This module implements relative paths within a Tree. All paths are anchored at a certain root (this is usually the Tree root). They are represented by a list of Names (these are just strict bytestrings).
- newtype Name = Name ByteString
- newtype AnchoredPath = AnchoredPath [Name]
- anchoredRoot :: AnchoredPath
- appendPath :: AnchoredPath -> Name -> AnchoredPath
- anchorPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPath -> FilePath
- isPrefix :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Bool
- parent :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath
- parents :: AnchoredPath -> [AnchoredPath]
- catPaths :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath
- flatten :: AnchoredPath -> ByteString
- makeName :: String -> Name
- floatBS :: ByteString -> AnchoredPath
- floatPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPath
newtype AnchoredPath Source
This is a type of sane file paths. These are always canonic in the sense that there are no stray slashes, no .. components and similar. They are usually used to refer to a location within a Tree, but a relative filesystem path works just as well. These are either constructed from individual name components (using appendPath, catPaths and makeName), or converted from a FilePath (floatPath -- but take care when doing that) or .
Eq AnchoredPath | |
Ord AnchoredPath | |
Show AnchoredPath | |
(Functor m, Monad m) => TreeRW (TreeMonad m) | |
(Functor m, Monad m) => TreeRO (TreeMonad m) |
appendPath :: AnchoredPath -> Name -> AnchoredPathSource
Append an element to the end of a path.
anchorPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPath -> FilePathSource
isPrefix :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> BoolSource
Check whether a path is a prefix of another path.
parent :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPathSource
Get parent (path) of a given path. foobarbaz -> foo/bar
parents :: AnchoredPath -> [AnchoredPath]Source
List all parents of a given path. foobarbaz -> [foo, foo/bar]
catPaths :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPathSource
Catenate two paths together. Not very safe, but sometimes useful (e.g. when you are representing paths relative to a different point than a Tree root).
Unsafe functions.
floatBS :: ByteString -> AnchoredPathSource
Unsafe. Only ever use on bytestrings that came from flatten on a pre-existing AnchoredPath.
floatPath :: FilePath -> AnchoredPathSource
Take a relative FilePath and turn it into an AnchoredPath. The operation is (relatively) unsafe. Basically, by using floatPath, you are testifying that the argument is a path relative to some common root -- i.e. the root of the associated Tree object. Also, there are certain invariants about AnchoredPath that this function tries hard to preserve, but probably cannot guarantee (i.e. this is a best-effort thing). You should sanitize any FilePaths before you declare them good by converting into AnchoredPath (using this function).