module Language.Dot.Pretty (prettyPrint, render) where
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP ((<>), (<+>), ($$), ($+$), render)
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>), (<+>), ($$), ($+$), render)
import Language.Dot.Graph
class PP a where
pp :: a -> Doc
instance PP GraphType where
pp Graph = text "graph"
pp Digraph = text "digraph"
instance PP Name where
pp (StringID str) = doubleQuotes $ text str
pp (XMLID xml) = text xml
instance PP a => PP (Maybe a) where
pp (Just x) = pp x
pp Nothing = empty
instance PP a => PP [a] where
pp xs = hsep $ punctuate comma $ map pp xs
instance (PP a, PP b) => PP (a, b) where
pp (a,b) = pp a PP.<+> equals PP.<+> pp b
instance PP Compass where
pp North = text "n"
pp NorthEast = text "ne"
pp East = text "e"
pp SouthEast = text "se"
pp South = text "s"
pp SouthWest = text "s"
pp West = text "w"
pp NorthWest = text "nw"
pp Center = text "c"
instance PP Port where
pp (Port mname mcompass) =
case mname of
Just name -> colon PP.<+> pp name
Nothing -> empty
PP.<+> case mcompass of
Just compass -> colon PP.<+> pp compass
Nothing -> empty
prettyPrint :: (Bool, GraphType, Maybe Name, [Statement]) -> Doc
prettyPrint (strict, gType, name, stmts) =
(if strict then text "strict" else empty)
PP.<+> pp gType
PP.<+> pp name
PP.<+> text "{" PP.$+$ (nest 1 $ ppStmts empty stmts) PP.$+$ text "}"
ppEdge = if gType == Digraph then text "->" else text "--"
ppStmts doc [] = doc
ppStmts doc ((EdgeStatement sgs attributes):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$
ppEdgePath empty ppEdge sgs
PP.<+> (if null attributes then empty else brackets $ pp attributes)
PP.<> semi)
ppStmts doc ((NodeStatement name mport attributes):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$
pp name
PP.<+> pp mport
PP.<+> (if null attributes then empty else brackets (pp attributes))
PP.<> semi)
ppStmts doc ((SubgraphStatement subgraph):stmts) =
ppStmts (hang doc 1 $ ppSubgraph subgraph) stmts
ppStmts doc ((AttributeStatement attribute):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$ (pp attribute <> semi)) stmts
ppStmts doc ((EdgeAttribute attributes):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$
text "edge"
PP.<+> hsep (map pp attributes))
ppStmts doc ((NodeAttribute attributes):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$
text "node"
PP.<+> hsep (map pp attributes))
ppStmts doc ((GraphAttribute attributes):stmts) =
ppStmts (doc PP.$+$
text "graph"
PP.<+> hsep (map pp attributes))
ppEdgePath doc edge [] = doc
ppEdgePath doc edge (g:gs) =
case g of
NodeRef name mport -> ppEdgePath (doc PP.<+> pp name PP.<+> pp mport PP.<+> if null gs then empty else edge) edge gs
Subgraph mname stmts ->
ppEdgePath (hang doc 1 $
case mname of
Just name -> pp name
Nothing -> empty
PP.<+> text "{" PP.$+$ (nest 1 $ ppStmts empty stmts) PP.$+$ text "}" PP.<+> if null gs then empty else edge
) edge gs
ppSubgraph subgraph =
case subgraph of
NodeRef name mport -> pp name PP.<+> pp mport
Subgraph mname stmts ->
case mname of
Just name -> pp name
Nothing -> empty
PP.<+> text "{" PP.$+$ (nest 1 $ ppStmts empty stmts) PP.$+$ text "}"
render :: (Bool, GraphType, Maybe Name, [Statement]) -> String
render g = PP.render $ prettyPrint g