{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}

module Options.Harg.Construct
  ( option,

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, ErrorMessage (..), Symbol, TypeError)
import Options.Harg.Types
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

class HasLong o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add a 'Options.Applicative.long' modifier to an option
  long :: String -> o attr a -> o attr a

instance HasLong OptionOpt a where
  long s o = o {_oLong = Just s}

instance HasLong FlagOpt a where
  long s o = o {_fLong = Just s}

class HasShort o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add a 'Options.Applicative.short' modifier to an option
  short :: Char -> o attr a -> o attr a

instance HasShort OptionOpt a where
  short c o = o {_oShort = Just c}

instance HasShort FlagOpt a where
  short c o = o {_fShort = Just c}

class HasHelp o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add 'Options.Applicative.help' to an option
  help :: String -> o attr a -> o attr a

instance HasHelp OptionOpt a where
  help s o = o {_oHelp = Just s}

instance HasHelp FlagOpt a where
  help s o = o {_fHelp = Just s}

instance HasHelp ArgumentOpt a where
  help s o = o {_aHelp = Just s}

class HasMetavar o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add a 'Options.Applicative.metavar' metavar to an option, to be
  -- displayed as the meta-parameter next to long/short modifiers
  metavar :: String -> o attr a -> o attr a

instance HasMetavar OptionOpt a where
  metavar s o = o {_oMetavar = Just s}

instance HasMetavar ArgumentOpt a where
  metavar s o = o {_aMetavar = Just s}

class HasEnvVar o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Specify an environment variable to lookup for an option
  envVar :: String -> o attr a -> o attr a

instance HasEnvVar OptionOpt a where
  envVar s o = o {_oEnvVar = Just s}

instance HasEnvVar FlagOpt a where
  envVar s o = o {_fEnvVar = Just s}

instance HasEnvVar ArgumentOpt a where
  envVar s o = o {_aEnvVar = Just s}

class HasDefaultVal o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add a default value to an option. Cannot be used in conjuction with
  -- with 'required', 'defaultStr' or 'optional'.
  defaultVal ::
    ( NotInAttrs OptDefault attr (DuplicateAttrMultipleErr "defaultVal" '["defaultStr", "required"]),
      NotInAttrs OptOptional attr (IncompatibleAttrsErr "defaultVal" "optional")
    ) =>
    a ->
    o attr a ->
    o (OptDefault ': attr) a

instance HasDefaultVal OptionOpt a where
  defaultVal a o = o {_oDefaultVal = Just a}

instance HasDefaultVal ArgumentOpt a where
  defaultVal a o = o {_aDefaultVal = Just a}

class HasDefaultStr o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Add a default unparsed value to an option. Cannot be used in conjuction
  -- with 'defaultVal', 'required' or 'optional'.
  defaultStr ::
    ( NotInAttrs OptDefault attr (DuplicateAttrMultipleErr "defaultStr" '["defaultVal", "required"]),
      NotInAttrs OptOptional attr (IncompatibleAttrsErr "defaultStr" "optional")
    ) =>
    String ->
    o attr a ->
    o (OptDefault ': attr) a

instance HasDefaultStr OptionOpt a where
  defaultStr s o = o {_oDefaultStr = Just s}

instance HasDefaultStr ArgumentOpt a where
  defaultStr s o = o {_aDefaultStr = Just s}

class HasRequired o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Mark an option as required. Cannot be used in conjunction with
  -- 'optional', 'defaultVal' or 'requiredStr'.
  required ::
    ( NotInAttrs OptDefault attr (DuplicateAttrMultipleErr "required" '["defaultVal", "defaultStr"]),
      NotInAttrs OptOptional attr (IncompatibleAttrsErr "required" "optional")
    ) =>
    o attr a ->
    o (OptDefault ': attr) a

instance HasRequired OptionOpt a where
  required o = o {_oDefaultVal = Nothing}

instance HasRequired ArgumentOpt a where
  required o = o {_aDefaultVal = Nothing}

-- | Class for options that can be optional. Cannot be used in conjunction with
-- 'HasDefaultVal', 'HasDefaultStr' or 'HasRequired'. Note that this will turn a
-- parser for @a@ into a parser for @Maybe a@, modifying the reader function
-- appropriately.
-- For example:
-- @
--   someOpt :: Opt (Maybe Int)
--   someOpt
--     = optionWith readParser
--         ( long "someopt"
--         . optional
--         )
-- @
class HasOptional o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Specify that an option is optional. This will convert an @Opt a@ to an
  -- @Opt (Maybe a)@. Cannot be used in conjunction with 'defaultVal', 'defaultStr'
  -- or 'required'.
  optional ::
    ( NotInAttrs OptOptional attr (DuplicateAttrErr "optional"),
      NotInAttrs OptDefault attr (IncompatibleAttrsErr "optional" "defaultVal")
    ) =>
    o attr a ->
    o (OptOptional ': attr) (Maybe a)

instance HasOptional OptionOpt a where
  optional OptionOpt {..} =
      { _oLong = _oLong,
        _oShort = _oShort,
        _oHelp = _oHelp,
        _oMetavar = _oMetavar,
        _oEnvVar = _oEnvVar,
        _oDefaultVal = Just Nothing,
        _oDefaultStr = Nothing,
        _oReader = fmap Just . _oReader

instance HasOptional ArgumentOpt a where
  optional ArgumentOpt {..} =
      { _aHelp = _aHelp,
        _aMetavar = _aMetavar,
        _aEnvVar = _aEnvVar,
        _aDefaultVal = Just Nothing,
        _aDefaultStr = Nothing,
        _aReader = fmap Just . _aReader

-- | Class to convert an intermediate option type into 'Opt'. Instances
-- should set the appropriate '_optType'.
class IsOpt o (attr :: [OptAttr]) where
  -- | Convert an intermediate option to an 'Opt'
  toOpt :: o attr a -> Opt a

instance IsOpt OptionOpt attr where
  toOpt OptionOpt {..} =
      { _optLong = _oLong,
        _optShort = _oShort,
        _optHelp = _oHelp,
        _optMetavar = _oMetavar,
        _optEnvVar = _oEnvVar,
        _optDefaultVal = _oDefaultVal,
        _optDefaultStr = _oDefaultStr,
        _optReader = _oReader,
        _optType = OptionOptType

instance IsOpt FlagOpt attr where
  toOpt FlagOpt {..} =
      { _optLong = _fLong,
        _optShort = _fShort,
        _optHelp = _fHelp,
        _optMetavar = Nothing,
        _optEnvVar = _fEnvVar,
        _optDefaultVal = Just _fDefaultVal,
        _optDefaultStr = Nothing,
        _optReader = _fReader,
        _optType = FlagOptType _fActive

instance IsOpt ArgumentOpt attr where
  toOpt ArgumentOpt {..} =
      { _optLong = Nothing,
        _optShort = Nothing,
        _optHelp = _aHelp,
        _optMetavar = _aMetavar,
        _optEnvVar = _aEnvVar,
        _optDefaultVal = _aDefaultVal,
        _optDefaultStr = _aDefaultStr,
        _optReader = _aReader,
        _optType = ArgumentOptType

-- | Create an option parser, equivalent to 'Options.Applicative.option'. The
-- second argument is the modifiers to add to the option, and can be defined by
-- using function composition ('.').
-- @
--   someOption :: Opt Int
--   someOption
--     = option readParser
--         ( long "someopt"
--         . help "Some option"
--         . defaultVal 256
--         )
-- @
option ::
  OptReader a ->
  (OptionOpt '[] a -> OptionOpt attr b) ->
  Opt b
option p f =
  toOpt $ f opt
    opt =
        { _oLong = Nothing,
          _oShort = Nothing,
          _oHelp = Nothing,
          _oMetavar = Nothing,
          _oEnvVar = Nothing,
          _oDefaultVal = Nothing,
          _oDefaultStr = Nothing,
          _oReader = p

-- | Create a flag parser, equivalent to 'Options.Applicative.option'. The
-- first argument is the default value (returned when the flag modifier is
-- absent), and the second is the active value (returned when the flag
-- modifier is present). The second argument is the modifiers to add to the
-- option, and can be defined by using function composition ('.').
-- @
--   someFlag :: Opt Int
--   someFlag
--     = flag 0 1
--         ( long "someflag"
--         . help "Some flag"
--         )
-- @
flag ::
  -- | Default value
  a ->
  -- | Active value
  a ->
  (FlagOpt '[] a -> FlagOpt attr b) ->
  Opt b
flag d active f =
  toOpt $ f opt
    opt =
        { _fLong = Nothing,
          _fShort = Nothing,
          _fHelp = Nothing,
          _fEnvVar = Nothing,
          _fDefaultVal = d,
          _fActive = active,
          _fReader = const (pure d) -- TODO

-- | A 'flag' parser, specialized to 'Bool'. The parser (e.g. when parsing
-- an environment variable) will accept @true@ and @false@, but case
-- insensitive, rather than using the 'Read' instance for 'Bool'. The
-- default value is 'False', and the active value is 'True'.
-- @
--   someSwitch :: Opt Bool
--   someSwitch
--     = switch
--         ( long "someswitch"
--         . help "Some switch"
--         )
-- @
switch ::
  (FlagOpt '[] Bool -> FlagOpt attr Bool) ->
  Opt Bool
switch f =
  fl {_optReader = boolParser}
    fl =
      flag False True f

-- | Similar to 'switch', but the default value is 'True' and the active is
-- 'False'.
switch' ::
  (FlagOpt '[] Bool -> FlagOpt attr Bool) ->
  Opt Bool
switch' f =
  fl {_optReader = boolParser}
    fl =
      flag True False f

-- | Create an argument parser, equivalent to 'Options.Applicative.argument'.
-- The second argument is the modifiers to add to the option, and can be
-- defined by using function composition ('.').
-- @
--   someArgument :: Opt Int
--   someArgument
--     = argument
--         ( help "Some argument"
--         . defaultVal "this is the default"
--         )
-- @
argument ::
  OptReader a ->
  (ArgumentOpt '[] a -> ArgumentOpt attr b) ->
  Opt b
argument p f =
  toOpt $ f opt
    opt =
        { _aHelp = Nothing,
          _aMetavar = Nothing,
          _aEnvVar = Nothing,
          _aDefaultVal = Nothing,
          _aDefaultStr = Nothing,
          _aReader = p

-- | Convert a parser that returns 'Maybe' to a parser that returns 'Either',
-- with the default 'Left' value @unable to parse: \<input\>@.
parseWith ::
  -- | Original parser
  (String -> Maybe a) ->
  (String -> Either String a)
parseWith parser s =
  maybe (Left err) Right (parser s)
    err =
      "Unable to parse: " <> s

-- | A parser that uses the 'Read' instance to parse into a type.
readParser :: Read a => OptReader a
readParser =
  parseWith readMaybe

-- | A parser that returns a string. Any type that has an instance of
-- 'IsString' will work, and this parser always succeeds.
strParser ::
  IsString s =>
  String ->
  Either String s
strParser =
  pure . fromString

-- | A parser that returns a 'Bool'. This will succeed for the strings
-- @true@ and @false@ in a case-insensitive manner.
boolParser :: String -> Either String Bool
boolParser s =
  case map toLower s of
    "true" -> Right True
    "false" -> Right False
    _ -> Left ("Unable to parse " <> s <> " to Bool")

-- | A parser that can parse many items, returning a list.
manyParser ::
  -- | Separator
  String ->
  -- | Parser for each string
  OptReader a ->
  OptReader [a]
manyParser sep parser =
  traverse parser . splitOn sep

-- | Wrap a symbol in quotes, for pretty printing in type errors.
type QuoteSym (s :: Symbol) =
  'Text "`" :<>: 'Text s :<>: 'Text "`"

-- | Check if `x` is not an element of the type-level list `xs`. If it is
-- print the appropriate error message using `l` and `r` for clarity.
type family
    (x :: k)
    (xs :: [k])
    (err :: ErrorMessage) ::
  NotInAttrs _ '[] _ =
  NotInAttrs x (x ': _) err =
    TypeError err
  NotInAttrs x (y ': xs) err =
    NotInAttrs x xs err

type family CommaSep (xs :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where
  CommaSep '[] = ""
  CommaSep '[x] = " or " `AppendSymbol` x
  CommaSep (x ': xs) = " or one of " `AppendSymbol` CommaSep' x xs

type family CommaSep' (s :: Symbol) (xs :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where
  CommaSep' s '[] = s
  CommaSep' s (x ': xs) = CommaSep' (s `AppendSymbol` ", " `AppendSymbol` x) xs

type DuplicateAttrErr attr =
  QuoteSym attr
    :<>: 'Text " is already specified."

type DuplicateAttrMultipleErr attr rest =
  QuoteSym attr
    :<>: 'Text (CommaSep rest)
    :<>: 'Text " has already been specified."

type IncompatibleAttrsErr l r =
  QuoteSym l
    :<>: 'Text " and "
    :<>: QuoteSym r
    :<>: 'Text " cannot be mixed in an option definition."