, PolyKinds
, DataKinds
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, Rank2Types
, ScopedTypeVariables
, ConstraintKinds
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, FlexibleInstances
, UndecidableInstances
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
module Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses
Show1(..), shows1, showList1
, Show2(..), shows2, showList2
, showListWith
, showTuple
, showParen_0
, showParen_1
, showParen_2
, showParen_01
, showParen_02
, showParen_11
, showParen_12
, showParen_22
, showParen_010
, showParen_011
, showParen_111
, Eq1(..)
, Eq2(..)
, TypeEq(..), symmetry, transitivity, congruence
, JmEq1(..)
, JmEq2(..)
, Functor11(..), Fix11(..), cata11, ana11, hylo11
, Functor12(..)
, Functor21(..)
, Functor22(..)
, Foldable11(..), Lift1(..)
, Foldable12(..)
, Foldable21(..), Lift2(..)
, Foldable22(..)
, Traversable11(..)
, Traversable12(..)
, Traversable21(..)
, Traversable22(..)
, Some1(..)
, Some2(..)
, Pair1(..), fst1, snd1
, Pair2(..), fst2, snd2
, Pointwise(..), PointwiseP(..)
, type (++), eqAppendIdentity, eqAppendAssoc
, List1(..), append1
, List2(..)
, DList1(..), toList1, fromList1, dnil1, dcons1, dsnoc1, dsingleton1, dappend1
, All(..), Holds(..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category (Category(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Applicative
class Show1 (a :: k -> *) where
{-# MINIMAL showsPrec1 | show1 #-}
showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS
showsPrec1 _ x s = show1 x ++ s
show1 :: a i -> String
show1 x = shows1 x ""
shows1 :: (Show1 a) => a i -> ShowS
shows1 = showsPrec1 0
showList1 :: (Show1 a) => [a i] -> ShowS
showList1 = showListWith shows1
class Show2 (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) where
{-# MINIMAL showsPrec2 | show2 #-}
showsPrec2 :: Int -> a i j -> ShowS
showsPrec2 _ x s = show2 x ++ s
show2 :: a i j -> String
show2 x = shows2 x ""
shows2 :: (Show2 a) => a i j -> ShowS
shows2 = showsPrec2 0
showList2 :: Show2 a => [a i j] -> ShowS
showList2 = showListWith shows2
showListWith :: (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showListWith f = start
start [] s = "[]" ++ s
start (x:xs) s = '[' : f x (go xs)
go [] = ']' : s
go (y:ys) = ',' : f y (go ys)
showTuple :: [ShowS] -> ShowS
showTuple ss
= showChar '('
. foldr1 (\s r -> s . showChar ',' . r) ss
. showChar ')'
showParen_0 :: Show a => Int -> String -> a -> ShowS
showParen_0 p s e =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e
showParen_1 :: Show1 a => Int -> String -> a i -> ShowS
showParen_1 p s e =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e
showParen_2 :: Show2 a => Int -> String -> a i j -> ShowS
showParen_2 p s e =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec2 11 e
showParen_01 :: (Show b, Show1 a) => Int -> String -> b -> a i -> ShowS
showParen_01 p s e1 e2 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e2
showParen_02 :: (Show b, Show2 a) => Int -> String -> b -> a i j -> ShowS
showParen_02 p s e1 e2 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec2 11 e2
showParen_11 :: (Show1 a, Show1 b) => Int -> String -> a i -> b j -> ShowS
showParen_11 p s e1 e2 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e2
showParen_12 :: (Show1 a, Show2 b) => Int -> String -> a i -> b j l -> ShowS
showParen_12 p s e1 e2 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec2 11 e2
showParen_22 :: (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Int -> String -> a i1 j1 -> b i2 j2 -> ShowS
showParen_22 p s e1 e2 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec2 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec2 11 e2
:: (Show a, Show1 b, Show c)
=> Int -> String -> a -> b i -> c -> ShowS
showParen_010 p s e1 e2 e3 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e2
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e3
:: (Show a, Show1 b, Show1 c)
=> Int -> String -> a -> b i -> c j -> ShowS
showParen_011 p s e1 e2 e3 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e2
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e3
:: (Show1 a, Show1 b, Show1 c)
=> Int -> String -> a i -> b j -> c k -> ShowS
showParen_111 p s e1 e2 e3 =
showParen (p > 9)
( showString s
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e2
. showString " "
. showsPrec1 11 e3
class Eq1 (a :: k -> *) where
eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool
class Eq2 (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) where
eq2 :: a i j -> a i j -> Bool
data TypeEq :: k -> k -> * where
Refl :: TypeEq a a
instance Category TypeEq where
id = Refl
Refl . Refl = Refl
symmetry :: TypeEq a b -> TypeEq b a
symmetry Refl = Refl
transitivity :: TypeEq a b -> TypeEq b c -> TypeEq a c
transitivity Refl Refl = Refl
congruence :: TypeEq a b -> TypeEq (f a) (f b)
congruence Refl = Refl
class Eq1 a => JmEq1 (a :: k -> *) where
jmEq1 :: a i -> a j -> Maybe (TypeEq i j)
class Eq2 a => JmEq2 (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) where
jmEq2 :: a i1 j1 -> a i2 j2 -> Maybe (TypeEq i1 i2, TypeEq j1 j2)
class Functor11 (f :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> *) where
fmap11 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j -> f b j
class Functor12 (f :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> k3 -> *) where
fmap12 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j l -> f b j l
class Functor21 (f :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> *) where
fmap21 :: (forall h i. a h i -> b h i) -> f a j -> f b j
class Functor22 (f :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> k4 -> *) where
fmap22 :: (forall h i. a h i -> b h i) -> f a j l -> f b j l
newtype Fix11 (f :: (k -> *) -> k -> *) (i :: k) =
Fix11 { unFix11 :: f (Fix11 f) i }
:: forall f a j
. (Functor11 f)
=> (forall i. f a i -> a i)
-> Fix11 f j -> a j
cata11 alg = go
go :: forall j'. Fix11 f j' -> a j'
go = alg . fmap11 go . unFix11
:: forall f a j
. (Functor11 f)
=> (forall i. a i -> f a i)
-> a j -> Fix11 f j
ana11 coalg = go
go :: forall j'. a j' -> Fix11 f j'
go = Fix11 . fmap11 go . coalg
:: forall f a b j
. (Functor11 f)
=> (forall i. a i -> f a i)
-> (forall i. f b i -> b i)
-> a j
-> b j
hylo11 coalg alg = go
go :: forall j'. a j' -> b j'
go = alg . fmap11 go . coalg
class Functor11 f => Foldable11 (f :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> *) where
{-# MINIMAL fold11 | foldMap11 #-}
fold11 :: (Monoid m) => f (Lift1 m) i -> m
fold11 = foldMap11 unLift1
foldMap11 :: (Monoid m) => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j -> m
foldMap11 f = fold11 . fmap11 (Lift1 . f)
class Functor12 f => Foldable12 (f :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> k3 -> *) where
{-# MINIMAL fold12 | foldMap12 #-}
fold12 :: (Monoid m) => f (Lift1 m) j l -> m
fold12 = foldMap12 unLift1
foldMap12 :: (Monoid m) => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j l -> m
foldMap12 f = fold12 . fmap12 (Lift1 . f)
class Functor21 f => Foldable21 (f :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> *) where
{-# MINIMAL fold21 | foldMap21 #-}
fold21 :: (Monoid m) => f (Lift2 m) j -> m
fold21 = foldMap21 unLift2
foldMap21 :: (Monoid m) => (forall h i. a h i -> m) -> f a j -> m
foldMap21 f = fold21 . fmap21 (Lift2 . f)
class Functor22 f =>
Foldable22 (f :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> k4 -> *)
{-# MINIMAL fold22 | foldMap22 #-}
fold22 :: (Monoid m) => f (Lift2 m) j l -> m
fold22 = foldMap22 unLift2
foldMap22 :: (Monoid m) => (forall h i. a h i -> m) -> f a j l -> m
foldMap22 f = fold22 . fmap22 (Lift2 . f)
class Foldable11 t => Traversable11 (t :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> *) where
:: Applicative f
=> (forall i. a i -> f (b i))
-> t a j
-> f (t b j)
class Foldable12 t => Traversable12 (t :: (k1 -> *) -> k2 -> k3 -> *) where
:: Applicative f
=> (forall i. a i -> f (b i))
-> t a j l
-> f (t b j l)
class Foldable21 t => Traversable21 (t :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> *) where
:: Applicative f
=> (forall h i. a h i -> f (b h i))
-> t a j
-> f (t b j)
class Foldable22 t =>
Traversable22 (t :: (k1 -> k2 -> *) -> k3 -> k4 -> *)
:: Applicative f
=> (forall h i. a h i -> f (b h i))
-> t a j l
-> f (t b j l)
newtype Lift1 (a :: *) (i :: k) =
Lift1 { unLift1 :: a }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Show a => Show1 (Lift1 a) where
showsPrec1 p (Lift1 x) = showsPrec p x
show1 (Lift1 x) = show x
instance Eq a => Eq1 (Lift1 a) where
eq1 (Lift1 a) (Lift1 b) = a == b
newtype Lift2 (a :: *) (i :: k1) (j :: k2) =
Lift2 { unLift2 :: a }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Show a => Show2 (Lift2 a) where
showsPrec2 p (Lift2 x) = showsPrec p x
show2 (Lift2 x) = show x
instance Show a => Show1 (Lift2 a i) where
showsPrec1 p (Lift2 x) = showsPrec p x
show1 (Lift2 x) = show x
instance Eq a => Eq2 (Lift2 a) where
eq2 (Lift2 a) (Lift2 b) = a == b
instance Eq a => Eq1 (Lift2 a i) where
eq1 (Lift2 a) (Lift2 b) = a == b
data Pointwise (f :: k0 -> *) (g :: k1 -> *) (x :: k0) (y :: k1) where
Pw :: f x -> g y -> Pointwise f g x y
data PointwiseP (f :: k0 -> *) (g :: k1 -> *) (xy :: (k0, k1)) where
PwP :: f x -> g y -> PointwiseP f g '(x,y)
data Some1 (a :: k -> *)
= forall i. Some1 !(a i)
instance Show1 a => Show (Some1 a) where
showsPrec p (Some1 x) = showParen_1 p "Some1" x
instance JmEq1 a => Eq (Some1 a) where
Some1 x == Some1 y = maybe False (const True) (jmEq1 x y)
data Some2 (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *)
= forall i j. Some2 !(a i j)
instance Show2 a => Show (Some2 a) where
showsPrec p (Some2 x) = showParen_2 p "Some2" x
instance JmEq2 a => Eq (Some2 a) where
Some2 x == Some2 y = maybe False (const True) (jmEq2 x y)
data Pair1 (a :: k -> *) (b :: k -> *) (i :: k) =
Pair1 (a i) (b i)
fst1 :: Pair1 a b i -> a i
fst1 (Pair1 x _) = x
snd1 :: Pair1 a b i -> b i
snd1 (Pair1 _ y) = y
instance (Show1 a, Show1 b) => Show1 (Pair1 a b) where
showsPrec1 p (Pair1 x y) = showParen_11 p "Pair1" x y
instance (Show1 a, Show1 b) => Show (Pair1 a b i) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
data Pair2 (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (b :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (i :: k1) (j :: k2) =
Pair2 (a i j) (b i j)
fst2 :: Pair2 a b i j -> a i j
fst2 (Pair2 x _) = x
snd2 :: Pair2 a b i j -> b i j
snd2 (Pair2 _ y) = y
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show2 (Pair2 a b) where
showsPrec2 p (Pair2 x y) = showParen_22 p "Pair2" x y
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show1 (Pair2 a b i) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show (Pair2 a b i j) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
type family (xs :: [k]) ++ (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
'[] ++ ys = ys
(x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': (xs ++ ys)
eqAppendIdentity :: proxy xs -> TypeEq xs (xs ++ '[])
eqAppendIdentity _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
:: proxy1 xs
-> proxy2 ys
-> proxy3 zs
-> TypeEq ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) (xs ++ (ys ++ zs))
eqAppendAssoc _ _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
infixr 5 `Cons1`
data List1 :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
Nil1 :: List1 a '[]
Cons1 :: a x -> List1 a xs -> List1 a (x ': xs)
append1 :: List1 a xs -> List1 a ys -> List1 a (xs ++ ys)
append1 Nil1 ys = ys
append1 (Cons1 x xs) ys = Cons1 x (append1 xs ys)
instance Show1 a => Show1 (List1 a) where
showsPrec1 _ Nil1 = showString "Nil1"
showsPrec1 p (Cons1 x xs) = showParen_11 p "Cons1" x xs
instance Show1 a => Show (List1 a xs) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance JmEq1 a => JmEq1 (List1 a) where
jmEq1 Nil1 Nil1 = Just Refl
jmEq1 (Cons1 x xs) (Cons1 y ys) =
jmEq1 x y >>= \Refl ->
jmEq1 xs ys >>= \Refl ->
Just Refl
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 a => Eq1 (List1 a) where
eq1 Nil1 Nil1 = True
eq1 (Cons1 x xs) (Cons1 y ys) = eq1 x y && eq1 xs ys
instance Eq1 a => Eq (List1 a xs) where
(==) = eq1
instance Functor11 List1 where
fmap11 _ Nil1 = Nil1
fmap11 f (Cons1 x xs) = Cons1 (f x) (fmap11 f xs)
instance Foldable11 List1 where
foldMap11 _ Nil1 = mempty
foldMap11 f (Cons1 x xs) = f x `mappend` foldMap11 f xs
instance Traversable11 List1 where
traverse11 _ Nil1 = pure Nil1
traverse11 f (Cons1 x xs) = Cons1 <$> f x <*> traverse11 f xs
data List2 :: (k0 -> k1 -> *) -> [k0] -> [k1] -> * where
Nil2 :: List2 f '[] '[]
Cons2 :: f x y -> List2 f xs ys -> List2 f (x ': xs) (y ': ys)
data Holds (c :: k -> Constraint) (x :: k) where
Holds :: c x => Holds c x
class All (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) where
allHolds :: List1 (Holds c) xs
instance All c '[] where allHolds = Nil1
instance (All c xs, c x)
=> All c (x ': xs) where allHolds = Cons1 Holds allHolds
newtype DList1 a xs =
DList1 { unDList1 :: forall ys. List1 a ys -> List1 a (xs ++ ys) }
toList1 :: DList1 a xs -> List1 a xs
toList1 dx@(DList1 xs) =
case eqAppendIdentity dx of
Refl -> xs Nil1
fromList1 :: List1 a xs -> DList1 a xs
fromList1 xs = DList1 (append1 xs)
dnil1 :: DList1 a '[]
dnil1 = DList1 id
dcons1 :: a x -> DList1 a xs -> DList1 a (x ': xs)
dcons1 x (DList1 xs) = DList1 (Cons1 x . xs)
dsnoc1 :: DList1 a xs -> a x -> DList1 a (xs ++ '[ x ])
dsnoc1 dx@(DList1 xs) x =
DList1 $ \ys ->
case eqAppendAssoc dx (dsingleton1 x) ys of
Refl -> xs (Cons1 x ys)
dsingleton1 :: a x -> DList1 a '[ x ]
dsingleton1 x = DList1 (Cons1 x)
dappend1 :: DList1 a xs -> DList1 a ys -> DList1 a (xs ++ ys)
dappend1 dx@(DList1 xs) dy@(DList1 ys) =
DList1 $ \zs ->
case eqAppendAssoc dx dy zs of
Refl -> xs (ys zs)