{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Data.Group.Free
-- Copyright    : (c) 2020 Reed Mullanix, Emily Pillmore
-- License      : BSD-style
-- Maintainer   : Reed Mullanix <reedmullanix@gmail.com>,
--                Emily Pillmore <emilypi@cohomolo.gy>
-- Stability    : stable
-- Portability  : non-portable
-- This module provides definitions for 'FreeGroup's and 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup's,
-- along with useful combinators.
module Data.Group.Free
( -- * Free groups
  -- ** Free group combinators
, simplify
, interpret
, interpret'
, present
  -- * Free abelian groups
, FreeAbelianGroup
, pattern FreeAbelianGroup
, mkFreeAbelianGroup
, runFreeAbelianGroup
  -- ** Free abelian group combinators
, abfoldMap
, abmap
, abjoin
, singleton
, abInterpret
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Group
import Data.Group.Free.Internal
import Data.Group.Order
import Data.Semigroup(Semigroup(..))

-- $setup
-- >>> import qualified Prelude
-- >>> import Data.Group
-- >>> import Data.Monoid
-- >>> import Data.Semigroup
-- >>> import Data.Word
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Free groups

-- | A representation of a free group over an alphabet @a@.
-- The intuition here is that @Left a@ represents a "negative" @a@,
-- whereas @Right a@ represents "positive" @a@.
-- __Note:__ This does not perform simplification upon multiplication or construction.
-- To do this, one should use 'simplify'.
newtype FreeGroup a = FreeGroup { runFreeGroup :: [Either a a] }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Semigroup (FreeGroup a) where
    (FreeGroup g) <> (FreeGroup g') = FreeGroup (g ++ g')

instance Monoid (FreeGroup a) where
    mempty = FreeGroup []

instance Group (FreeGroup a) where
    invert = FreeGroup
      . fmap (either Right Left)
      . reverse
      . runFreeGroup

instance Eq a => GroupOrder (FreeGroup a) where
    -- TODO: It performs simplify each time @order@ is called.
    --   Once "auto-simplify" is implemented, this
    --   call of simplify should be removed.
    order g | simplify g == mempty = Finite 1
            | otherwise = Infinite

instance Functor FreeGroup where
    fmap f (FreeGroup g) = FreeGroup $ fmap (bimap f f) g

instance Applicative FreeGroup where
    pure a = FreeGroup $ pure $ pure a
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad FreeGroup where
    return = pure
    (FreeGroup g) >>= f = FreeGroup $ concatMap go g
          go (Left a)  = runFreeGroup $ invert (f a)
          go (Right a) = runFreeGroup $ f a

instance Alternative FreeGroup where
    empty = mempty
    (<|>) = (<>)

-- | /O(n)/ Simplifies a word in a free group.
-- === __Examples:__
-- >>> simplify $ FreeGroup [Right 'a', Left 'b', Right 'c', Left 'c', Right 'b', Right 'a']
-- FreeGroup {runFreeGroup = [Right 'a',Right 'a']}
simplify :: (Eq a) => FreeGroup a -> FreeGroup a
simplify (FreeGroup g) = FreeGroup $ foldr go [] g
      go (Left a) ((Right a'):as) | a == a' = as
      go (Right a) ((Left a'):as) | a == a' = as
      go a as = a:as

-- | /O(n)/ Interpret a word in a free group over some group @g@ as an element in a group @g@.
interpret :: (Group g) => FreeGroup g -> g
interpret (FreeGroup g) = foldr go mempty g
      go (Left a) acc  = invert a <> acc
      go (Right a) acc = a <> acc

-- | /O(n)/ Strict variant of 'interpret'.
interpret' :: (Group g) => FreeGroup g -> g
interpret' (FreeGroup g) = foldl' go mempty g
      go acc (Left a) = acc <> invert a
      go acc (Right a) = acc <> a

-- | Present a 'Group' as a 'FreeGroup' modulo relations.
present :: Group g => FreeGroup g -> (FreeGroup g -> g) -> g
present = flip ($)
{-# inline present #-}

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Free abelian groups

-- | /O(n)/ Constructs a 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup' from a finite 'Map' from
-- the set of generators (@a@) to its multiplicities.
mkFreeAbelianGroup :: Ord a => Map a Integer -> FreeAbelianGroup a
mkFreeAbelianGroup = MkFreeAbelianGroup . Map.filter (/= 0)

-- | /O(1)/ Gets a representation of 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup' as
-- 'Map'. The returned map contains no records with
-- multiplicity @0@ i.e. @'Map.lookup' a@ on the returned map
-- never returns @Just 0@.
runFreeAbelianGroup :: FreeAbelianGroup a -> Map a Integer
runFreeAbelianGroup (MkFreeAbelianGroup g) = g

-- NOTE: We can't implement Functor/Applicative/Monad here
-- due to the Ord constraint. C'est La Vie!

-- | Given a function from generators to an abelian group @g@,
-- lift that function to a group homomorphism from 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup' to @g@.
-- In other words, it's a function analogus to 'foldMap' for 'Monoid' or
-- 'Data.Group.Foldable.goldMap' for @Group@.
abfoldMap :: (Abelian g) => (a -> g) -> FreeAbelianGroup a -> g
abfoldMap f = Map.foldlWithKey' step mempty . runFreeAbelianGroup
    step g a n = g <> pow (f a) n

-- | Functorial 'fmap' for a 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup'.
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> singleton 'a' <> singleton 'A'
-- FreeAbelianGroup $ fromList [('A',1),('a',1)]
-- >>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- >>> abmap toUpper $ singleton 'a' <> singleton 'A'
-- FreeAbelianGroup $ fromList [('A',2)]
abmap :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> FreeAbelianGroup a -> FreeAbelianGroup b
abmap f = abfoldMap (singleton . f)

-- | Lift a singular value into a 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup'. Analogous to 'pure'.
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> singleton "foo"
-- FreeAbelianGroup $ fromList [("foo",1)]
singleton :: a -> FreeAbelianGroup a
singleton a = MkFreeAbelianGroup $ Map.singleton a 1

-- | Monadic 'join' for a 'Data.Group.Free.FreeAbelianGroup'.
abjoin :: (Ord a) => FreeAbelianGroup (FreeAbelianGroup a) -> FreeAbelianGroup a
abjoin = abInterpret

-- | Interpret a free group as a word in the underlying group @g@.
abInterpret :: (Abelian g) => FreeAbelianGroup g -> g
abInterpret = abfoldMap id

-- | Bidirectional pattern synonym for the construction of
-- 'Data.Group.Free.Internal.FreeAbelianGroup's.
pattern FreeAbelianGroup :: Ord a => Map a Integer -> FreeAbelianGroup a
pattern FreeAbelianGroup g <- MkFreeAbelianGroup g where
    FreeAbelianGroup g = mkFreeAbelianGroup g
{-# complete FreeAbelianGroup #-}