Ptr GValue -> IO (StablePtr a) Source #

Get (a freshly allocated copy of) the value of a GValue containing a StablePtr

take_stablePtr :: Ptr GValue -> StablePtr a -> IO () Source #

Like set_stablePtr, but the GValue takes ownership of the StablePtr

set_param :: Ptr GValue -> Maybe GParamSpec -> IO () Source #

Set the value of GValue containing a GParamSpec

get_param :: Ptr GValue -> IO (Maybe GParamSpec) Source #

Get the value of a GValue containing a GParamSpec

set_hvalue :: Typeable a => Ptr GValue -> HValue a -> IO () Source #

Set the GValue to the given Haskell value.

get_hvalue :: Typeable a => Ptr GValue -> IO (HValue a) Source #

Read the Haskell value of the given type from the GValue. If the GValue contains no value of the expected type, NoHValue will be returned instead, and an error will be printed to stderr.