group-theory- The theory of groups

Copyright(c) 2020 Emily Pillmore
MaintainerReed Mullanix <>, Emily Pillmore <>
Safe HaskellSafe




This module provides definitions for Permutations along with useful combinators.


Permutation groups

data Permutation a Source #

Isomorphism of a type onto itself. Each entry consists of one half of the isomorphism.

Note: It is the responsibility of the user to provide inverse proofs for to and from. Be responsible!


>>> p1 = permute succ pred :: Permutation Integer
>>> p2 = permute negate negate :: Permutation Integer
>>> to (p1 <> p2) 2
>>> from (p1 <> p2) (-1)
>>> to (p2 <> p1) 2

Permutations on a finite set a (, indicated by satisfying (Bounded a, Enum a) constraint,) can be tested their equality and computed their orders.

>>> c1 = permute not not :: Permutation Bool
>>> c1 <> c1 == mempty
>>> order c1
Finite 2




  • to :: a -> a

    The forward half of the bijection

  • from :: a -> a

    The inverse half of the bijection

(Enum a, Bounded a) => Eq (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation

(Enum a, Bounded a) => Ord (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation

Semigroup (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation

Monoid (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation

Group (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation

(Enum a, Bounded a) => GroupOrder (Permutation a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Group.Permutation


order :: Permutation a -> Order Source #

Permutation group combinators

permute :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Permutation a Source #

Build a Permutation from a bijective pair.

pairwise :: Permutation a -> (a -> a, a -> a) Source #

Destroy a Permutation, producing the underlying pair of bijections.

(-$) :: Permutation a -> a -> a infixr 0 Source #

Infix alias for the to half of Permutation bijection

($-) :: Permutation a -> a -> a infixr 0 Source #

Infix alias for the from half of Permutation bijection

embed :: Group g => g -> Permutation g Source #

Embed a Group into the Permutation group on it's underlying set.

retract :: Group g => Permutation g -> g Source #

Get a group element out of the permutation group. This is a left inverse to embed, i.e.

   retract . embed = id

Permutation patterns

pattern Permute :: Group g => Permutation g -> g Source #

Bidirectional pattern synonym for embedding/retraction of groups into their permutation groups.