--  Compiler Toolkit: Self-optimizing lexers
--  Author : Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  Created: 2 March 99
--  Version $Revision: 1.2 $ from $Date: 2004/11/13 17:26:51 $
--  Copyright (c) 1999 Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
--  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
--  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  Library General Public License for more details.
--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  Self-optimizing lexer combinators.
--  For detailed information, see ``Lazy Lexing is Fast'', Manuel
--  M. T. Chakravarty, in A. Middeldorp and T. Sato, editors, Proceedings of
--  Fourth Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming,
--  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1722, 1999.  (See my Web page for details.)
--  Thanks to Simon L. Peyton Jones <simonpj@microsoft.com> and Roman
--  Lechtchinsky <wolfro@cs.tu-berlin.de> for their helpful suggestions that
--  improved the design of this library.
--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  language: Haskell 98
--  The idea is to combine the benefits of off-line generators with
--  combinators like in `Parsers.hs' (which builds on Swierstra/Duponcheel's
--  technique for self-optimizing parser combinators).  In essence, a state
--  transition graph representing a lexer table is computed on the fly, to
--  make lexing deterministic and based on cheap table lookups.
--  Regular expression map to Haskell expressions as follows.  If `x' and `y'
--  are regular expressions,
--        -> epsilon
--    xy  -> x +> y
--    x*y -> x `star` y
--    x+y -> x `plus` y
--    x?y -> x `quest` y
--  Given such a Haskelized regular expression `hre', we can use
--    (1) hre `lexaction` \lexeme -> Nothing 
--    (2) hre `lexaction` \lexeme -> Just token
--    (3) hre `lexmeta`   \lexeme pos s -> (res, pos', s', Nothing)
--    (4) hre `lexmeta`   \lexeme pos s -> (res, pos', s', Just l)
--  where `epsilon' is required at the end of `hre' if it otherwise ends on
--  `star', `plus', or `quest', and then, we have
--    (1) discards `lexeme' accepted by `hre',
--    (2) turns the `lexeme' accepted by `hre' into a token,
--    (3) while discarding the lexeme accepted by `hre', transforms the
--        position and/or user state, and
--    (4) while discarding the lexeme accepted by `hre', transforms the
--        position and/or user state and returns a lexer to be used for the
--        next lexeme.
--  The component `res' in case of a meta action, can be `Nothing', `Just
--  (Left err)', or `Just (Right token)' to return nothing, an error, or a
--  token from a meta action, respectively.
--  * By adding `ctrlLexer', `Positions' are properly handled in the presence
--    of layout control characters.
--  * This module makes essential use of graphical data structures (for
--    representing the state transition graph) and laziness (for maintaining
--    the last action in `execLexer'.
--  NOTES:
--  * In this implementation, the combinators `quest`, `star`, and `plus` are
--    *right* associative - this was different in the ``Lazy Lexing is Fast''
--    paper.  This change was made on a suggestion by Martin Norb�ck
--    <d95mback@dtek.chalmers.se>.
--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  * error correction is missing
--  * in (>||<) in the last case, `(addBoundsNum bn bn')' is too simple, as
--    the number of outgoing edges is not the sum of the numbers of the
--    individual states when there are conflicting edges, ie, ones labeled
--    with the same character; however, the number is only used to decide a
--    heuristic, so it is questionable whether it is worth spending the
--    additional effort of computing the accurate number
--  * Unicode posses a problem as the character domain becomes too big for
--    using arrays to represent transition tables and even sparse structures
--    will posse a significant overhead when character ranges are naively
--    represented.  So, it might be time for finite maps again.  
--    Regarding the character ranges, there seem to be at least two
--    possibilities.  Doaitse explicitly uses ranges and avoids expanding
--    them.  The problem with this approach is that we may only have
--    predicates such as `isAlphaNum' to determine whether a givne character
--    belongs to some character class.  From this representation it is
--    difficult to efficiently compute a range.  The second approach, as
--    proposed by Tom Pledger <Tom.Pledger@peace.com> (on the Haskell list)
--    would be to actually use predicates directly and make the whole business
--    efficient by caching predicate queries.  In other words, for any given
--    character after we have determined (in a given state) once what the
--    following state on accepting that character is, we need not consult the
--    predicates again if we memorise the successor state the first time
--    around.
--  * Ken Shan <ken@digitas.harvard.edu> writes ``Section 4.3 of your paper
--    computes the definition 
--      re1 `star` re2 = \l' -> let self = re1 self >||< re2 l' in self
--    If we let re2 = epsilon, we get
--      many :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
--      many re = \l' -> let self = re1 self >||< l' in self
--    since epsilon = id.''  This should actually be as good as the current
--    definiton and it might be worthwhile to offer it as a variant.

module Lexers (Regexp, Lexer, Action, epsilon, char, (+>), lexaction,
	       lexactionErr, lexmeta, (>|<), (>||<), ctrlChars, ctrlLexer,
	       star, plus, quest, alt, string, LexerState, execLexer)

import Data.Maybe  (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Array  (Ix(..), Array, array, (!), assocs, accumArray)

import Position (Position(..), Pos (posOf), nopos, incPos, tabPos, retPos)
import DLists (DList, openDL, zeroDL, unitDL, snocDL, joinDL, closeDL)
import Errors (interr, ErrorLvl(..), Error, makeError)

infixr 4 `quest`, `star`, `plus`
infixl 3 +>, `lexaction`, `lexmeta`
infixl 2 >|<, >||<

-- constants
-- ---------

-- we use the dense representation if a table has at least the given number of 
-- (non-error) elements
denseMin :: Int
denseMin :: Int
denseMin  = Int

-- data structures
-- ---------------

-- represents the number of (non-error) elements and the bounds of a table
type BoundsNum = (Int, Char, Char)

-- empty bounds
nullBoundsNum :: BoundsNum
nullBoundsNum :: BoundsNum
nullBoundsNum  = (Int
0, Char
forall a. Bounded a => a
maxBound, Char
forall a. Bounded a => a

-- combine two bounds
addBoundsNum                            :: BoundsNum -> BoundsNum -> BoundsNum
addBoundsNum :: BoundsNum -> BoundsNum -> BoundsNum
addBoundsNum (Int
n, Char
lc, Char
hc) (Int
n', Char
lc', Char
hc')  = (Int
n Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
n', Char -> Char -> Char
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min Char
lc Char
lc', Char -> Char -> Char
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Char
hc Char

-- check whether a character is in the bounds
inBounds               :: Char -> BoundsNum -> Bool
inBounds :: Char -> BoundsNum -> Bool
inBounds Char
c (Int
_, Char
lc, Char
hc)  = Char
c Char -> Char -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Char
lc Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Char
c Char -> Char -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Char

-- Lexical actions take a lexeme with its position and may return a token; in
-- a variant, an error can be returned (EXPORTED)
--  * if there is no token returned, the current lexeme is discarded lexing
--   continues looking for a token
type Action    t = String -> Position -> Maybe t
type ActionErr t = String -> Position -> Either Error t

-- Meta actions transform the lexeme, position, and a user-defined state; they
-- may return a lexer, which is then used for accepting the next token (this
-- is important to implement non-regular behaviour like nested comments)
type Meta s t = String -> Position -> s -> (Maybe (Either Error t), -- err/tok?
					    Position,		    -- new pos
					    s,			    -- state
					    Maybe (Lexer s t))	    -- lexer?

-- tree structure used to represent the lexer table (EXPORTED ABSTRACTLY) 
--  * each node in the tree corresponds to a state of the lexer; the associated 
--   actions are those that apply when the corresponding state is reached
data Lexer s t = Lexer (LexAction s t) (Cont s t)

-- represent the continuation of a lexer
data Cont s t = -- on top of the tree, where entries are dense, we use arrays
		Dense BoundsNum (Array Char (Lexer s t))
		-- further down, where the valid entries are sparse, we
		-- use association lists, to save memory (the first argument
		-- is the length of the list)
	      | Sparse BoundsNum [(Char, Lexer s t)]
		-- end of a automaton
	      | Done
--	      deriving Show

-- lexical action (EXPORTED ABSTRACTLY)
data LexAction s t = Action   (Meta s t)
		   | NoAction
--		   deriving Show

-- a regular expression (EXPORTED)
type Regexp s t = Lexer s t -> Lexer s t

-- basic combinators
-- -----------------

-- Empty lexeme (EXPORTED)
epsilon :: Regexp s t
epsilon :: Regexp s t
epsilon  = Regexp s t
forall a. a -> a

-- One character regexp (EXPORTED) 
char   :: Char -> Regexp s t
char :: Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
c  = \Lexer s t
l -> LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
Lexer LexAction s t
forall s t. LexAction s t
NoAction (BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
forall s t. BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
Sparse (Int
1, Char
c, Char
c) [(Char
c, Lexer s t

-- Concatenation of regexps (EXPORTED)
(+>) :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
+> :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
(+>)  = Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

-- Close a regular expression with an action that converts the lexeme into a
-- token (EXPORTED)
--  * Note: After the application of the action, the position is advanced
--	   according to the length of the lexeme.  This implies that normal
--	   actions should not be used in the case where a lexeme might contain 
--	   control characters that imply non-standard changes of the position, 
--	   such as newlines or tabs.
lexaction      :: Regexp s t -> Action t -> Lexer s t
lexaction :: Regexp s t -> Action t -> Lexer s t
lexaction Regexp s t
re Action t
a  = Regexp s t
re Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall c a a.
-> Position -> c -> (Maybe (Either a t), Position, c, Maybe a)
    a' :: String
-> Position -> c -> (Maybe (Either a t), Position, c, Maybe a)
a' String
lexeme pos :: Position
pos@(Position String
fname Int
row Int
col) c
s = 
       let col' :: Int
col' = Int
col Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ String -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length String
col' Int
-> (Maybe (Either a t), Position, c, Maybe a)
-> (Maybe (Either a t), Position, c, Maybe a)
`seq` case Action t
a String
lexeme Position
pos of
		    Maybe t
Nothing -> (Maybe (Either a t)
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, (String -> Int -> Int -> Position
Position String
fname Int
row Int
col'), c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
		    Just t
t  -> (Either a t -> Maybe (Either a t)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (t -> Either a t
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right t
t), (String -> Int -> Int -> Position
Position String
fname Int
row Int
col'), c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a

-- Variant for actions that may returns an error (EXPORTED)
lexactionErr      :: Regexp s t -> ActionErr t -> Lexer s t
lexactionErr :: Regexp s t -> ActionErr t -> Lexer s t
lexactionErr Regexp s t
re ActionErr t
a  = Regexp s t
re Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall c a.
-> Position -> c -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Position, c, Maybe a)
     a' :: String
-> Position -> c -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Position, c, Maybe a)
a' String
lexeme pos :: Position
pos@(Position String
fname Int
row Int
col) c
s = 
       let col' :: Int
col' = Int
col Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ String -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length String
col' Int
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Position, c, Maybe a)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Position, c, Maybe a)
`seq` (Either Error t -> Maybe (Either Error t)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (ActionErr t
a String
lexeme Position
pos), (String -> Int -> Int -> Position
Position String
fname Int
row Int
col'), c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a

-- Close a regular expression with a meta action (EXPORTED)
--  * Note: Meta actions have to advance the position in dependence of the
--	   lexeme by themselves.
lexmeta      :: Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
lexmeta :: Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
lexmeta Regexp s t
re Meta s t
a  = Regexp s t
re (LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
Lexer (Meta s t -> LexAction s t
forall s t. Meta s t -> LexAction s t
Action Meta s t
a) Cont s t
forall s t. Cont s t

-- disjunctive combination of two regexps (EXPORTED)
(>|<)      :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
Regexp s t
re >|< :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
>|< Regexp s t
re'  = \Lexer s t
l -> Regexp s t
re Lexer s t
l Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Regexp s t
re' Lexer s t

-- disjunctive combination of two lexers (EXPORTED)
(>||<)                         :: Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
(Lexer LexAction s t
a Cont s t
c) >||< :: Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< (Lexer LexAction s t
a' Cont s t
c')  = LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
Lexer (LexAction s t -> LexAction s t -> LexAction s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> LexAction s t -> LexAction s t
joinActions LexAction s t
a LexAction s t
a') (Cont s t -> Cont s t -> Cont s t
forall s t. Cont s t -> Cont s t -> Cont s t
joinConts Cont s t
c Cont s t

-- combine two disjunctive continuations
joinConts :: Cont s t -> Cont s t -> Cont s t
joinConts :: Cont s t -> Cont s t -> Cont s t
joinConts Cont s t
Done Cont s t
c'   = Cont s t
joinConts Cont s t
c    Cont s t
Done = Cont s t
joinConts Cont s t
c    Cont s t
c'   = let (BoundsNum
bn , [(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls ) = Cont s t -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
forall s t. Cont s t -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
listify Cont s t
bn', [(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls') = Cont s t -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
forall s t. Cont s t -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
listify Cont s t
		      -- note: `addsBoundsNum' can, at this point, only
		      --       approx. the number of *non-overlapping* cases;
		      --       however, the bounds are correct 
                      BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
forall s t. BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
aggregate (BoundsNum -> BoundsNum -> BoundsNum
addBoundsNum BoundsNum
bn BoundsNum
bn') ([(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> [(Char, Lexer s t)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [(Char, Lexer s t)]
    listify :: Cont s t -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
listify (Dense  BoundsNum
n Array Char (Lexer s t)
arr) = (BoundsNum
n, Array Char (Lexer s t) -> [(Char, Lexer s t)]
forall i e. Ix i => Array i e -> [(i, e)]
assocs Array Char (Lexer s t)
    listify (Sparse BoundsNum
n [(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls) = (BoundsNum
n, [(Char, Lexer s t)]
    listify Cont s t
_		   = String -> (BoundsNum, [(Char, Lexer s t)])
forall a. String -> a
interr String
"Lexers.listify: Impossible argument!"

-- combine two actions
joinActions :: LexAction s t -> LexAction s t -> LexAction s t
joinActions :: LexAction s t -> LexAction s t -> LexAction s t
joinActions LexAction s t
NoAction LexAction s t
a'       = LexAction s t
joinActions LexAction s t
a	     LexAction s t
NoAction = LexAction s t
joinActions LexAction s t
_        LexAction s t
_        = String -> LexAction s t
forall a. String -> a
interr String
"Lexers.>||<: Overlapping actions!"

-- Note: `n' is only an upper bound of the number of non-overlapping cases
aggregate :: BoundsNum -> ([(Char, Lexer s t)]) -> Cont s t
aggregate :: BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
aggregate bn :: BoundsNum
n, Char
lc, Char
hc) [(Char, Lexer s t)]
  | Int
n Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
denseMin = BoundsNum -> Array Char (Lexer s t) -> Cont s t
forall s t. BoundsNum -> Array Char (Lexer s t) -> Cont s t
Dense  BoundsNum
bn ((Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t)
-> Lexer s t
-> (Char, Char)
-> [(Char, Lexer s t)]
-> Array Char (Lexer s t)
forall i e a.
Ix i =>
(e -> a -> e) -> e -> (i, i) -> [(i, a)] -> Array i e
accumArray Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
(>||<) Lexer s t
forall s t. Lexer s t
noLexer (Char
lc, Char
hc) [(Char, Lexer s t)]
  | Bool
otherwise     = BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
forall s t. BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
Sparse BoundsNum
bn ((Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t)
-> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> [(Char, Lexer s t)]
forall a b. Eq a => (b -> b -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
accum Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
(>||<) [(Char, Lexer s t)]
    noLexer :: Lexer s t
noLexer = LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
Lexer LexAction s t
forall s t. LexAction s t
NoAction Cont s t
forall s t. Cont s t

-- combine the elements in the association list that have the same key
accum :: Eq a => (b -> b -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
accum :: (b -> b -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
accum b -> b -> b
f []           = []
accum b -> b -> b
f ((a
k, b
e):[(a, b)]
kes) = 
  let ((a, b)
ke, [(a, b)]
kes') = a -> b -> [(a, b)] -> ((a, b), [(a, b)])
forall t. Eq t => t -> b -> [(t, b)] -> ((t, b), [(t, b)])
gather a
k b
e [(a, b)]
  (a, b)
ke (a, b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: (b -> b -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
forall a b. Eq a => (b -> b -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
accum b -> b -> b
f [(a, b)]
    gather :: t -> b -> [(t, b)] -> ((t, b), [(t, b)])
gather t
k b
e []                             = ((t
k, b
e), [])
    gather t
k b
e (ke' :: (t, b)
k', b
e'):[(t, b)]
kes) | t
k t -> t -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== t
k'   = t -> b -> [(t, b)] -> ((t, b), [(t, b)])
gather t
k (b -> b -> b
f b
e b
e') [(t, b)]
				  | Bool
otherwise = let 
						  ((t, b)
ke'', [(t, b)]
kes') = t -> b -> [(t, b)] -> ((t, b), [(t, b)])
gather t
k b
e [(t, b)]
						((t, b)
ke'', (t, b)
ke'(t, b) -> [(t, b)] -> [(t, b)]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:[(t, b)]

-- handling of control characters
-- ------------------------------

-- control characters recognized by `ctrlLexer' (EXPORTED)
ctrlChars :: [Char]
ctrlChars :: String
ctrlChars  = [Char
'\n', Char
'\r', Char
'\f', Char

-- control lexer (EXPORTED)
--  * implements proper `Position' management in the presence of the standard
--   layout control characters
ctrlLexer :: Lexer s t
ctrlLexer :: Lexer s t
ctrlLexer  =     
       Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
'\n' Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall p c a a.
p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
  Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
'\r' Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall p c a a.
p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
  Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
'\v' Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall p c a a.
p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
  Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
'\f' Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall p c a a.
p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
  Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char Char
'\t' Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Meta s t -> Lexer s t
`lexmeta` Meta s t
forall p c a a.
p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
    newline :: p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
newline  p
_ Position
pos c
s = (Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, Position -> Position
retPos Position
pos  , c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
    formfeed :: p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
formfeed p
_ Position
pos c
s = (Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, Position -> Int -> Position
incPos Position
pos Int
1, c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
    tab :: p -> Position -> c -> (Maybe a, Position, c, Maybe a)
tab      p
_ Position
pos c
s = (Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, Position -> Position
tabPos Position
pos  , c
s, Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a

-- non-basic combinators
-- ---------------------

-- x `star` y corresponds to the regular expression x*y (EXPORTED)
star :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
-- The definition used below can be obtained by equational reasoning from this
-- one (which is much easier to understand): 
--   star re1 re2 = let self = (re1 +> self >|< epsilon) in self +> re2
-- However, in the above, `self' is of type `Regexp s t' (ie, a functional),
-- whereas below it is of type `Lexer s t'.  Thus, below we have a graphical
-- body (finite representation of an infinite structure), which doesn't grow
-- with the size of the accepted lexeme - in contrast to the definition using
-- the functional recursion.
star :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
star Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t
re2  = \Lexer s t
l -> let self :: Lexer s t
self = Regexp s t
re1 Lexer s t
self Lexer s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Lexer s t -> Lexer s t -> Lexer s t
>||< Regexp s t
re2 Lexer s t
		      Lexer s t

-- x `plus` y corresponds to the regular expression x+y (EXPORTED)
plus         :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
plus :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
plus Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t
re2  = Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
+> (Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
`star` Regexp s t

-- x `quest` y corresponds to the regular expression x?y (EXPORTED)
quest         :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
quest :: Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
quest Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t
re2  = (Regexp s t
re1 Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
+> Regexp s t
re2) Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
>|< Regexp s t

-- accepts a non-empty set of alternative characters (EXPORTED)
alt    :: [Char] -> Regexp s t
--  Equiv. to `(foldr1 (>|<) . map char) cs', but much faster
alt :: String -> Regexp s t
alt []  = String -> Regexp s t
forall a. String -> a
interr String
"Lexers.alt: Empty character set!"
alt String
cs  = \Lexer s t
l -> let bnds :: BoundsNum
bnds = (String -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length String
cs, String -> Char
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a
minimum String
cs, String -> Char
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a
maximum String
		LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
forall s t. LexAction s t -> Cont s t -> Lexer s t
Lexer LexAction s t
forall s t. LexAction s t
NoAction (BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
forall s t. BoundsNum -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Cont s t
aggregate BoundsNum
bnds [(Char
c, Lexer s t
l) | Char
c <- String

-- accept a character sequence (EXPORTED)
string    :: String -> Regexp s t
string :: String -> Regexp s t
string []  = String -> Regexp s t
forall a. String -> a
interr String
"Lexers.string: Empty character set!"
string String
cs  = ((Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t)
-> [Regexp s t] -> Regexp s t
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
foldr1 Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Regexp s t -> Regexp s t -> Regexp s t
(+>) ([Regexp s t] -> Regexp s t)
-> (String -> [Regexp s t]) -> String -> Regexp s t
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Char -> Regexp s t) -> String -> [Regexp s t]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Char -> Regexp s t
forall s t. Char -> Regexp s t
char) String

-- execution of a lexer
-- --------------------

-- threaded top-down during lexing (current input, current position, meta
-- state) (EXPORTED)
type LexerState s = (String, Position, s)

-- apply a lexer, yielding a token sequence and a list of errors (EXPORTED)
--  * Currently, all errors are fatal; thus, the result is undefined in case of 
--   an error (this changes when error correction is added).
--  * The final lexer state is returned.
--  * The order of the error messages is undefined.
execLexer :: Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
--  * the following is moderately tuned
execLexer :: Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
execLexer Lexer s t
l state :: LexerState s
state@([], Position
_, s
_) = ([], LexerState s
state, [])
execLexer Lexer s t
l LexerState s
state            = 
  case Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
lexOne Lexer s t
l LexerState s
state of
    (Maybe (Either Error t)
Nothing , Lexer s t
_ , LexerState s
state') -> Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
forall s t.
Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
execLexer Lexer s t
l LexerState s
    (Just Either Error t
res, Lexer s t
l', LexerState s
state') -> let ([t]
ts, LexerState s
final, [Error]
allErrs) = Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
forall s t.
Lexer s t -> LexerState s -> ([t], LexerState s, [Error])
execLexer Lexer s t
l' LexerState s
			      in case Either Error t
res of
			        (Left  Error
err) -> ([t]
ts  , LexerState s
final, Error
errError -> [Error] -> [Error]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
				(Right t
t  ) -> (t
tt -> [t] -> [t]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
ts, LexerState s
final, [Error]
    -- accept a single lexeme
    -- lexOne :: Lexer s t -> LexerState s t
    --	      -> (Either Error (Maybe t), Lexer s t, LexerState s t)
    lexOne :: Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
lexOne Lexer s t
l0 LexerState s
state = Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
oneLexeme Lexer s t
l0 LexerState s
state DList Char
forall a. DList a
zeroDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
forall b. (Maybe (Either Error b), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
        -- the result triple of `lexOne' that signals a lexical error;
        -- the result state is advanced by one character for error correction
	lexErr :: (Maybe (Either Error b), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
lexErr = let (String
cs, pos :: Position
pos@(Position String
fname Int
row Int
col), s
s) = LexerState s
	             err :: Error
err = ErrorLvl -> Position -> [String] -> Error
makeError ErrorLvl
ErrorErr Position
"Lexical error!", 
"The character " String -> DList Char
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Char -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (String -> Char
forall a. [a] -> a
head String
			      String -> DList Char
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" does not fit here; skipping it."]
		 (Either Error b -> Maybe (Either Error b)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Error -> Either Error b
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left Error
err), Lexer s t
l, (DList Char
forall a. DList a
tail String
cs, (String -> Int -> Int -> Position
Position String
fname Int
row (Int
col Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
1)), s

	-- we take an open list of characters down, where we accumulate the
	-- lexeme; this function returns maybe a token, the next lexer to use
	-- (can be altered by a meta action), the new lexer state, and a list
	-- of errors
	-- we implement the "principle of the longest match" by taking a
	-- potential result quadruple down (in the last argument); the
	-- potential result quadruple is updated whenever we pass by an action 
	-- (different from `NoAction'); initially it is an error result
	-- oneLexeme :: Lexer s t
	--	     -> LexerState
	--	     -> DList Char 
	--	     -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Maybe (Lexer s t), 
	--		 LexerState s t)
	--	     -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Maybe (Lexer s t), 
	--		 LexerState s t)
	oneLexeme :: Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
oneLexeme (Lexer LexAction s t
a Cont s t
cont) state :: LexerState s
cs, Position
pos, s
s) DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last =
	  let last' :: (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last' = LexAction s t
-> DList Char
-> LexerState s
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
action LexAction s t
a DList Char
csDL LexerState s
state (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
	  in case String
cs of
	    []      -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
cs') -> Cont s t
-> Char
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
oneChar Cont s t
cont Char
c (String
cs', Position
pos, s
s) DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)

        oneChar :: Cont s t
-> Char
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
oneChar Cont s t
Done            Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last = (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
        oneChar (Dense  BoundsNum
bn Array Char (Lexer s t)
arr) Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
	  | Char
c Char -> BoundsNum -> Bool
`inBounds` BoundsNum
bn = Lexer s t
-> Char
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
cont (Array Char (Lexer s t)
arrArray Char (Lexer s t) -> Char -> Lexer s t
forall i e. Ix i => Array i e -> i -> e
c) Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
	  | Bool
otherwise       = (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
	oneChar (Sparse BoundsNum
bn [(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls) Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
	  | Char
c Char -> BoundsNum -> Bool
`inBounds` BoundsNum
bn = case Char -> [(Char, Lexer s t)] -> Maybe (Lexer s t)
forall a b. Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
lookup Char
c [(Char, Lexer s t)]
cls of
			        Maybe (Lexer s t)
Nothing -> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
				Just Lexer s t
l' -> Lexer s t
-> Char
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
cont Lexer s t
l' Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
          | Bool
otherwise       = (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)

	-- continue within the current lexeme
	cont :: Lexer s t
-> Char
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
cont Lexer s t
l' Char
c LexerState s
state DList Char
csDL (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last = Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> DList Char
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
oneLexeme Lexer s t
l' LexerState s
state (DList Char
csDL DList Char -> Char -> DList Char
forall a. DList a -> a -> DList a
`snocDL` Char
c) (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)

	-- execute the action if present and finalise the current lexeme
	action :: LexAction s t
-> DList Char
-> LexerState s
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
action (Action Meta s t
f) DList Char
csDL (String
cs, Position
pos, s
s) (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last = 
	  case Meta s t
f (DList Char -> String
forall a. DList a -> [a]
closeDL DList Char
csDL) Position
pos s
s of
	    (Maybe (Either Error t)
Nothing, Position
pos', s
s', Maybe (Lexer s t)
	      | Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null (String -> Bool) -> String -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
cs     -> Lexer s t
-> LexerState s
-> (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
lexOne (Lexer s t -> Maybe (Lexer s t) -> Lexer s t
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Lexer s t
l0 Maybe (Lexer s t)
l') (String
cs, Position
pos', s
	    (Maybe (Either Error t)
res    , Position
pos', s
s', Maybe (Lexer s t)
l') -> (Maybe (Either Error t)
res, (Lexer s t -> Maybe (Lexer s t) -> Lexer s t
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Lexer s t
l0 Maybe (Lexer s t)
l'), (String
cs, Position
pos', s
	action LexAction s t
NoAction DList Char
csDL LexerState s
state (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last =
	  (Maybe (Either Error t), Lexer s t, LexerState s)
last						-- no change